(9) Harry Potter (Wizard)

yer a wizard Harry. shoutout to kateh2o because she answered the question right in the last chapter and because I LOVE YOU. also shoutout to @percyjacksonfanXD ,@percabethshipper_4l , @coolbeanskyliejoy @welcome_to_fandomland for all answering it right too.💗💗

Harry POV

Hermione, Ron, and I decided to take a trip to America when the Wizarding War was over. After many days of arguing and screaming, we decided to go to Washington D.C. I don't know what's in Washington D.C, but Hermione wanted to go there, so we didn't want an angry Hermione to deal with.

Hermione was searching online and in books for where to go when we go to Washington D.C, so Ron and I have no idea where we are going when we get there. She made some itinerary, which is a total waste of time.

Me, being the amazing person I am, decided to buy the tickets to help out Hermione with the planning. I bought a plane ticket for 8:00 am and it would arrive in Washington D.C at 3:00 pm. Traveling overseas is so much work because you have to trade in pounds for American dollars. Plus the time difference is like 5 hours or something.


Finally, after 30 very long minutes of waiting in the airport, it was time to go on the flight. I've never been on a airplane before because Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia wouldn't take me anywhere, let alone even a car ride to another part of the country.

They called our groups and we lined up "in an orderly fashion" demanded by Hermione. The ticket collector guy scanned Hermione and Ron's ticket who was in front of me. He looked at me and gasped. "You're Harry Potter," he said astounded as he pointed to my scar. I looked at him. He was tall and had black hair and brown eyes. He looked about 5 years older than me.

"Oh yeah," I said stupidly and mentally smacked myself in the head.

"I'm a half-blood, like you, but I couldn't find a job at the Ministry of Magic, so now I work here," he said sadly. I looked at his name tag, Mark Chang.

"Are you related to Cho Chang?" I said to him.

He grinned and replied, "Yes, she is my sister. Do you know her?"

"Yes, we were in Dumbledore's Army together and she was my, um, girlfriend," I said quietly.

He gasped and said," How come Cho didn't tell me? It was truly an honor meeting you, sir." He shook my hand fiercely and smiled. I smiled back and walked onto the plane.

I found my seat and Ron said, "Bloody hell Harry, what took you so long?"

"Someone recognized me and was talking to me," I said.

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed, "A muggle?"

"No, he was a half-blood who was actually Cho's brother," I said and they nodded. I was stuck with the middle seat. Great. Just great. I would be in between Hermione and Ron, who I'm sure will start World War III from arguing so much.

"We are ready for takeoff, so please, buckle your seat belts and make sure your tray-tables are up and your chairs are in the regular position. Thank you," the pilot said from the intercom. And we were off.


We arrived at the airport in Washington D.C. very jet lagged. It was a 7 hour flight and Ron and I were bored out of our minds. Hermione, being the smart one, brought a book to read and some quizzes for herself to do. Ron and I were stuck playing truth or truth and never have I ever. I slept for about an hour, but other than that, I didn't really do anything.

We got our baggage from the baggage claim which took FOREVER because of some idiots in front of us who wouldn't move and Rob had a hard time getting the bags while trying to be nice.

Overall: Be prepared to wait for a while in airports.

We begged The Ministry of Magic to let us apparate in America, but they said no for "safety reasons." So sadly we had to take a cab with a random stranger to our hotel that we were staying in. Good thing we have our wands.

He dropped us off at our hotel, The Jefferson and we got our room cards and Ron and I headed up to our room, 6244 and Hermione to hers, 6242. Ron and I didn't take showers before we fell asleep. I didn't even bother to take my glasses off.


The next day I woke up at 7:30 am. I looked around the room and screamed (obviously a manly scream, duh). Hermione was standing in front of my bed, pacing back and forth. She snapped her head toward my direction when I screamed.

"Good! You're awake! Time to go to the Smithsonian museum. We need to leave in 30 minutes, so chop chop!" Hermione said.

I groaned and got up to get dressed. I put on jeans, sneakers, a gray t-shirt, and a black jacket. I put my wand in my jacket pocket and went to stand next to Hermione.

"Ron is downstairs eating," she said rolling her eyes. I followed her out of the room and down the elevator to the lobby.

We got our breakfast, which was some "Pop Tarts", which were actually really good, and a glass of milk to wash it down.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked Hermione while cleaning up my food.

"Well, first we are going to the Smithsonian Museum. Then we are going to the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Then we have a lunch break and lastly, we go to the National Mall. I figured you guys might want to buy some American gear from the mall," She said looking at her itinerary.

"Great. A full day," I lied.

"Let's go! I'm so excited!" Hermione said. We called for a cab and left to go discover Washington D.C.


We arrived at the Smithsonian Museum and went inside. Hermione left us to go explore another part of the museum on her own, leaving Ron and I, bored out of our minds. We decided to get some food due to Ron's constant plead.

I decided to try a hamburger with french fries and Ron got fried chicken strips with french fries. We were walking to go try to find a table when someone ran into Ron and I. Literally. Our food went flying behind us. I looked in front of me and saw a guy on the floor clutching his elbow.

"You okay, mate?" I said holding out a hand to help him up. He looked up at me and smiled. A crooked, classic troublemaker smile. He grabbed my hand and stood up. He towered above me by about half a meter. He had black messy i-woke-up-like-this hair, eyes that looked as if you were looking out at sea, and a tan as if he spent every day on the beach. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with "Goode High Swim Team" on the front with blue jeans and black sneakers.

He looked behind me at the mess we made my our food dropping onto the floor and instantly, his smile fell.

"I'm so sorry, guys," he said looking at Ron and I. "I wasn't watching where I was going." He walked around us and started to pick up the food we dropped.

"It's okay," I said and started picking up the food with him. I looked at Ron and he was really close to tears. Poor Ron and his love for food. I slapped his knee and beckoned him to help us. He sighed and kneeled down to help.

"Thanks, but this was totally my fault," mysterious boy said while looking me straight in the eyes with full sincerity. There was pain in his eyes that I couldn't explain. Probably more pain that I'll ever have in my lifetime and I had ALOT of pain.

"It's fine. It's not like we were doing anything in the first place. We're bored out of our minds. Our friend made us come here, but she is actually looking at the history stuff," Ron said laughing slightly. The guy smiled and after we cleaned up all the food, stood up and held out a hand for each of us. We took them and he pulled us up easily even though Ron has had a little too much butter beer.

"I'm Percy. I was actually dragged here too by my girlfriend, but she left me to get food about 3 hours ago and I did get food, but when I was done and went to look for her, I couldn't find her, so now I'm freaking out. Are you guys visiting?" Percy said.

"Yeah. We're from England. I'm Harry and this is Ron. We just finished out last year of- um -school, so we came here to celebrate," I said.

"Oh cool. I'm here for a senior trip with my grade for my school, but today was a free day, so we got to do whatever without going with the school. I wanted to go somewhere cool, but my girlfriend insisted on coming here and I can't exactly say no," Percy said. "But now I can't find her and I'm really worried." He looked down at the floor sadly. I could tell he really loved his girlfriend.

I looked at Ron and we shared a silent conversation. "We can help you find her," I said smiling.

"Really?" Percy said happily. We nodded. "Thank you so much!" Percy nearly knocked us over with a hug.

"Okay, so where to first?" Ron said.

"She said she was going to look at the dinosaurs first, then the Ancient Greek stuff. I don't understand why she wanted to see the Ancient Greek stuff because she already knows so much about them, but 'whatever floats your boat,'" Percy said laughing.

"So, I'm guessing your girlfriend is really smart," I said as we were walking to the Ancient Greek part of the museum.

"Yeah, she's the smartest person I know. Besides her mother..." Percy said. "How old are you guys? And aren't you here with a friend, too?"

"We're 17. And yes, we're here with our friend Hermione. She was the head of our year at school," Ron said.

"Cool. I'm 18 and so is my girlfriend," Percy said as we arrived at the Ancient Greek section. Percy frowned. "I don't see her. We can check outside the bathrooms." We nodded and followed behind him.

"How did you and your girlfriend meet?" I said to Percy and he smiled.

"We've been going to a camp together since we were 12 and we were best friends for 4 years, and then she kissed me and yeah. I was kidnapped for 8 months and lost my memory, but she was the only thing I remembered. We've been dating for two years," Percy said sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry that happened. It seems like you really love her," I said clapping him on the back.

Percy looked at me with sadness, "Yeah. I really do. I would do anything for her. How did you guys meet?"

"We go to a year round school that is sorted into groups and we were in the same group," Ron said as we arrived at the bathrooms. Percy nodded and looked around for his girlfriend. He took a pen out of his pocket and started fiddling with it.

Hermione and a blonde girl walked out of the bathroom together, laughing.

"Hermione?" I said and both girls turned their heads.

"Percy?" The blonde said and Percy immediately turned his head and smiled hugely.

"Annabeth!!!" He said, ran to her, gave her a giant hug and spun her around.

"Percy! What the Hades?" Annabeth said as he put her down.

Percy said, "Where have you been? I've been so worried!!" He looked at her with one of those cute-baby-puppy dog faces.

"I went everywhere that I told you I was going," Annabeth said.

"I looked everywhere you said you were going to go and I couldn't find you, Wise Girl. Maybe we were there at different times, but I was really worried, Annabeth," Percy said and grabbed her hand.

Annabeth smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Seaweed Brain. Next time we can just both go together, okay?" Percy nodded.

Annabeth put her hand on his cheek and kissed him. "I love you," she said.

"I love you, too," Percy said.

Percy looked at us and said, "This is my girlfriend, Annabeth. Annabeth, this is Ron and Harry." Annabeth shook our hands and smiled. She was beautiful. She had a white hat with a Pom-Pom on it at the top of her curly blonde hair. Her eyes were a striking grey color and her skin was tan like Percy's. She was wearing a maroon sweater, jeans, and boots. 

I walked over to Hermione and put my arm around her shoulder. (They ARE NOT dating for people who might think that. I do ship them tho) "Hermione, Percy. Percy, Hermione," I said and they shook hands.

"I met Annabeth at the dinosaur exhibit and we started talking and we looked at the museum together. It's such a coincidence that we were all hanging out separately," Hermione said.

Annabeth turned to Hermione, "I would love to talk again. We don't have phones, so do you have an address so we can send you letters?" Hermione nodded and we all exchanged addresses.

Percy gave Ron and I hugs. "I hope you guys enjoy your time in Merica!!" Percy said smiling. We all said our goodbyes.

I saw Percy grab Annabeth's hand, kiss her on the cheek, and smile at her. I smiled at myself thinking of how much they loved each other.

"We never did get food, Harry," Ron said and I rolled my eyes.


oh my gosh I'm SO SORRY i didn't update sooner. it's been nearly 2 months and i feel so bad. i will try to update soon but i don't knowwww. please let me know of any grammatical errors/ stuff that is wrong. vote and share!! i love you guys!💗💗

~caroline, daughter of poseidon🌊
