

"What did you do to her" I yell at Adam "shut the fuck up god you and Sammy are as bad as each other" he says picking me up by the collar of my shirt and throwing against the wall.

"Now shut up" he says shoving a sock in my mouth and putting sticky tape over my mouth.


I swear I'm going crazy the voices in my head are the worst it's ever been.

Just kill yourself already
Pete isn't looking for you
Jacobs dead

"Just shut up" I yell punching the wall I slid down the wall and start sobbing, I have bruises all over my body I have dried blood stuck to my body I need to get out even if the only out is to kill myself.

I search around the room for something I can use I found some matches not many only about 5 but it could come in some use.

I hear the attic door open but Adam doesn't come up its Jacob.

"Sam..Sammy" he says before collapsing "Jacob" I yell before running over to him.

"What did he do to you" I whisper as I look over Jacobs body its in a bad state "he told me to come up here and stay here" he says "it's ok we are together again we will get out of here"

"Promise" he says "I promise" I say with uncertainty, "Pete is looking for us" he says "I know" I say.


"We can't just go in and get Sammy and Jacob" Patrick says "why not" I say "cause we will lose think about it Pete" he says "your right" I mumble "when are the guys coming around" He says "they aren't coming till tomorrow" I say "well I'm staying here with you" he says.

"No go home Patrick, Elisa needs you" I say "Sarah and Breezy are over there she is fine, anyways if I let you stay home by yourself you most likely will drink and you and me both know that not a very good idea" he says raising an eyebrow.

"I really love her Patrick" I whisper "I know" he says "I want to spend the rest of my life with her" I say "are you saying you want to marry her" he says I look at him "yeah I think I do" I say "I think you too are perfect for each other but wait till this drama blows over then you can't think about marrying her" he says patting my shoulder.

