7. Welcome Home

Chapter 7: Welcome Home

"Bye." I said as I walked downstairs to say goodbye to my aunt and uncle. They were going back to Texas.
Aunt Amanda was in tears and there was no stopping the river of tears that was gushing out of her eyes. "Fayyy.." She managed to choke up. "Come here.... I want to give you one last hug."
"Please don't cry." I said sympathetically. "You'll see me soon." I said as I walked towards her. Bracing myself for what was to come. The most deadliest hug. If you thought I was dying with her normal hugs I would be in heaven by the time her put her arms around me when she was sad.
"Be good..." She said as she wrapped her arms around me.
"I promise." I whispered as I was released.
"Well I guess we'll see you in two months." My dad said as he went in for his hug.
"We better get going or else you'll miss your flight." My mom said as she walked towards their suitcases to bring them out to the car.
"Bye, Uncle Steve." I said as I gave him a hug. My dad and him said their goodbyes and then they closed the door behind them and left.


"Hey Fay! Wait up!" I heard Coen scream as i got out of my car and started to walk to the school building. I turned around and waited for him.
"How are you doing on this glorious morning?!" He said, very hyper.
"Great!" I mimicked. "My aunt and uncle left this morning." I mentioned.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He said.
"I meant they left town. Not the world." I told him.
"Oh..." He said awkwardly.
"It's fine." I laughed and then we ran to class trying to beat the bell.


"What did you get for this question?" Coen asked me as he leaned over to see what I wrote on my paper.
"Hey!" I said as I shoved his head over back to his paper. "No cheating."
"I'm not cheating!" He exclaimed.
"I'm not."
"I'm not."
"Whatever you say."
"I'm not." And then we stopped talking.
It was currently fourth period, Social Studies. My only class that I had with Coen and I he had to sit next to me on the seating chart. Why? I thought to myself. Why would she want to torture me like this?
Coen had his moments. He could be nice and crazy at one point and then turn annoying. But mostly annoying. But he did have a hint of nice and not annoying.
"Sooo..." He dragged out.
"What?" I asked as I stopped taking notes to hear what he had to say.
"Will you please show me your notes."
"Basically asking me to let you cheat?"
"No." He scoffed. "I'm... Checking if I got my questions right.." He made up.
"Fine. Here." I caved in. "But give it back." I scolded.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He smiled and then gave me a quick hug.


The four of us decided to walk to lunch today but Jo and Zach decided to do something and had their own little romantic date outside. So it was just Coen and I at the lunch table today. Which was a little awkward. We didn't talk much except for when he brought up about me playing volleyball, "So, what position do you play?" He asked as he broke the silence.
"Libero." I answered as soon as I swallowed my bit of sandwich.
"Li.. what?"
"Libero. Its middle back." I responded.
"Oh, cool." He nodded his head.
"How long have you played?"
"A long time." I laughed. "How long have you played soccer?"
"A long time."
"Hey! Cheater!"
"I'm not."
"We are not doing this again." He interrupted.
"Thank god." I sighed in relief. There was a moment of silence before we both started laughing.
"Wanna head to class?" He asked as he held his arm out as if he was about to escort me if we were at a fancy ball.
"I'd be glad to." I said in a posh voice and then hooked our arms together and then walked down the halls to class.


"Come on Fay!" Coach Lissa yelled at me a I missed the ball that she hit. "I know it's Monday but you've got to wake up!" She yelled. "Reset the drill!" She ordered.
Everyone groaned and then did what she said. "Come on ladies!" Milly said trying to be positive.
We got into our positions and then she started hitting down balls again. I got the ball up and felt a big weight off my shoulders. I relaxed and I started becoming more awake as the adrenaline and sweat started kicking in.
"Now go get changed!" Coach Lissa cheered as we finished up practice. "Ya'll smell.." She said as we all exited the gym.
"I heard that!" We all said in unison.
"You were suppose to." She said as she walked out of the gym too.
I walked into the locker room with the rest of my team and as I was about to open my gym locker I was bracing myself to see another paper plane. And so when another paper plane floated to my feet I picked it up, shoved it into my bag and continued with my after practice changing routine that I had down packed my now.
As I turned the corner to get to the parking lot I saw a red shiny car parked right next to mine that I've never seen before. Then someone started getting out of it and once I realized who it was a big smile grew on my face. "Lola!?" I shouted in disbelief as I ran towards her. "What are you doing here?" I asked still in shock as I reached her.
"I needed to tell you guys some big new and I just couldn't wait till Thanksgiving so, here I am." She smiled as we pulled each other into a hug.
Once we let go of each other I asked her, "Do mom and dad know you're here?"
"Not really... This was the first place that I've been since I got off the plane."
"Well should we go home then?" I raised my eyebrow.
She responded with, "I'll see you there."


We got out of our cars and then walked together to the front door. "Are you ready?" I asked as I was about to unlock it.
I unlocked the door and opened it and then greeted my parents by saying, "Hey, I'm home." Sometimes they were still at work but today they both stayed home and worked instead of going into the office. I dropped my bag onto the living room couch and then walked up to the office room with Lola right behind me. I knocked on the door and my parents responded with, "It's open."
"I have someone here that wants to see you." I said as I slightly cracked the door open.
"Who?" My mom asked me.
I opened the door all the way so that they could see my sister standing right at the door. "Lola!" They both gasped and cried. My parents spent the next hour or so catching up with her while I cooked dinner and did my homework ignoring the fact that I've barely gotten to talk to her since she's been back.
"Dinners ready!" I yelled.
The three of them walked out of the office and made their way to the neatly set table. They all sat down and stared at me as if it was a miracle that actually set the table nicely. "What?" I asked.
"It's just.." My mom said with her jaw still wide open.
"Unexpected?" I asked. She nodded her head and then I sat down. "I just wanted to do something special since Lola came home and she said that she also has some big news to tell us." I spilled as I started putting food onto my plate. "Welcome home." I said to her as I put my glass in air so we could cheers.
"Welcome home." My parents said after I did.
"Welcome home.." Lola said with a nervous face.

"So whats the big news?" My mom asked as my dad gathered the dishes and brought them to the sink.
"Yeah, you've probably been dying to say it all through out the dinner." My dad chimed in.
"I guess.." She said unsure. "But could you all just sit down and promise to not get angry at me." She whispered. We all gathered back to the table and sat in our seats.
"What is it?" My mom asked her.
"Well.." She started. "I'm engaged." She gulped. She looked up and we all didn't know what to say. "Well?..." She asked as if she was waiting for an answer for years. No one responded. Her eyes started filling with tears, "Can you please just say something."
"I don't know what to say." My dad sighed.
"Mom?" She asked as she turned her head towards our mom.
"I don't know.." She responded.
A tear fell off her cheek and more continued to roll down. "Please just say if you approve or not."
"It's your life." My mom responded. "If you think this is right then I'm not going to stop you." And then she kissed her on the forehead and wiped her tears away.
"I can't, I'm sorry." My dad told her.
"Why?" She whispered as tears continued to fall.
"We don't even know his name or who he is. How am I suppose to trust him with you?" He asked almost to the point of anger.
"You shouldn't have to worry about him. All you have to do is trust, me." She whispered. Everything froze and the room became quiet.
A/N: So what'd you think? Thanks for reading!
Picture to the side is of Lola Macari played by Sarah Hyland.>>>>
~Pham234 or Scarlett
