10. Typical

Chapter 10: Typical

"Bye!" I yelled as I headed out the door with my usually breakfast, a granola bar. The winds were really bad today in South Carolina. I had on a black beanie, some boots, leggings and my hoodie. I quickly ran to my car and when I got inside I instantly turned on the heat. Before I left I plugged my phone into my phone and turned on my spotify playlist. Then I backed out of my driveway and was on my way to school.


"Hey!" Coen greeted me as we walked into the classroom.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so happy? I mean you're happiness level is all the way up here." I said as I showed him his happiness level.

"So you're saying that I can't always be happy?" He asked as we sat down.

"Stop trying to put words in my mouth Aimes."

"I'm not!" He defended.

"Can you just answer my question?" I asked sweetly.


"Come on." I begged.

"Shhhh.. Class is starting." He said as he pointed to the teacher standing at the front of the class.

"Since when did you care?" I asked.

"What's up with you and questions today?" Coen pointed out. We both shut up after that and focused on what the teacher was saying.


"There they are! The cutest couple ever!" I yelled in the cafeteria as Zach and J walked towards the table.

"Shut up." Jo whined in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I can't help it!" I apologized as they sat down.

"Well you should start trying." Jo responded.

"I'll try, but I can't promise you anything." I told her

"Fine." Jo said. "Where's Coen?" She asked.

"Ummm.. He's in the Social Studies room finishing up his work."

"Typical." Zach huffed. Jo and I started laughing because we knew it was true. "He's probably not even doing his work." Zach laughed.

"Yeah, probably." Jo and I said at the same time.

"Well, we have to get going." Zach sighed.

"Kay, bye lovebirds!" I shouted as they walked away. Jo turned around and gave me a glare. I put up my hand showing her that I was backing off.


"Hey ladies!" I chirped as I walked into the locker room.

"Hey!" Everyone chirped back.

I opened up my locker and not to my surprise another paper plane fell out of my locker and I picked it up. I continued to change into my outfit for the day, black spandex and a volleyball club t-shirt. I then threw my bag into my locker, shut it and then left the locker and headed for the gym.

"We're going to start of practices with some dynamic warm ups. I want Fay to lead and everyone to do the exercises correctly or else we will start again." Coach Lissa demanded.

Everyone lined up on the end line and then I called, "Lunges, there and back!" Then after everyone came back I yelled, "Cherry pickers there, side lunges back!" I kept on calling out different exercises that we could do until I felt like we did enough.

"Good job ladies!" Coach Lissa congratulated after we finished up warm ups. "Can I get six people on each side and three people waiting to wave in, please?" Coach Lissa asked as we started to move onto drills and the actual practice. "We're going to do a little scrimmage but mostly going to try and concentrate on our passing and digging. I'm going to start off by hitting a down ball to a side and you'll just go from there." She explained. "The row to mess off waves off and then the next row comes on. Everybody got that?" She asked.

"Yes!" Everyone replied. Me, Milly and Shay were in a row together. Coach Lissa hit the ball down to me and I got down low and bumped it up to where the setter was, she seted it to the middle and the middle hit it down. The middle back on the other side was the tallest player we had and she was so tall that her ready position was probably as tall as I was so her getting lower was not as easy as it was for me. She did get the ball up though and it went to the right back. The right back set her up and then she swung hard. I was however ready and on my toes so when the ball came I knew exactly what to to. "Yes Fay and Kira!" Coach Lissa yelled from the sidelines, watching us.

Finally I shanked the ball and my row went off. "Nice job guys." I smiled as we high fived each other and then we got to the back of the line.


"Are you kidding me?" I whined as I dropped my backpack in my room to see that my sister was yet again lying on my bed.

"Hello to you too." She joked.

"Get out please." I said, very tired.

"No." She said stubbornly.

"Get out..." I huffed as I tried to use as much energy that I had left to push her off my bed.

"Owww!" She screamed as she fell to the ground.

"You should've left then." I teased.

"Or you could've been nicer." She responded. She walked over to my desk and found one of the paper planes that I've been getting in my gym locker. "Did you make this?" She asked. As she held up the first paper plane that got.


"It's pretty." She said.

"It's just a paper plane." I responded and then took it out of her hands.

"If it was just a paper plane then why do you care so much about it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You just took it out of my hands and you certainly have quite a collection of them." She pointed out.

"I just found them at school, okay?" I lied.

"You just, found them?" She asked as if she knew something.

"That's what I just said. Can you just leave?" I asked as I pointed to the door.

She started walking away and as she was about to leave she said without turning around, "You do know you're a terrible liar right?" And then she closed the door.

Once she was gone for good I opened up my backpack and pulled out the paper plane that I got from today. I opened it up and it read,

Two weeks! - A mystery to be solved.

Two weeks? Two weeks? What does that mean? I guess I'll just have to wait until two weeks to truly understand what it means.

A/N: Only 5 chapters left! Thank you for 600 reads and thank you for continuing to read This short story! It truly means a lot to me!
