
I'm standing on side stage watching the guys play there songs they are really fucking good I can't help but stare at Pete I might have just gotten out of a relationship but come on he is so hot.

"Thanks everyone for tonight's show now I'm going to go get Patrick drunk and film it" Pete screams into the mic "No Pete I think it's the other way around" Patrick says into the mic the whole crowd laughs they bow then they walk to the side of the stage. "That was amazing" I say to Pete as I pass him a bottle of water.

"Not bad for a first concert" Patrick says nudging Pete "yeah not bad" I say as I pass Patrick a towel.

"Guys wanna come to my house and hang out" Pete says turning on his heals and faces me and the rest of the guys "yeah sure you coming Sammy" Joe says facing me "yeah sure got no other plans" I say picking up my backpack and putting on my back.

We drove to Pete's house and walk in and holy crap it's so cool "holy shit Pete your house is so fucking amazing" I say walking in and dropping my bag next to the door.

"Yeah this is clean just wait till it gets messy then it won't be so fucking amazing then" Joe says bringing drinks into the entertainment part of the house "shut up dude" Pete says sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder I blush instantly.

We started drinking and getting really drunk everyone started leaving one by one the only people that were left was Pete,Joe and me Pete was the most intoxicated.

"Hey Pete can I stay the night please" I say slurring my words "yeah sure there is a spare bedroom up stairs" Pete says taking another sip of vodka "yeah I'm going to stay the night as well I will crash on the couch or where ever I pass out" Joe says next thing I know Joe gets up but falls on the floor and passes out if Pete and I were sober we would help but we were so intoxicated that we just laughed.

"I fucking done with relationships" Pete says "why what the fuck did Ashlee do" I say "what didn't she do I am a fucking good father and I don't give a Shit what people think" I don't respond "don't worry Pete my ex wiped my bank account and cheated on me" "that's sucks shit" Pete says.

I look into his eyes and next thing he is kissing me one thing lead to another.

I wake up my head pounding and clothes scattered on the floor I look beside me and there lays Pete sleeping memories start to come back to me oh no....i had sex with Pete Wentz.

I grab my clothes and head down Stares I see Joe watching television "have fun with Pete last night you guys keeped me up all night" I didn't respond "don't worry go I will cover for you" Joe says I smile and head out the door.
