5. Crushing

Chapter 5: Crushing

"Good morning." I sang as I walked through the kitchen and headed to the coffee maker.
"Woah, woah, woah. What do you think you're doing?" My mom asked me.
"I'm getting coffee." I chirped.
Just as I was about to pull the pot out from the maker my moms hand blocked it and said, "I don't think so."
"Why not? Dad let me drink it every time I have a game." I said really casually.
My moms head turned towards my dads and he just looked down and pretended to be doing something. "Why haven't you told me this before? Aren't we suppose to make decisions together?" She asked.
"It's just one thing Heather, it's not like she drinks it everyday." My dad defended.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed. I reached for the pot again and my mom put her hand infront of it again.
"You're going to be late for school. We can talk about this later."
"Ugh, fine." I groaned and then grabbed a granola bar and closed the front door behind me as I left.


"Hey guys." I greeted everyone at lunch as I sat in my seat.
"Hey." They greeted me.
"So what are we talking about?" I asked.
"Just about the fact that your friend here is swooning over Zach over there." Coen replied as he pointed to Zach who was getting a spoon.
"I am not!" Jo shrieked.
"Oh, I think you are sweetie, there's no stopping it so why don't you just admit it." Coen teased.
"Shut up!" Jo said as her face turned bright red.
"Yup, she definitely has the hots for him." I joined in. Coen and I glanced at each other and started laughing. Then we had to compose ourselves because Zach was walking over.
"What'd I miss?" Zach asked as he sat back down at his seat.
"Oh, nothin." I said. Coen and I glanced over at each other again and almost broke out laing.
"I need to go." Coen excused himself.
"Me too." I followed. "Have fun!" I chirped as I got out of my seat along with Coen and left the two love birds behind.


"Game day ladies!" I smiled as I walked into the locker room to change into my jersey. I unlocked my locker to see yet again crushed paper plane float down right next to my feet. Just like before I shoved it into my bag before someone asked me about it.
Once I was all ready I walked into the gym with the rest of my team. The other team was already there so we were running a little behind schedule. "Alright ladies. I want you to go to the side lines while the other team is warming up and just hit down balls at each other, keep it contained though. I don't want balls flying everywhere." Coach Lissa lectured. "Come on, move it!" She yelled and then shooed us away.


It was my turn to serve. The score was currently 14-17, we were losing. I did my jump float serve and then got into my ready position, ready to get any balls that came over. But it didn't. The other team shanked the ball. "Yes Fay!" Shay cheered from the bench. I picked up the ball that was rolled over from the other team and did the same thing again. The same thing happened again. I turned my head over to the side lines to see Coach Lissa doing a little dance. I started laughing but then went back straight into game mode.


We lost the last the last set and the score so far this set was 20-24, game point. "Come on ladies! We've got this." I cheered, trying to pick up the mood on the court.
The other team had the serve. The server served the ball over and it went flying over my head, "Out!" I called. And sure enough it was.
"Yah, Shay you've got this." We all cheered. She smiled at all of.
Shay served super hard and the other team bumped the ball up and tipped it over, good thing we were ready, we tipped it right back down in an empty spot and they bumped it back up, set it and hit it down straight down at me. I pancaked and it came up. "Yes Fay!" I heard Coach Lissa yell from the side. A huge smile grew on my face.
For the rest of the game, determination was running through my blood and I was hungry.


"That was so amazing!" Aunt Amanda gasped as I walked up to them after the game that we just lost. "Oh, you were so good! I got it all on my phone! Now I can show grandma and everyone else back in Texas! They are going to be so proud!" Aunt Amanda shrieked and then pulled me into one of her ever so famous life threatening hugs.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Steve! Come on!" Aunt Amanda shook Uncle Steven up from his nap that he had during my game.
"I'm coming." He said as he opened up his eyes.
I walked ahead of them and caught up with my dad who was on the phone out side. "Yah, yah. Uh, hu. Kay, talk to you later." He said and then hung up. "Hey, you did great." He said to me.
"Thanks, dad." I wrapped my arm around his waist and gave him a side hug. "I thought mom was coming today." I mentioned, disappointed.
"She got caught up in work again, you know that she really wants to come to one of your games right?" He said as he slipped his phone into his pocket.
"I don't know anymore. She alway says that she does but she never tries. I have a feeling that she's just given up."
"Just stay positive. She'll come one day. It might not be today, or the next game, or the next but one day she'll be there, and she won't want to leave." I looked up at him and smiled and hugged him. He always knew what to say and do, he was truly the best dad ever.
We started walking away until we heard a sound, "Wait! Were coming!" Aunt Amanda shrieked. We turned around to see that she was trying to keep Uncle Steven up, "Hey, wake up." She yelled, louder than it needed to be.
My dad and I just looked at each other and then I asked, "They are leaving this week right?"
"Let's hope so." He sighed and then we turned around and continued our journey to the car with hyper Aunt Amanda and sleeping Uncle Steven right behind us.


A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was super short. You can feel free to leave some suggestions below! Thanks for reading!
~Pham234 or Scarlett
