(5) Percabeth One-Shot

i wanted to make a one shot bc of the song. the song in this one is "As Long as I Have You" by dove cameron. tbh dove cameron is one of my favorite people ever!! okay so this song is so beautiful so go listen to it. 🙂

<another version of it

Thalia POV

My hunters and I were visiting Camp Half-Blood this week. Thank the gods it was the week of the Talent Show! They started it because of a certain Apollo child (*cough WILL SOLACE cough*) wanted to perform since they didn't get to perform a lot at camp.

It was lunch time, so I left the hunters explore and do whatever, while I went to the Dining Pavillion. I walked over to the Zeus table and sat next to Jason who was alone. (A/N 🎶All by his self... don't wanna be all by his self🎶 ok I'll just go away now)

"Hey little bro," I said as I put my arm on his shoulder.

He jumped because I scared him and said, "Thalia!!" And gave me a hug. "What are you doing here?" He said.

"Visit with the hunters you know.. Also came for the Talent Show," I said.

"I heard Percy is performing," Jason said.

"Wow, Kelp Head can sing?" I said.

"I hope so," He said. I laughed.

"I'm gonna go say hi to Annabeth, Nico, and Percy," I said.

"Bye, see you later," He said.

I walked over to the Poseidon table. I shocked Percy on his arm and yelled, "Kelp Head!" He jumped and turned around.

"Pinecone Face!" He said and hugged me. I sat down.

"So.. a little birdie told me you were performing tonight," I said. He blushed and scratched the back of his neck, something that I do. We get it from our parents the "Big Three," Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

"Well I am performing..." He said.

"Nervous?" I said. He nodded.

"Well I hope to see you fail- I mean succeed!" I said and he glared at me.

I went to the Hades table and sat across from Nico.

"Hey Death Breath," I said. He looked up and a little smile crept along his face.

"Oh hey Pinecone Face," he said.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I said and flipped my long hair that I DON'T have.

"Ya sure, whatever," he said.

"How rude," I said and shocked his hand. He flinched and shadow- travelled away. Dam, I wish I could do that. That would be perfect for awkward situations. Ha dam, dam wall. Zoë. Nooooo. I miss Zoë. STUPID HERCULES. Sorry, stupid ADHD.

I went over to the Athena table and hugged Annabeth around the neck.

She turned around and yelled, "THALIA!!" She threw her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"Oh my gods I missed you so much!" She said.

I smiled and said, "I missed you too!" Then we walked to the strawberry fields and she started ranting about architecture and rebuilding Mt. Olympus.


I sat down in the front row for the Talent Show. All my hunters sat down next to me. People were performing, yadda, yadda. They were pretty good, but not amazing. Leo went up there and tried to sing "Girl On Fire" while lighting himself on fire, but it was so bad and really funny.

It was now Percy's turn. He got up there with a guitar.

"Hi my name is Percy Jackson and I'm going to sing "As Long As I Have You." This song is dedicated to the Love of my Life," he said and looked straight at Annabeth who was sitting next to me. All the Aphrodite campers squealed and awed. Annabeth blushed and smiled.

He started strumming his guitar. (A/N Italics is the lyrics and regular is Thalia POV in case you are confused.)
"I've tried, on my own. I thought I'd get there.
Around and 'round, but I was only getting no where.
Then you, came along and gave me something. Something that I could believe in, trust in and I won't go back again."

I had to admit, he had a really nice voice. Probably because of the sirens and the ocean stuff. I looked over at Annabeth who was smiling and had tears in her eyes.

"As long as I have you, I can live like there is nothing left to lose. Unbreak every fracture in my heart. Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart. "

This song reminded me exactly of Percy and Annabeth. She was all sad when Luke betrayed her, then Percy came along and made her happy and herself again. Nothing, even the gods could make them not love each other. Even that stupid queen of the gods.....

"They say you gotta take the good with the bad, I'll take it all as long as I have you. "

They accept each other even with their bad qualities, even if they know they will be a problem because they love each other so much. They were a match made in Elysium.

"I've been spinning circles in this ocean. Stuck in my ways, but you put everything in motion.
This time I want you to see the real me. I wanna open up completely, deeply. I'll never be alone again. "

After Annabeth ran away from home, she learned to put walls around herself, but Percy broke them down and she would tell him anything. When Percy lived with Gabe, he also put walls up and Annabeth also learned to tear them down and now they trust each other more than anything.

"As long as I have you, I can live like there's nothing left to lose. Unbreak every fracture in my heart, nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart. They say you gotta take the good with the bad, I'll take it all as long as I have you."

Now tears were streaming down Annabeth's face and her hands were over her mouth.

"And I realize now, I'm better with you. You got here right on time. Yeah, you were my breakthrough. You are my breakthrough."

They are better together than apart. They make each other better people, especially in battle. They are literal beasts when they are protecting each other.

"As long as I have you, I can live like there's nothing left to lose. "

Percy quieted down on this part.

"Unbreak every fracture in my heart. Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart. They say you gotta take the good with the bad, I'll take it all as long as I have you. "

The crowd roared into applause and stood up. There were whistles and everyone was yelling. Annabeth ran up to the stage and threw her arms around Percy's neck. He hugged her back as Annabeth started crying and whispering stuff like "I love you so so so much," "You mean the world to me," and "Thank the gods I have you," but of course we heard it because the microphone was right next to them. Annabeth let go of him and kissed him. I had to cover my ears from the squeals from the Aphrodite kids. She pulled away after like 3 seconds and walked back to her seat next to me as Percy walked off the stage. I looked at her and she was smiling so big.

We went to the dining pavilion to eat. After I burned some of my food, I went to sit down at my table. I looked over at the Poseidon table and what I saw warmed my heart. (If that can even happen.) Annabeth was sitting right next to Percy looking up at him with a smile so big, it could have been 3 people smiling. Percy looked at her, put his arm around her, and kissed the top of her head. Annabeth then put her head on his shoulder and they were looking at the screen that was playing "The Little Mermaid" that Chiron insisted we watch after Percy won the talent show. I finally gave in and watched the movie too. How does Kelp head like this stuff?


ik that wasn't meet percabeth, but that song is amazhang so I just had to do it. THE FEELS THO. ok so thx for reading plz vote and comment if i need to fix anything!! love you guys❤️❤️

~caroline, daughter of poseidon🌊
