(11) Lucas Redd (Demigod; CHB)

In this chapter, Charles Beckendorf didn't die.


~Finished: July 10, 2017~

Lucas POV

Percy Jackson.

That's all I've been hearing since I arrived at Camp Half-Blood.

Everyone has been talking about how the Greek demigod hero went missing 3 months ago. They act like he's basically a god and has given them great treasures. I've tried to ask people about him, but they frown and turn away. I've asked Chiron about him and he told me all his "great deeds" that he did, but I don't understand what is so amazing about him. Sure, he saved the world, whatever. News flash: NOBODY CARES.

So I decided to ask his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. I haven't met her yet, but I've heard she one of the smartest people at camp. Plus, she's the current architect of Olympus.

I knock on the Athena cabin door and am greeted by a blonde boy with grey eyes. His hair was askew like he had been sleeping. He was wearing a grey long sleeve t-shirt with black sweatpants.

"Hello," he said looking at me quizzically while looking me up and down.

"Hey," I said. "I am looking for Annabeth Chase."

"You're that new Apollo kid, right?" He asked, not answering my question.

"Yeah, where is Annabeth Chase? I wish to speak to her," I said while rolling my eyes.

"She's teaching a swordsmanship class next to the woods," he said. "I'm Malcolm, by the way."

"I'm Lucas," I said. "Thanks for your help." I waved at him as he shut the door and I walked towards the woods.

When I got to the woods, I walked towards the campers doing the swordsmanship class.

A pretty girl with blonde curly hair was leading them. She was tall and tan with a sword in her hand.

"Annabeth?" I called. "Can I talk to you?"

She snapped her head to look at me and narrowed her calculating grey eyes at me.

"Okay guys, take a ten minute break and then we'll get back to fighting," Annabeth said to the campers. They all nodded and ran off.

She turned and walked towards me, her arms across her chest.

"What do you want?" She snapped. My eyes widened at her tone.

"Chill, I just wanted to talk to you. I'm so sorry about what you're going through right now with Percy missing an-" I said be fore she cut me off.

"Don't talk about him like you know him! Do you have any idea how it feels? Not knowing where he is or if he's alive? No, you don't," she said sternly. Then her face softened. "Look, I'm sorry I snapped. It's just hard for me to cope with out knowing where Percy is."

"So I honestly don't understand. What is so amazing about Percy?" I said. She gave me a death glare and took a deep breath.

"He's one of the best swordsman who has ever lived. He would risk his life for people he hasn't  even met. He always does what's right and knows when to not do something when it's wrong. He's patient to the younger campers even when they have no idea what they're doing. He would tear the world apart if it meant saving someone he loved. He's selfless, and kind, and caring, and loving. He may not be the smartest person on the planet, but at least he's smart enough to know when to buzz off," she said and glared straight into my eyes as she turned and walked away.

Maybe my view of him is different, but I still don't get why he's so amazing.

~after the Giant War is over and Percy and Annabeth are back at Camp Half-Blood~

Thank the gods the Giant War was finally over. During the war, I was helping to create more weapons and more cannons! (I love weapons.)

Right now we are cleaning up Camp Half-Blood and more demigods are arriving from Camp Jupiter.

The Seven are coming back from Athens, Greece. They saved the world from Gaea's destruction and demolish. Leo Valdez is dead/missing. Nico Di Angelo said he can feel it when people die, and he didn't feel it with Leo. Leo was a great counselor and I really hope he returns soon, safe and sound.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were dragged down into Tartarus, the prison for Giants and monsters. They made it out alive, which is very hard to do. They closed the Doors of Death on the Tartarus side, while the other 5 demigods and Nico Di Angelo closed them on the mortal side.

There was a campfire tonight to celebrate winning the war that I was seriously dreading.

When I arrive at the campfire, I sit with my cabin mates and grab a s'more. The gooey chocolate melts all over my hands, but it's worth it because it tastes so good.

All of a sudden Chiron's voice echoes from a megaphone.

"Hello demigods!" He said. "Today we must celebrate winning the Giant War! We may have lost many lives, but we must also honor their sacrifice. Welcome demigods who have just arrived. Please take your s-"

"Chiron!" A voice yelled from behind everyone. All the campers' heads turned to look behind them, wondering who would dare interrupt Chiron.

A tall, tan boy with black unruly hair was running to the campfire while pulling a blond girl by the hand. The boy was wearing a dirty Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans. The girl was also wearing a Camp Half-Blood shirt and Jean shorts. The girl was Annabeth Chase. So this must be-

"Percy Jackson," Chiron said. "Thank the gods that you are alive. Annabeth as well." He winked at them and Percy smiled. A chorus of "Percy!" ran threw the crowd.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY EVERYONE," a voice yelled. I saw someone pushing through the crowd, yelling at them to move. The guy came through the crowd and I saw that he was a satyr. He had brown curly hair and he smiled widely when he saw Percy and Annabeth. I noticed that he was Grover Underwood on the Council of Cloven Elders.

"Grover!" Percy yelled and sprinted towards Grover. They threw their arms around each other and patted each other on the back. They pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Perseus," Grover said, his voice stern and serious. "Do NOT run off like that again and lose your memory. You hear me?" Percy nodded and saluted him just as Annabeth came up and gave Grover a hug, too.

They pulled away and Annabeth walked over to Percy. She grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Well, now that Percy and Annabeth have arrived from Rome, Tartarus, and Athens," Chiron said and Annabeth blushed while Percy laughed and put his arm around her. "Let's go have a celebratory dinner and then we will come back to the campfire. I do not want 300 hungry demigods on my watch."

I walked over to the Apollo table and sat next to Charles Beckendorf. I always break the rules to sit next to him. I'm pretty sure the counselors don't really care where we sit as of now. Charles was my best friend at camp. We got our food, made our offering to the gods, then started to eat.

"Yo Percy!" Beckendorf yelled and stood up. He beckoned Percy to the table. He was standing at the Hermes table with Annabeth talking to Travis and Connor Stoll. Percy waved goodbye and walked over to our table, his hand in Annabeth's.

Beckendorf stood up and gave Percy a hug. Annabeth stood next to him with her arms crossed across her chest and scanned our table. When she saw me, she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Sit down Perce. You too Annabeth," Beckendorf said while sitting down. "How was losing your memory?" Percy rolled his eyes and sat down across from Beckendorf and next to Annabeth.

"Amnesia? What? Who, me?" Percy said with a crooked, sarcastic grin. Annabeth slapped Percy on the arm and he turned to her to give her a soppy grin. She returned one just as soppy. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I hate love. Ew.

"Very funny," Beckendorf said, rolling his eyes. "But for real, I want to hear about everything. From when you arrived at Camp Jupiter, to Tartarus, and to Athens." Percy and Annabeth flinched at the word "Tartarus."

Percy told us the story about how he first arrived at Camp Jupiter forgetting everything except for one name: Annabeth. Gross. He told us how he went on a quest with Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang to Alaska to find the legion's lost eagle. He told us about how they went to Rome and Annabeth followed the Mark of Athena and how the other demigods saved Nico Di Angelo. He told us how Annabeth and him fell into Tartarus and closed the Doors of Death. I could tell he didn't really want to talk about his time in Tartarus. He told us how he awoke Gaea because of a nose bleed. And how finally, Leo Valdez defeated Gaea, sacrificing himself for everyone. Beckendorf and I listened intently the whole time to everything he had to say.

"Hey," Percy said to me. "I'm Percy Ja-"

"Correction: Perseus," Annabeth said turning to him. Percy rolled his eyes and continued talking.

"Whatever. My name is Perseus, but you can call me Percy," he said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lucas Redd, son of Apollo," I said. He was seriously good looking. Like, if I didn't have my eyes on someone else, I would try to go for him.

"Awesome. Nice to meet you, Lucas. This is Annabeth Chase, by the way. She is the architect of Olympus and the daughter of Athena," he said looking at her with so much love. I inwardly gagged.

"Yeah I've met her before," I said. "I kind of pissed her off, though."

"Well that's not very hard to do," Percy said, grinning at Annabeth with that sarcastic, troublemaker smile that he makes. She smacked his arm and glared at him.

Percy sat looking off into the distance and then a mischievous grin spread across his face. His sea green eyes got a wicked gleam in them as if he was planning something. He turned to Annabeth and whispered in her ear. He stood up and yelled: "WATER FIGHT!"

He rose his hands up and all the drinks exploded.

"Percy!" A voice yelled from across the hall. "That's so unfair! You're the son of Poseidon!" I looked towards the voice yelling and saw that it was Jason Grace, son of Jupiter.

Percy shrugged and then made the water from the canoe lake, which was a little ways away from the mess hall, explode and rain down on all of the campers.

Some of the campers began to fight back with Demeter's children making the grass tie around his ankles, but Percy just took out a pen and uncapped it and it was suddenly a sword. He slashed at the grass and got a wave of water to elevate him off the ground.

Jason Grace flew up in the air and zapped Percy with a lightning bolt. Percy dodged it and splashed Jason with a wave of water. Jason fell to the floor, rolled his eyes, and calmly walked back to his cabin.

Percy smirked and made the wave of water fade down. He snuck up on Annabeth, who was busy talking to Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. She didn't notice Percy sneak up on her and dump a ton of water onto her head.

Annabeth turned around and glared at Percy.

"Perseus Jackson!" She screamed and started chasing him. His eyes widened as he ran away from her. Well, attempted to run away. She tackled him to ground and started poking him in the stomach.

"Stop it Annabeth!" Percy yelled. He was laughing very hard as Annabeth tickled him.

"Say you're sorry Perseus. Then, I'll stop," she said smiling down at him.

"Okay, okay," he said, raising his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry Wise Girl." He looked up at her with big eyes, his hands intertwined together, and a pouty lip.

"Percy," she said sighing. "You know that the dying baby seal face doesn't work on me. Anymore." She rolled her eyes, stood up, and held out her hand to help Percy up. He grabbed it and jumped to his feet with much enthusiasm.

He picked Annabeth up and twirled her around in the air. She giggled the whole time. I almost gagged at their "lovey dovey" antics. He set her down and kissed her right on the lips. The whole Aphrodite cabin awwed, while I was trying to hold in my throw up.

"Good night, Wise Girl," he said, running away from her. "I LOVE YOU." He said I love you as he was almost to his cabin, so everyone heard it and awwed, except for me, obviously.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and walked back to her own cabin.

The whole time during the mini water fight, I was thinking: "Damn, this kid is powerful!"


That night I sat in my cabin and thought of what would happen if Charles Beckendorf would ever like me back.


oh my gods guysssss. i haven't updated in soooo long and i'm SO SORRY. i had a 5 day volleyball tournament then i headed up to see my cousins for 10 days so I was gone from my house for about 2 weeks. i have had NO motivation to update this, even though i have been telling myself to. this one was kinda crappy and i'm so sorry for that. i've been in a kind of writer's block. while i write, i get distracted super easily so i literally have to delete instagram and snapchat to let myself write with out getting distracted.

feel free to tell me about any grammatical errors/ other errors. comment and vote! love you guys!💗

~caroline, daughter of poseidon🌊
