Pieces- I.F.L.Y 7


Wade sighed as he hung up with his friend. He tried to set Yomeja up with someone who had no soulmark but she canceled last minute...again. He decided  to call her to see what happened this time.

"What do you want Wilson?," Yomeja answered the third ring.

"For you to go on the dates I set," he replied, "what happened this time? You've decided to stop trying to move on."

"No I got my arse kicked, " she replied causing him to sit up from the couch abruptly.

"Why didn't you fight back?," he asked, he knew she wasn't human, she could beat him up.

"Peter was in the next room, I didn't want to risk hurting him...or," she trailed off.

"Have him see your mark," he finished for her.

"I'm sorry Wade I just...I need a break," she told him.

"I'm on my way," he said hanging up on her as she protested.

He dressed quickly hoping she wouldn't be too mad at him,he decided to by her favorite flowers,not caring for the stares he received because of his face. Yomeja liked it and for him,that was more than enough. As he walked to the Avengers Tower he thought only of her,no she wasn't his soulmate but he was mark less,and if she was too, they'd be great together. Shaking his head at the thought he ignored the stares as he went up to her floor.

The Avengers sat in silence eating pizza they ordered. They usually eat Yomeja's cooking but she was on a date. Peter didn't want to discuss his college field trip in the Tower and Tony was too upset with her being on a date to answer Happy's many calls.

'He probably wonders why Yomeja is on a date,'Tony thought, she never dated yet...now she was.

Did she have a soulmate?

Was she happy?

How much time did they have?

Yes they were all mated to each other but she was there to fill the gaps. The words they couldn't find,the comfort they couldn't give or receive,she was there always. If she left,would they make it?

The team perked up hearing the elevator ding.

"Hide the food," Thor whispered loudly,Yomeja hated take out food, it was good but not something that should be a habit. Every meal they ate at home she made and they had gotten use to it hoping she came home early to make something glorious. As they ran to the elevator to greet her they paused. A white male with badly damaged skin stood in the living room. Black boots,black jeans and a red flannel shirt with a black t shirt underneath.

"Hi," he chuckled nervously,the large bouquet of red and white roses with bright sunflowers was held close to his chest,"I'm looking for Lasianna," he told them.

"There is no Lasianna," Wanda told him wondering how he knew which elevator to take to their floor and why was he allowed access.

"Friday you allowed a stranger through?," Steve asked confused.

"Mr. Wilson is a friend of  Yomeja," Friday replied.

"You called her Lasianna," Bruce stated.

"Yomeja Consí Lasianna Stella," Wade said," I prefer her middle name."

"So you're here for her,but she's on...a date," Pietro said,the words bitter in his mouth.

"No she's in her place...if I could find it," Wade said.

"But she told us-," Natasha began but he cut her off.

"She's had a bad day,says someone kicked her ass," Wade blurted out wincing internally at what he didn't mean to say.

"What?," they all yelled in unison.

"Yeah,so I brought her favorite flowers," he beamed looking around the place," I should be on a black floor,looks like Lucifer's lair," he told them causing Pietro to come forward.

"Come it's on the 13th floor," Pietro announced.

"Why 13th?," Clint asked,"isn't that number bad luck?"

"It's her favorite number," Wade and Peter said in unison as Wade cleared his throat.

"I'm here for comic release," Wade whispered to Peter angrily, "not you!," Peter looked at him awkwardly and stepped away as Wade nodded his head. The doors opened to show Yemoja on the kitchen counter her hair wild upon her head,clothed in a sheer lace robe bathed in red light upon her perky almond colored nipples,full breast chunky stomach,thick shapely thighs and bare feet. Her eyes rolled back as her plump lips moved quickly chanting,a leather choker on her throat a golden spell book in her hands.

Every one was aroused at the simple yet sinister sight as she chanted louder standing on her feet,her pussy almost in full view as she bounced her ass clapped and her full breast bounced. Dropping to her knees she pulled out a small blade that had Wanda use her powers to snatch it from Yomeja's hand.

Yomeja gasped in shock looking up she saw her mates and Wade. Their mouths open as only Wanda looked at her angrily. Realizing her position Yomeja got off the counter clapping her hands the bright lights came on.

"Hi everyone," Yomeja said walking to them then stopping remembering her robe was open and see through.

"You are Persephone, I'm Hades lets be together," Wade said walking to her and hugging her tighter than needed as he squeezed her ass she shoved him off playfully.

"I'm taking this home," he said smelling the hand her touched her with.

"Ahem," a few team members said trying to get her attention. Yomeja looked around Wade to them,her face peeked out still bruised they gasped in shock.

"What happened?," Vision asked trying not to yell.

"Calm down," Yomeja said.

"I highly doubt that's possible,"Bruce responded.

"Did someone hurt you?," Clint asked touching her face gently as he touched her side, spinning her they saw her bruised back. Thor pulled the robe aside seeing how large it was. His rough finger tips touched it slowly feeling how tender it was, Thor ignored the little electric tingles that coursed through his body,his member was rock hard but he wanted to focus on Yomeja's bruises more.

"They will pay,just tell me their name," Thor seemed to growl walking around her to look into her eyes.

"Your an Omega?," Tony asked aloud as the others noticed the O symbol with a slanted line through it on her back between her exposed shoulder blades.

"How about you guys go sit down,get comfortable and Wade helps me get dressed," Yomeja said purple eyes focused on her friend, "I'll explain everything later."

"Yay," Wade stated excitedly but Steve pulled him back.

"Let Natasha and Wanda get you dressed," Vision stated.

"Next time," Wade called out as the trio left the room.

"Who is he?, " Natasha asked trying not to stare at the girls naked body. Seeing something move in the womans hair she reached for it,feeling static shock she flinched slightly at the chill that traveled through her body making her fill a knot of want in her body. Wanda wondered how Yomeja moaned and what she was into sexually if her display was anything probably something dark and sexy.

"An old friend," Yomeja replied as they entered her room. It was huge,a small table and chair was at the far left as many stuffed animals covered the all black bed,a make up table to the right and a large t.v on the wall, it was cute but...dark. Opening her closet they walked in,platforms and combat boots covered the shelves more than anything. All the clothes that hung neatly was only deep dark colors as Yomeja slipped on navy blue velvet underwear. Yomeja sat pulling on black lace tights, which seemed tantalizingly slow to the women who watched as she pulled on a black lace off the shoulder dress with short black heels.

"Wade likes to dance when he visits," Yomeja explained as she stood.

"He seems...close," Wanda told Yomeja wanting to know more.

"Well seven years does that," Yomeja responded quickly putting her concealment in place and spraying her perfume that made their soulmark on her nonexistent.

"What's that?," Natasha asked looking at the womans black bandage on her upper right thigh.

"Bad scar," Yomeja lied.


Tony sat with his mates and Wade in silence. They all admired her place despite the lack of bright colors it was beautiful and more her style.

"Maybe we should call Happy," Peter blurted out, "about you know," he added gesturing towards his face. Tony quickly pulled out his cell phone calling the man he was ignoring.

"Hey Happy," Tony said once Happy answered he put it on speakerphone.

"Mr. Stark it's about Ms. Stella," Happy began,"this guy Howard Jow...he attacked her," Happy stated.

"Friday switch to video call and show me  any footage of Yomeja at work today, " he added as Friday projected Happy along with the field trip footage.

"Peter alerted us and thank God he did," Happy told them.

"Zoom in,Happy what happened to...Jow?," Peter asked as they watched him take her out the room. They heard what was said as Bruce tried to suppress the Hulk. The last thing they expected was for anyone to harm Yomeja yet he seemed to do a number on her,even though she defended herself she shouldn't have to.

Omega's are treasured just as much as mates,so if Yomeja's pack found out, they'd have a lot to handle. Yet as Bruce thought about it,he didn't see it happening as he realized something.

"Does Yomeja even have a pack or an Alpha?," he asked.

"No she doesn't," Wade chimed in.

"Why not?," Steve asked.

"Well she's an orphan and no one claimed her," Wade informed them, "you've never once had this conversation with her?," he asked as they shook their heads no.

"Yomeja keeps us at a distance," Pietro told Wade who knew why she did it.

"I accused her of... having sex with him," Peter announced, "is she going to hate me?," he asked trying not to sound afraid yet they knew he was. Peter remembered her being there on his graduation,his first day of college even the holidays. Yet she needed him today,she just took his words and left,no yelling or hurting him,just left.

"We didn't react well to her wanting to see someone," Clint stated as the trio entered the room Wanda and Natasha gasped seeing the video on a loop.

"Ok so Happy obviously lied," Yomeja stated looking at Happy who hurried and ended the call.

"Why didn't you tell us?," Vision asked.

"You don't need me,remember?," Yomeja asked Thor,"Wanda wanted to attack me,Tony was busy being an Alpha and you all turned your back on me for me saying I might leave one day," Yomeja told them crossing her arms. Bruce grabbed her by the silver ring on her collar,pulling her to him,her chest pressed against his as his deep chocolate eyes mixed with swirls of green met her deep purple ones.

"And you deserved better," Bruce told her,lips inches from hers,her peach tea on his breath.

"We should've been better to you my dear plum," Tony said hugging her from behind as she unknowingly leaned into him.

"We won't do that ever again," Natasha said grabbing her bruised face lovingly.

"I was wrong I'm so sorry I let him hurt you," Peter sobbed hugging her waist his face buried in her shoulder.

"Its fine,stop touching me," she snapped only for the others to come hug her tightly.

"If this becomes an orgy I want to eat her out before any creampies happen," Wade stated from the couch.

"Sure Daddy," Yomeja said jokingly as the others groaned in disgust,each secretly agreeing to one with Yomeja only.

"Don't call him Daddy," Pietro mumbled into the crook of her neck.

"Trust me her body knows who's Daddy," Wade pressed hoping to irritate them, "I've seen it in action."

"Wade," Yomeja said in a warning tone as he laughed.

"I'm kidding...kind of," he added as Yomeja made a gagging sound.

"Are you ok?," Vision asked concerned.

"Physical contact makes her vomit," Wade said as they hurried to let go of her.

"I'm sorry it's just...so uncomfortable," Yomeja explained, no one really touched her so when it did occur she vomited or had a panic attack.

"You really should be touched more," Wade told her giving her the flowers she smiled brightly at him causing him to blush.

"How about you hurry up and touch me," she told him as he grabbed her ring around her collar, but with more force causing her to gasp out as he wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed lightly.

"I would like chicken alfredo,add the broccoli,carrots and peas,also some good wine," he told her his lips hovering over hers as she pecked the corner of his mouth like always. The Avengers weren't just jealous of the interaction but surprised to see her so calm and open with him.

"Yes sir," she replied Tony could tell she was into BDSM,she screamed bratty submissive and he loved it.

"Good girl," Wade told her stroking her head like a cat she closed her eyes in bliss then left to go do as he asked.

"I'll set up the game," he called out to her going to get the system.

"Which one?," she asked from the kitchen.

"Band Hero and the PS4 for Mortal Combat," he replied.

"Let's dance first then play," she told him.

"Anything for you my good girl," he flirted sighing in happiness,to be with her and to be pissing her mates off. Even though this was their usual interactions, they never saw it,he wanted them to make a move and discover she was their mate,despite her fear he knew it'd work out for her.

" l hate him,"they all said in unison,he knew so much about Yomeja that they didn't, he was even flirting with her, touching her in such sensual ways,it made their stomachs turn.

"Yomeja," Steve called out walking into the kitchen, she was bent over getting the items she needed.

"Yes Steve?," she gasped as he spun her around wrapping his hand on her chocolate neck he squeezed hard picking her up he sat her on the counter by the sink.

'I must be dreaming,' Yomeja thought to herself.

Steve watched as Yomeja's eyes darkened as she rubbed her thighs together feeling her body grow warm. His dark sapphire eyes held want as he pulled her thighs apart,her legs wrapped around his waist as he grinded into her she choked for air at feeling his arousal. Steve's hand was her her neck, applying the right pressure as she saw Pietro come in he smirked.

"Not such a big girl now,are you?," he teased his head laying on Steve's shoulder,her eyes flicked to his as he pulled her head back,his fist tight at the root of her hair.

'I couldn't be dreaming,' she thought as he left open mouth kisses on her jaw,kissing her bruise softly as Steve still had one hand on her neck,the other massaging her back,creeping lower and lower.

"You'll be our Omega,apart of our pack," Pietro and Steve growled into each ear. The constant grinding stimulated her clit  as she felt her self getting close,Steve smashed his lips on hers,pulling away so she wouldn't get the release,he tasted like mint as she tasted like black cherries,too quickly he pulled away. Pietro then kissed her biting on her bottom lip,his tongue explored her warm mouth as she tasted him,he reminded her of spicy cocoa,hot yet sweet. He pulled away as she looked into their eyes dazed.

"Pie...Stevie," she pouted,her lips wet and full.

"Think about us," Steve said walking off as Pietro wiped his bottom lip sexily, smirking.

"Hurry up with dinner,our sugar plum fairy," he told her walking out.

Yomeja was in a daze,nothing like that happened before,she was so unprepared  for it.

Were they giving up their mate for her?

Did they know she was their mate?

Did she really feel like cooking?

Shaking her head she got off the counter and fixed her clothes,she tried to push it to the back of her mind but couldn't.


"Yomeja dance time!," Wade called out as Yomeja  ran into the room,taking off her apron. The living room floor was cleared as Wade started the song she ran to him preparing herself.

Wade led her as she moved to his rhythm  her body was in his tight embrace,his hands touched her throat lightly, her hands tracing each inch of him as they swayed he spun her,her hair sticking to her glossed lips,he was close as he rocked his knees having her body obey his movements. Yomeja eyed him as if he was the only one,yet her mind was focused on how it'd feel to have Pietro or Steve touching her.

Facing away from him her lustful eyes fell onto them like how theirs were,they had her mind as he had her body

...for now.

Wade's hands was just above her ass as her spun her down then back up,soon he was caressing her again. He loved how he felt so alive doing the simplest of things with her. He loved feeling her body move by his touch, her eyes were sharp and controlled yet calling him in. Yet she belonged somewhere else... with them and as he saw how entranced they were with her,he was happy.

"I fucking love you," Yomeja sang out as his fingers coiled into her hair,she glowed from the inside, calming his usually loud mind. As the dance ended the team cheered for Yomeja who bowed at her waist.

"Let me get dinner and then I'm lead singer," Yomeja stated happily slipping off her shoes. Looking in Steve and Pietro's way she fell rushing to get up as they chucked. The others knew what happened, they felt their marks flare to life with desire. They wanted the details later but loved the idea of her being...theirs.

"This is divine," Clint said eating the food she made,she sat in the center as they sat around her.

"Your partner will love you," Wade said.

"We do," Steve and Pietro said causing Yomeja to cough violently as Wade patted her back.

"Ok time for band!," Yomeja explained as Tony went on lead guitar and Natasha got on bass guitar as Wade got on drums.

"Which song?," Vision asked.

"My favorite!," Yomeja yelled.

"My Sharona," Tony told Vision before Wade could.

'Points for him 0,points for us,two,' Tony said to himself happily.

As the music started Yomeja began to rock her hips to the beat.

" Oh my little pretty one,pretty one,when ya gonna give give me some time Sharona," Yomeja said grabbing the mic stand sexually,jumping her body bounced as she head banged,she danced against Tony sliding against his back. Yomeja then danced to Natasha she leaned back then forward to Yomeja's beat,happily seeing the woman enjoy herself.

Wade kissed her bruised cheek as she leaned over him licking his ear.

"Come a little close,huh,a-will ya,huh?
Close enough to look in my eyes, Sharona
Keeping it a mystery, it gets to me
Running down the length of my thigh, Sharona," Yomeja sang as the others joined in, watching her dance bare foot as she straddled Wanda who held her as she leaned far back,as she then pulled Peter up by him collar as he danced too grabbing the tambourine.

"M-m-m-m-my Sharona," they all yelled as the song ended. They played more as everyone took turns,giving each other happiness.

Peter crouched down in pain, trying not to yell as his chest burned,Steve and Pietro did too as Wade and her shared a glance the Bruce noticed. Yomeja took off to her room,rubbing lotion on quickly she dashed to the kitchen,just as Bruce did,she went to grab glasses for water,yet Bruce grabbed her tightly,eyes full of confusion.

"I'm... I'm sorry I thought...never mind,"Bruce said helping her get water.Yomeja was glad she thought quick or else the secret would be out.

Yet as Yomeja thought of Steve and Pietro,she wondered if it would be as bad as she imagined.


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