13. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Chapter 13: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

“It’s family day!” My mom sang all around the house.

“Yay!” My dad sang along.

“You guys are weird.” I laughed as I walked around the house looking for what to eat, still in my pajamas.

“Fay! Why aren’t you changed yet?!” My mom yelled at me, cheerfully.

“I’m lazy..” I groaned.

“Well that better change because it’s family day!” She shrieked. I haven’t seen my mom this weird and happy in a long time. “Go change!” She smiled as she pushed me towards the stairs.

Halfway up the stairs my sister was coming down and we gave each other a look and then she said, “What are they on?”

“I don’t know but it’s, something..” I laughed.

I walked up to my room and then changed into something really comfortable but still sort of cute. It was a grey oversized shirt, black leggings, a bird printed scarf and some brown boots. After I got changed I skipped down the stairs and my mom was cooking pancakes and humming a tune. “Want chocolate chips in your pancakes?” She asked.

“Sure..” I said.

“How many pancakes do you want? Two?” I nodded at her and then she made two really good chocolate pancakes that I gladly ate. “Well lets go!” My mom cheered as we all finished our breakfast. “I have the whole day planned out, we can not afford to waste another second!” She scooted all of us out of the house before locking it and getting into the drivers seat with Lola and I in the back and my dad in the passenger seat. Once we were all inside the car my mom turned on the radio to the music station. It blasted with loud very bad childhood music. Then something even worse happened. My mom started singing along.. “Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle…”

“Mom!” I groaned.

“Hush.” She hissed back. The next song started to play and she once again sang along. Everyone else was quiet for the rest of the ride, except for her. “We’re here!” My mom sang as we parked the car in front of Joe’s Bowling Alley.

“I haven’t been here in forever.” Lola gasped as we walked into the bowling alley, shutting the door behind us.

“Come on, let’s go our shoes!” Mom squealed.

“Heather, calm down. Please.” My dad said, trying to contain my mom.

“Okay, I’ll try..” My mom smiled and then continued towards the place where we were suppose to get our bowling shoes. “Could we have three size sevens and one size nine please?” My mom asked the man behind the booth.

“Sure.” He gladly said and then disappeared to go find our sizes. When he came back he had a pile of shoes in his arms. He placed them onto the counter and said, “Here you go. Three size sevens and one size nine.”

“Thank you.” We all smiled before we took off towards the bowling alleys. Once we got to our lane, we slipped off our regular shoes and tied on our bowling shoes which were quite uncomfortable. “Let’s type in our names!” My mom cheered. “I’ll go first.” She offered.

“I’ll be second.” Lola said.

“I’ll be third, I guess.” I said, unsure.

“I guess I’m last.” My dad said casually.

My mom finished typing all our names and then she said, “Okay! Let’s get our bowwwlll oooonnnnnn!” She did a little spin before she picked up her bowling ball and skipped towards the lane.

I covered my embaresses face with my hands, “Mom.” I groaned.

“What?!” She asked as she looked back. She flung her ball down the alley, very ungraciously and it landed in the gutters. “Dang it!” She snapped her fingers before taking a seat back where we were. “Come on Lola, you’re next!” My mom clapped her hands as Lola got up, picked her ball and threw it down the alley. She knocked down all the pins but one and then went back for another ball. That time she didn’t knock the pin down and then went back to her seat.
“My turn!” I said as I got up out of my seat.

“You got this Fay!” My dad cheered me on.

“I hope so.” I laughed. I rolled my ball down the alley and to my surprise I knocked down all the pins in one turn. I turned around and looked at everyone in shock, not know what just happened. Then it hit me and I started screaming, “Did you see that?! What?! Yes!” I jumped in the air before I tried to calm myself down.

“Nice lil’” My sister congratulated me as I got back to my seat.

“You’re turn dad.” I sang as I patted him on the back.

He rolled his ball down the alley, his ball hit down half off the pins he went back to get another ball. This time he knocked down one more. “Darn.” He said weirdly before returning back to his seat.

We bowled for a while before we decided to stop and go out for some food. We drove around until we found a restaurant we all agreed on. That restaurant was this local sushi place that had the best food ever. We got out of our car and walked in, we got a table right away. When we sat down our waiter gave us our menus and then left us to decide on what to eat. I decided on the miso soup, california rolls and rice tea. When he came back we told him what we wanted and then he went away to deliver the order to the chefs.

“So when are we going to meet your fiance?” My dad asked Lola.

“Soon.” She reassured them. “I was actually thinking about him spending Christmas with us.” She said. “I man, if that’s okay with you guys.” She said quickly.

“Of course it’s okay!” My mom smiled. “We’ve been dying to meet him.”

“He’s really nice, don’t worry.” I smiled back.

“You’ve met him before?” My dad asked me.

“Yah. I Skyped him with Lola one time.” I nodded.

“That’s great.” My mom rubbed me on the back.

Soon the waiter came back with all our steaming food. He placed all of it onto the table, once he left we all started to dig into the food. “I’m so hungry.” I managed to say with all the food in my mouth.

“Fay, finish swallowing before you talk.” My mom lectured me.

“Sorry.” I responded once all the food that was in my mouth went down my throat. “So what’s next on the agenda?” I asked my mom as we walked out of the restaurant after we finished eating and paying the bill.

“Home sweet home.” She replied.

“Sounds good.” I sighed. We all got into the car and then drove home.

While we drove home I became quiet and caught up in my thoughts. It was nice to catch up with my family. These types of days make me appreciate them even more than I already do. I mean I spend everyday with them but I never acknowledge the amount of things that they do for me and I’m lucky to be able to have a family like them.


A/N: Agghh! 2k and only two more chapters! I'm sad but also excited to share my next story with you guys! Thank you guys for continuing to read my story! 

~Scarlett or Pham234
