Going down in the earlier round


Who the hell is knocking on the door at 8 in the morning I stumble over to the door and open it "Hi are you Sammy Felts the owner of this house" the guy standing in front of me says "uhh yes" I say "this is an eviction notice for you to be out in 2 weeks or else you could be taken to court" I feel the anger bubbling inside of me "I can't pay for the bills when I haven't got any money" he just a shoves the note into my chest and walks off god what a dick.

I slam the door behind me and turn around Pete is there hair all messed up and no shirt on "Your getting evicted" Pete says yawning "looks like it" I throw the letter on the couch "where are you going to live" Pete says picking the letter up and reading it "I have a brother but..the down side is that um he lives in Canada" Pete seemed more awake all of a sudden "you can't move to Canada" I sigh "I could live with my parents but I'm on bad terms with them I have done stuff in my past" Pete walks closer to me "live with me" I raise and eyebrow.

"Pete I can't live with you" I say walking to the kitchen "why not seriously just live with me it doesn't have to be for long just till you get some money" I let out a loud sigh "fine" I say.

2 weeks later (trust me this needed to happen)

"Sammy come on" Pete says from the now empty living room "ugh you inpatient bastard" I say putting my jacket on and walking out of my bedroom "hey I can kick you out" he says playfully pushing me "no you won't" he chuckles and grabs his keys I take one last look at the place that's given me happiness heartbreak and loneliness I sigh and close the door behind me.

"So Bronx is coming over tonight I talked Ashlee into letting me have him for the weekend" Pete says starting the car "yeah that's fine it's about time I it to meet mini Wentz" he laughs, the car drive was silent but not awkward.

We pull into the house and I pull out the suitcase out of the back Pete came over a couple days ago to take the huge stuff so it would be less stressful taking all of the stuff on moving day.

"Welcome to your new home" Pete says opening the door I walk into the loungeroom to find Brendon passed out on the floor "well.." I say as Pete walks next to me "oh shit he came here last night cause he had a fight with Sarah and he got drunk" Pete says "I need to go to something for fall out boy wake him up and don't let him get to the alchol cabinet" i slightly chuckle and Pete heads up the stairs.

I walk over to Brendon who was hugging a empty vodka bottle "Oi Brendon get yo sassy ass up" I say throwing a pillow at his face "wha...what happened" He says sitting up grabbing his head "you got drunk idiot" I say and it's like the memories of last night came flooding back to him and his face went pale white he got up and ran to the kitchen and vomited.

I sighed and patted his back "I had a fight with Sarah" he says wiping his mouth on the tea towel that was next to the sink "yeah I know go sit at the couch and I will order pizza" I say "it's to early for pizza" I roll my eyes "dude it's 5 in the afternoon" he doesn't respond.

After I finished calling the pizza place I texted Sarah
Sammy: your boy passed out at Pete's house last night
Sarah: figured
Sammy: are you ok. What happened
Sarah: I'm fine. I argued with him cause I said we don't get to spend as much time together as we used to
Sammy:understandable l ordered Pizza after dinner want me to send home Brendon
Sarah:yes please xx

I put my phone down and go over to sit next to Brendon but someone knocked on the door before I could sit down me and Brendon looked at each other.

I walk over to the door and open it "Who are you" Ashlee says holding Bronx's hand "I'm one of Pete's friends just let me go get Pete" I said I ran inside to the bottom of the steps "Pete Ashlee's here" I yell Pete comes down moments later he heads to the door and moments later brings Bronx in
"Bronx this is Sammy she is going to be living with me for a while" Pete says I knell down next to Bronx "hey Bronx I'm Sammy" I put my hand out for him to shake it "do you and daddy love each other" Bronx says "as a friend buddy" Pete replys

The matter of the fact was that I did love Pete not just as a friend.
