Pieces- Close Calls 8


Yomeja watched as they all admired each others mark.

'Ugly ass bird,' Yomeja thought angrily as she paced,Wade was across the room watching her. She looked so nervous and so afraid,he thought mates were a happy thing yet for ten years she was involved in their lives.

Didn't she love them by now?

"It was like...joy it was painful but so amazing,"Pietro told his mates.

"But...where are they?," Steve wondered,'did they see me kiss Yomeja?,'he asked himself,but he didn't feel guilty, his mates seemed as if they were better without him,as his eyes settled on the panicked Yomeja. Her gap was exposed as she thought of what she did wrong, yet he didn't know. To him she looked crushed,afraid...regretful.

"How?," she asked loudly instead of in her head Wade shook his head slowly.

"I don't know," Tony said.

"They never left the building today so whoever our mate is works here," Bruce stated showing footage of where the three mates went the entire day.

"So who was it?," Steve asked as cameras showed Pietro speeding past crowds of people.

"Well thanks to Barry Allen,we won't know...yet," Tony told them.

"Can we do that?,"Wade asked.

"Maybe not," Tony replied,Yomeja sighed happily looking at Pietro's happy face she felt bad.

They deserved to know.


Clint groaned as he felt Wanda begin sucking on him,he kissed Vision passionately as Steve pleasured him. They hadn't felt each other in so long, yet right after lunch the two told of Yomeja.

How she tasted how strong she was how she sounded to their ears. It turned them all on as they now were in the living room floor naked making love to each other.

"I want her," Natasha moaned out as she was riding Tony who had a vibrator to her clit,Thor was in her hand as Peter was moaning in agreement as Bruce pounded into him Pietro filled his mouth.

"We'll get her," Thor moaned as her tongue swiveled at his tip them taking him all in. They all were on board with the idea of adding Yomeja,but as a mate,not just a bed partner. Coming close to their release moaning in ecstasy that was soon cut short by the sound of glass breaking and a soft moan. Their heads spun around to Yomeja who's eyes were screwed shut as she stumbled away. They all hurriedly dressed trying to excuse themselves but she was gone.

"We're going to lose her," Peter stated believing she was grossed out. Yet they heard heels as she carried large colorful towels with glasses of pink juice on a wooden tray.

"Clean up,drink up Fury will be present within thirty minutes," Yomeja told them her eyes still closed tightly.

"We are dressed," Bruce told her shyly.

"Physically you are but mentally you're all naked and no," she chuckled dryly, her body craved to be touched like that by them, to be pleasured to be... loved. Sadly her mates had each other, they didn't need her there.

"We are so sorry, we usually do it in the room," Pietro stated as Natasha pinched him.

"Fury is coming...ew wrong words just get ready, " she told them walking off stumbling slightly. They team felt embarrassed that they were caught in such an intimate time but remembered the broken glass and the delightful moan.


"Well your guys had a rat," Fury told them throwing the file of Howard Jow on the table before the team mates.

"He was with Hydra?," Wanda asked confused.

"How did we not know?," Steve added.

"Who hired him?," Bruce wondered as Tony nervously raised his hand.

"Yomeja hires people based on how she feels emotionally," Tony began," she urged me not to hire him and others, but we needed more employees so I did it," he told them regretting his choice to ignore Yomeja's advice.

"While were on the topic," Fury stated,       "how is she?," he asked wondering if they found out she was their mate.

"She's good sadly she saw us being intimate," Steve began. Fury sighed he sent her photo hoping they'd see what he saw,Tony's reactor on her bicep at the top, but Yomeja was working hard to be hidden away well.

"Next time," Fury stated,"invite her to join."

The team looked flabbergasted by Fury's comment. Was their longing for her that obvious?

As they went over the paper work of Jow their stomachs turned. He was obsessed with her,talked of tying her down having a baby with her all by force.

"What does this have to do with Hydra?," Vision asked.

"Well the secretary of the Avengers for eleven years,runs half of the company and your most trusted worker," Fury told them, "what is it about you guys she doesn't know," he added as they looked at each other.

Birth dates,missions,location of private items,anything they knew Yomeja knew before their mates. If anyone took her they'd have them to deal with,which would not be a good experience.  Yomeja was their goddess,anything she wanted they did, they were even nicer to her knowing she was an Omega. Yet no matter what she got the best of the best from them all.

"So he was supposed to take her to Hydra and instead created this," Wanda said holding up the paper the guy wrote.

"She's the roots to your tree so yes," he told her.

"Protect her at all costs," Steve told them as they nodded their heads in agreement. They didn't want her hurt at all if she was they didn't know how they'd take it.


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