Pieces- Kai 13


Yomeja was furious to find out that she took advantage of her mates moment of weakness and used them...again. Yomeja knew it was her fault for not telling them the truth but she also knew that mate or no mate,Annalise used them and she'd think twice before doing it to anyone else.

The doors opened as she saw the place was trashed,food and clothes were on the floor as the sound of laughter and a television set being on lead her to the living room. Annalise sat with two men and another woman they had obviously just been intimate.

"Annalise," Yomeja stated darkly as the woman looked at her and gave a large smile.

"What's up my ni-," Annalise began but Yomeja chopped her in the throat at she tried to catch her breath she approached the strangers.

"Get out," Yomeja stated as they laughed throughing a pair of women's underwear on she she smiled.

"Now go away pig this is her place," the girl cackled.

"Friday disable cameras for twenty minutes and alert security," Yomeja stated.

"Cameras disabled, security shall be approaching," Friday replied as Yomeja let down her concealment spell her wings appeared as she flew above the ground slightly. Taking her purple branch it grew into a staff her moon and three stars were at the top created from obsidian.

"Oh we're so scared," the Male mocked as his body doubled in size,"were mutants too bitch!," he snapped as she reared her staff back she smack him in the face and across the room as she walked in the air over him.

"Your' not," she told him,"but you will be." Annalise charged her from behind but she heard her coming flying over her head she smacked her across the room only to be attacked by the other girl a large fire ball was thrown her way as she narrowly missed it using her powers small bubbles descended on the girl who laughed at her.

"Great trick," the girl replied sarcastically yet Yomeja ignored her throwing her staff she allowed it to slam Annalise in the wall calling it back to her it tore through the large guys shoulder as blood poured from the wound the other girls screams filled the air. The bubbles seemed harmless but was full of acid as Yomeja laughed at them,the last male was on the couch but seeing his friends he didn't move.

"You black slut!," Annalise yelled as she jumped in the air trying to crush one of her wings. Yomeja grabbed her by her hair slamming her face into the hard flow and dragging her to the elevator. Annalise grabbed her left wing on her waist and yanked on it,Yomeja punched her in the face forcing her to let go,Annalise swung at her,her vision blurred by blood as Yomeja ducked she drop kicked her putting her boot on Annalise face she called her staff to her. Pointing the crescent moon at her as she poured acid into the tip,Annalise could see it.

"They'll fire you," Annalise snapped trying to stop what was happening.

"Trust me they won't,they've told me everything," Yomeja said smiling,"and you're to leave forever," she told her as she took off her bandage on her bicep Annalise gasped.

"They are mine and you're not allowed to hurt  them if you do," she told her as she touched the ground next to Annalise with her bare hand,purple smoke appeared as the acid tore into it immediately,"your family won't have a body for your funeral." Annalise scooted away from the girl full of fear,Yomeja's eyes were dark as she walked to the large man tasting his blood.

"I should eat you," she told him smiling to show razor sharp teeth,"next time though," she added her boot placed on his back she shoved him to the ground digging her fingers in the hole she forced him to stand next to Annalise. Soon the girls screams died down as Yomeja stopped the acidic bubbles before anymore damage could be done. Yomeja slipped her concealment on and began wrapping her armjust in time as the elevator doors opened showing security and the Avengers.

"Get them out of here, they're banned," Yomeja stated kicking Annalise to the ground when she tried to sit up. Annalise stayed still her hatred burned in her eyes.

"They'll never love you like they loved me," Annalise snapped at her as Yomeja got on the elevator alone.

"Oh my stars," Yomeja mocked gasped,    "you say that like it's a bad thing," she stated smiling as the doors closed the team looked at Annalise and the others.

"We're done with you," Wanda told her.

"But you took me in," Annalise pleaded.

"And we're kicking you out," Tony told her,"all cards have been canceled your items will be at your house."

"Your doing this for someone like her?," Annalise asked as she was escorted out they looked at each other then her.

"She's worth it," they all stated in unison.


A month had past since Annalise and things were better than before. Yomeja had yet to be marked as their Omega,she knew that they were being patient with her yet she didn't know how long it'd last. Yomeja was heading to a charity gala being held by S.H.I.E.L.D. The last thing she wanted was to miss a chance to encourage others to help people. Yomeja parked tossing her keys to the valet and giving her a fist bump.

Yomeja made sure her bicep was wrapped in an elegant matching bandage. The place was full of life and people as she mingled,her purple eyes pulled them in,her bright pink,blue and purple hair fell around her trusting face in soft curls as she spoke eloquently. Many use to wonder if Tony Stark created a beautiful robot to draw them in,yet she was real as her voice and plans drew many in.

Yomeja didn't know it but the Avengers were close by, mingling as well but keeping a close eye on her. Yomeja usually attended these things alone due to them always having a mission, or dates or more but they began to clear out more time to help her out. If she was to be their Omega they couldn't just work her like a slave, they would help,be supportive,anything she needed done they'd do.

"Her beauty is astonishing, is it not?," an older lady asked them watching Yomeja as she spoke excitedly her black nails were on a another man's shoulder her mouth opened slightly exposing her spilt tongue,her eyes shined in the light and in all the noise they heard her gentle laughter.

"She really is," Thor replied smiling at the woman.

"Such a shame what happened last year," the woman rambled on as she walked off slowly.

"Excuse me," Tony asked.

"What exactly happened last year?," Vision questioned.

"Poor woman was attacked on vacation," the elder lady replied.

"By who?," Natasha asked confused.

"Well some organizations of sorts," the lady told them trying to remember,"it was Hydra," she recalled. They all stared at her shocked,Yomeja did not tell them about her vacation for a reason.

"We never knew that," Steve said stating the obvious.

"I don't see how,it was on the news,she was in Africa heading to Haiti, doing relief work, giving food, medicine, they just tore that place apart,luckily they were only injured none died," she chucked leaving them to their thoughts.

"So Hydra was after her anyway," Clint stated.

"And she hid it from us?," Natasha asked.

"Maybe thought it could be handled by Fury," Peter said.

"But things are different now Peter," Wanda told her mate.

"Yeah,we aren't just work or friends anymore," Clint added.

"We have changed levels so information, treatment everything else has too," Bruce informed him.

"We know our dynamic has changed," Pietro told them all,"Yomeja does not think our dynamic or relationship has changed."

They all hummed in agreement,Pietro was right they changed,Yomeja has not.

Was it because of Annalise?

It couldn't be,it was almost two months since then...and only one half for before their three year wedding anniversary. They planned to renew their vows,especially since this time Yomeja would be there,Tony considered writing vows for her to be introduced into their pack as Omega...and mate.

Their emotions hadn't changed,yet grew they all had a glimmer of hope that she would accept them,especially when they saw how she did Annalise and her friends. Yomeja was angry at what they allowed the girl to do,and after hearing of Wanda's miscarriage she had begun creating a nursery on their floor,hoping they'd try again.

It was beautiful,she had designed it like the outdoors,Weeping Willows and Sycamore trees covered the walls, reaching towards a beautiful nightsky. The baby bed was carved by hand, with Tony and Bruce's help, beautiful vines and flowers were carved into the deep mahogany wood with all of their names on it...even hers which said Auntie Yomeja.

They all prayed she wasn't just an Auntie.

"I'm confused as to why she doesn't know," Tony stated as they watched her excuse herself to answer a call.

"Aizawa," Yomeja stated answering her goddaughter's dad phone call.

"Hey Yo-Yo," he said sounding tired as always.

"What's wrong?," Yomeja asked.

"Its Kai,I found her where you said she was but she's attacked three people already and she's arguing with every teacher to not use her quirk I'm lost," he told her.

"I'll be there by tomorrow, do not tell her or else she'll run," Yomeja stated.

"Thank you so much," he told her as she hung up she turned to go back in but she felt her soul marks burn, looking inside she saw her mates looking around the room,she cursed under her breath. Yomeja assumed they wouldn't be here and did not bring anything to numb her marks.

"Japan it is," she said to herself as she left hurriedly to go see her goddaughter.


Vote,comment,share and happy reading and I will have Yomeja in Beautiful Dreamer, all my stories crosses over with each other.
