(1) Caterina Feline (Mortal)

that is my cat^^ named pumpkin. If you were wondering..


Caterina POV

Hi my name is Caterina Feline. I have light red straight fur that goes down to the middle of my back. I have blue eyes like the color of the sky. I'm really pale and I hate humans, I prefer Christmas wreaths. My inner self is a cat. I wholeheartedly believe that I am a cat. I use a litter box and everything. I only talk in meows but my boyfriend says he understands me. I was sitting in my room made of tuna fish cans I got from the dumpster. I was playing with my fuzzy little toy ball while I thought about my future. When I am 21, I will surgically implant a cat tail on myself.

I went to the  swimming pool one day and I hissing at the water, when I saw a human of the male species who was obviously a cat. I instantly forgot about my boyfriend, Doug. He had black fur and sea green eyes. I went up to him and started purring and kneading against his back. He looked at me like I had cat ears, which I did, and walked away. I ran up to him and pounced on his head, dragging my claws against his back, claiming him as my territory by peeing on him.

"Are you a cat(which you obviously are) because I'm feline a connection with you," I said to him and he looked disgusted.

Then this DOG came up and kissed him!!! She had curly blonde fur and gray eyes. What was she doing he was obviously for me.

I looked at her and said, "Meow meow MEw meoWWW?" (Which is cat for "what are you doing with my mate?") I started hissing and arching my back.

Black furred dude just looked at me with a straight face and she looked really confused. See, she doesn't understand because she is a dog and I am speaking cat.

The evil dog lady said, "Woof woof woof bark." (She actually said "let's go percy", but I all I heard was barks and woofs.)

They walked away and I pounced on her with my cat like reflexes and pushed her into the pool, but I didn't go in because I HATE water. Then he came up to me and playfully slapped me in the face. Aw he loves me so much. He went after her and came back up. She started "growling" and started running after me. She chased me all the way to the cat store where I found a new person.

"He is my owner" I said to myself as I brushed against his leg.


this chapter was inspired by bella_d913 . this was the weirdest thing i have ever written. they will all be less weird than this(maybe). thanks for reading!!!!!

okay so this chapter was a complete joke, so don't judge this book just by this chapter. i swear the rest are great and much longer than this.

