Pieces-Keeper 26


Once they were all across Libitina entered with Wade and Loki in silence. Taking off their cloak and standing at their full height, towering over the group.

"Welcome god of death, have any souls?," a robotic voice asked causing Libitina to scoff.

"Clean us off, send us through," the goddess responded as a large clicking sound echoed in the empty metal room. Soon the group exclaimed in surprise as water was sprayed on them followed by suds and then  waves of wind gusts followed waking up Yomeja who began to cry as Bucky and Vision tried to comfort her.

"Freedom to enter," the voice stated as the wall before them opened they tried to hold a stunned gasped.

"This is Middle Earth?," Sam asked seeing people walk that were almost ten feet, as others flew with wings and some had luminescent skin of different colors.

"Master Libitina,you're finally back," a cherry voice broke through as they saw a small floating grey light heading towards them that quickly changed into a young man. His hair was a short fro of grey with brown eyes,he had sun kissed hair with grey butterfly wings coming out of his back.

"Darien," the goddess stated to the beaming boy.

"I'm so glad you're back, Tylia needs more flying classes and Julik destroyed the praying room," he added looking at his clip board causing the goddess to sigh deeply.

"Bring Julik to me as well as Sol and Obvi," Libitina told him as he looked at his Master confused.

"Why you don't even like them," he blurted out as he finally noticed the group he flew through them to Yomeja,"sister!," he shouted causing Yomeja to look at him smiling his expression changed.

"What's wrong with her?," he asked confused flittering around to see her at every angle,"aw is she finally dying?," he asked is a cooing tone.

"Yo what the fuck?," Sam asked angrily.

"Our mate is just sick," Bruce stated in a defensive tone.

"No she's dying,looks like whatever happened was lethal," he added as his grey eyes glowed looking at her,"anti freeze as well as angels trumpet," he muttered to himself.

"I know that, do as I command," Libitina sighed as Darien flew off to do as told. Wade looked around noticing how many were either clothed by sheer silk or completely naked. The others did as well as they averted their eyes to not seem perverse.

"Why is everyone naked?," Bucky blurted out despite the others who ignored it.

"We are gods our nakedness is simply how we were born,why cover ourselves?," Libitina replied as they followed behind. So many of them stared at the group in awe never seeing humans before or wondering why they were there.

"Master,Master!," a voice yelled as a dark purple skinned goddess with luminescent freckles approached them. The woman wore a leather bra with a matching mini skirt and heels as her chains on her waist jangled. Libitina sighed deeply continuing  their brisk pace as the woman followed.

"What is it Vivid?," she asked bluntly.

"I heard that Master returned and I -," she began but stopped hearing a light yawn her eyes fell on Yomeja with anger, "you brought her?," she asked full of malice. Libitina stopped walking and turned to  glare at Vivid eyes glowing.

"Bite thy tongue before I remove it," she stated as the woman's anger seemed to disappear.

"But... but Libby," she pouted trying to hold the gods arm but Libitina pulled away.

"Find suitable rooms and wear for the guest," was all they stated before walking off confusing the group.

"Master?," Sam asked confused.

"Vivid is an underlying," Libitina responded.

"We get that much but is Yomeja a problem?," Tony asked.

"Yes she is," Libitina responded, " Vivid was an underlying of Yomeja, she passed her off to me."

"Why ?," Peter asked confused.

"She left here to pursue the safety of her mates," Libitina stated,"in a sense a few people feel betrayed."

The words hung in the air with the silence as Yomeja's mates began piecing together what she's hid for so long.


Once they had cleaned and settled into the rooms they finally had relaxed enough to discuss what had occurred.

"So there are gods and goddess inside Mount Everest," Stephen stated aloud hearing loud sighs in response.

"She's been poisoned with Angel's Trumpet and Anti-Freeze, according to Darien she's dying," Bruce added.

"But why have gods to responded to an emergency, is she chipped?," Tony asked.

"It is a possibility but seeing their lack of advance technology they may  be harmless," Vision added stroking the sleeping goddess now pink hair.

"I'm not questioning if they're safe,I'm questioning why their hidden, why Yomeja left so many people," Wanda told them.

"They seemed to adore her before she left, but if it was for us that was almost twenty years ago," Natasha said from across the room.

"Once Yomeja is cured we can ask her more details but one thing has been nagging me," Steve said laying his head on Thor's shoulder who sat quietly.

"Why are they helping if there is bad blood?," Thor asked yet Steve shook his head no.

"How does Fury not know," Peter answered.

"Exactly but also  where we're they the times before," Pietro said.

"I wonder how long Annalise has been right under our nose hurting her," Clint stated,"but I also wonder how did Hydra know our location,it's a vacation island owned by Tony that's completely off the grid."

"Annalise has to be with Hydra," Tony sighed.

"Yea but for how long and what does she gain?," Wanda asked.

"Yomeja being out of the picture isn't enough,it doesn't guarantee that we'll be with her," Pietro replied.

"Unless there's more to it, I doubt Hydra told her everything they may have only mentioned Yomeja being gone," Bruce stated.

"Considering she's not that bright,I agree," Peter replied. Their conversation was cut short by the sound of the automatic metal doors opening revealing Sam,Bucky, Wade and Loki.

" Hopefully were not interrupting an important conversation," Bucky stated.

"No just going over possibilities of all of this," Clint replied sighing.

"For all intents and purposes we probably do seem to be the problem especially when it comes to helping Yomeja hide," Loki chuckled nervously.

"But this time,we had no idea we're just as confused as you are," Wade added.

"Well I believe we all figured that one out, considering that a god of death is your soulmate and apparently you've never known," Sam told them.

"We are still trying to grasp even that,"Loki said sighing deeply as Wade comforted him.

"You both are their mate so I think that's great  so maybe it isn't something to be too upset about," Vision stated.

"Is that a joke?," Wade asked defensively.

"No brother,we are simply saying do not be too upset,maybe her protecting them is the same as to you protecting her," Thor said softly,at the time everything came out he did feel betrayed, but on another hand Loki had proved himself as trustworthy.

Hearing a soft knock at the door silenced the group as they opened showing Libitina,the god bent their knees slightly to enter the room.

"Come we got who we need," was all she said as she picked up Yomeja gently from the bed and walked out the room as they followed behind fill of curiosity. After a quiet walk they entered a medical bay watching Libitina lay their mate on a bed the sound of muffled arguing followed behind them.

"Hey,I know where I'm going!," a soft voice spoke out as warmth seemed to fill the room quickly followed by a soft yellow light.

"Ya' sure?," another voice asked in a mocking tone, "ye walk like baby deer, loud and confused with weak limbs."

The group was surprised to see two women, one with deep coconut skin, long golden hair and eyes burning brightly as her skin seemed to emit warmth and a soft glow. The woman next to her was the polar opposite, her skin looked like a soft mahogany with completely black eyes and hair that trailed behind her. They both stood at six feet as they stared at the group trying to access the situation.

"Sol and Oblivion, meet Yomeja's mates," Libitina started causing the women to chuckle.

"Who knew they'd be so ugly," Sol said trying to hold back laughter.

"At least there's a black guy," Oblivion said winking at Sam.

"Oh I'm not her mate," he replied stepping back towards Bucky.

"Even better, got room for one more?," she asked as Sol shoved her causing a loud clanking sound.

"You know you're going back, right?," Sol asked mockingly as Oblivion waved at them, they noticed she  was chained by her hands and feet with large black locks.

"So...why pull me out of a 150 year imprisonment?," Oblivion asked as Libitina stepped aside showing a young Yomeja they gasped.

"Oh great," she cooed approaching Yomeja, "your repressing...maybe dying."

"Why do people keep saying that?," Clint asked trying not to express anger.

"Well with gods in this state their body is fighting off toxins, if it can't it'll repress your ability's until you're healed or in a coma, a few years tops she'll be fine," Sol explained as she stroked Yomeja's hair.

"So she dies...I'm out of imprisonment...right?," Oblivion asked looking at Libitina.

"Or you stay in," Libitina told her causing the woman's black eyes to glow.

"Screw that, who's gonna keep me in, you?," Oblivion asked, "with what power?"

"Wait isn't she a goddess as well, are we making bargains to get you to save our mate?," Thor asked angrily. Sol sighed waving a hand a fiery whip wrapped around Thor throwing him into a wall pinning him.

"I'm not talking to a lower class god," Oblivion snapped still eyeing Libitina, "why should I heal a traitor?," she asked, " Yomeja hasn't done shit for me in years, once she left things here was under the gods of darkness her support was gone,what do I benefit from helping you?"

Libitina sighed deeply,the last thing they needed was an argument about the past but only one card was in their favor.

"I'll have Yomeja return your mate," Libitina stated causing Sol to drop Thor.

"You jest," Sol stated in surprise.

"I do not...you do this I'll have Yomeja give you back your mate," Libitina added.

"I'm sorry but Yomeja doesn't have anyone but us," Peter stated trying to process what was being said before him.

"Oh shut up," Libitina gritted out but soon Sol's eyes were already on him.

"Yomeja is a moon goddess,has she never hid a mate mark, removed one kept a few...secrets?," Oblivion asked causing the group to fall back into silence.

"Oh," Sol stated chuckling, "you guys really are out of your league."

"What does that mean?," Natasha asked defensively.

"Fertility,love ,power that falls under Yomeja's control, before she left she made sure to keep it that way," Oblivion explained.

"I'd like to say what...about two hundred years ago things got weird," Sol began.


Sorry for not updating in so long please do understand that I had someone close to me in my family pass and a new human is growing too☺️ I'll be more regular and ALL of my stories will soon be updated and finished eventually.
