9. Meet The Siblings

Chapter 9: Meet The Siblings

Hey. I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Coen.

Hi. I texted back.

Wanna come to the park with me? He responded quickly.


Oh, also my siblings are coming. I have to watch them while my mom and dad are out.


You're going to be an extra person for them to cling on.

Can't wait!

Sarcasm really is great, isn't it?

Yes, yes it is.


*Ding dong* I heard the bell ring. I quickly rushed down the stairs from my room to open up the door.

"Hey!" he said with a peppy voice. I looked down and saw four kids swarming him. "These are my youngest sisters, May and Sari. They're twins." He smiled. "Then these three are Bryan, Lenox and Ray."

"Hi!" I chirped as I waved at them.

They all ran and hid behind Coens legs and then he said, "They're a little shy."

"Well, should we get going?" I asked as I grabbed my coat.


"What are you reading there?" I asked Ray who was eleven and the second oldest child.

"Percy Jackson." He responded with a blank tone and with his eyes still on the words.

"Cool.." I said awkwardly. I then turned to the other side and saw Bryan playing games with May and Sari.

I smiled at how they all got along so well and then Bryan asked, "Are you and my brother dating?"

"Oh, no." I responded in shock.

"Why not?" May asked.

"Because we don't like each other like that." I said. "We're just, friends." I said as I rubbed my hands on my pants. The truth was, I didn't know what we were. But I was pretty sure that he had no interest in me being his girlfriend.

I continued to watch them play. Lenox and Coen were on the monkey bars racing each other and I couldn't help but smile when I saw them laugh or cheer. He was such a great brother and I could tell that he really did care about them.


I saw Coen jog back to where the rest of us were. Once he got to where we were he was red in the face and panting. "How were they?" He asked.

"Great!" I smiled.

"Good.' He responded. "Well who wants to get lunch?" He screamed.

"Me, me me!" They all cheered except for Bryan who was still reading his book.

"Oh, wait. We can't go."

"Awww..." They all wined.

"Why not?" Sari asked.

"Because, Lenox didn't beat me on the monkey bars."

"Hey! That's not fair! You're bigger and taller than me." Lenox defended.

"I'm kidding, I'm just playing with you guys." He laughed. He looked over at me and I just started laughing along with him. "Let's go!" he yelled as everyone got off the bench and started running to catch up with him. "Last one to the car has to pay!" He screamed and that was what sparked the kids to run like mad people. They're tiny legs couldn't keep up with their ambition. I was the last one to arrive at the car so Coen joked and said, "Guess who's paying for lunch kids?!" I just shook my head and got into the car.


"What does everyone want?" Coen asked as we entered a Wendy's

"Hamburger!" May and Bryan cheered.

"Chicken nuggets!" Lenox and Sari yelled.

"You?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I'll just have a salad without chicken though, I'm a Peskitarian."

"Okay. Why don't you guys go get some seats and I'll bring over your food." Coen said as he went to go wait in line.

We chose two tables that were right next to each other near the door. Three of the kids sat at one table and me, Bryan and Coen who was currently coming over with a tray of food were going to sit at the next table. "Here you go, here you go, here you go.." He said as he placed their food on the table. He then made his way over to our seat where Bryan and I were sitting. He placed the tray on our table and the said, "Hey, buddie put your book down so you can eat." Bryan listened to him and then grabbed his burger off the tray.

I grabbed my salad off the tray and then thanked Coen by saying, "thanks."

"No problem." We ate our food and had quiet conversations but it was nice. I could actaually see the real Coen Aimes for the first time.


"Bye!" He yelled as I got out of his car and headed for my house.

"Bye!" I yelled back.

"See yah at school!"

"See ya!" I responded as I waved. Then he was gone.

When I got inside the house I went upstairs to my room. I opened up my bedroom door to see my sister on my bed playing on her phone. "Hey, lil." She said as she popped up and was sitting up.

"Hey, sis. What are you doing in my room?" I asked, confused.


"Oookkayy.." I said as I walked into my room and went to my desk chair to sit since my bed was being taken over currently.

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Shoot." I responded without thinking.

"Where were you today?"

"Out with a friend."

"A boyfriend?" I she asked.

"No!" I shrieked. "He's just a friend." I responded as my face turned less red.

"Sure.. Just a friend won't last long. Trust me, I know."

"Shut up." I said.

"I'm just warning you."

"Can you please get out." I wined. Without speaking she got up and left my room.


"Fay! Lola! Dinner!" Our mom screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" We yelled back.

We both walked out of our rooms and headed downstairs. I got the utensils and placed them onto the table in the correct spots then took the plates and placed them next to the utensils. "Let's eat!" My dad chanted. So we all sat down and started taking food from the middle and placing them onto our plate.

"How was your day with your friend, Fay?' My mom asked.

"It was fun, we went to the park with his siblings and then we went out to eat with them too."

"What did you do Lola?" My mom asked.

"Nothing. I was just working on some assignments and talking to Jonas."

"Well I wish I could have had a day off of work." My mom sighed.

"Me too." My dad agreed.

"How about we all hang out as a family this Saturday." My mom chirped. "We could have a picnic, go to the lake..." She dragged on.

"Sounds like fun. I'm in." Lola smiled.

"Me too." I said right after Lola.

"I'll be there too." My dad chimed in.

"Great! This should be fun!" My mom squealed.


A/N: Six more chapters! Aggghhh! Thanks for reading!

~Pham234 or Scarlett
