Do you wanna feel beautiful?

A/N~don't judge the song titles I usually base the title on the song I'm listening to props to you if u know where it's from.

I woke up to someone sitting on my bed "Bronx hey buddy where's your dad" I say stretching and yawning "he is hungry could you make me some breakfast" he looks at me with hopeful eyes "yeah sure" I say getting out of bed and walking down stairs.

"I don't want weatbix" Bronx says sitting at the bench "good cause I don't want that either they are revolting" Bronx chuckles "can I have pizza" I chuckle "yeah I think there is some left overs in the fridge" I say looking inside the fridge grabbing the pizza box and sitting it down on the counter "want it cold or hot" I ask grabbing out three plates "cold please" I smile and hand Bronx the pizza.

I put some pizza on the plate for Pete and put it in the fridge for him to eat when he wakes up "Sammy can I ask you a question" taking a bite of his pizza "sure buddy" I say "are you sure you and daddy don't love each other cause I think daddy loves you" I sigh "can I tell you a secret..but you can tell anyone but most importantly don't tell daddy" he nods which makes me smile "I do love your daddy..but he doesn't love me" His face turns from happy to confused "but daddy does love you I can tell also Brendon told me last night that you love each other" before I could answer Pete walked down the stairs.

"Daddy!" Bronx says running to Pete "hey buddy" he turned to me "you didn't have to make him breakfast" I smile "I know but I wanted to also there is pizza on a plate in the fridge for you" he smiles.

3 hours later

Bronx went home about an hour ago it was quite without Bronx.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Pete.

"So Sammy how would you like if I offered you a job" Pete says sitting next to me on the couch putting his arm around my back "really?" I say my eyes widen "well it's a pretty simple job you get paid for it of course" "well don't leave me hanging Wentz what's the job about" he laughs "it's with my record company basically help keep the fans up to date with tour dates updating social media and doing articals on the websites" my mouth dropped "I will take that as a yes" Pete says laughing.

2 days later.

"Dude just ask her out if you don't ask her out soon you will be friend zoned and nobody wants to be friend zoned" Brendon says "ugh I know it's just something's different about her it's like she is hiding something I can stay away from her...I love her" Brendon sighs handing me a beer "drink up" I chuckle "so are you gonna do it God you weren't even this nervous about asking Ashlee out".

"I will ask her out but I don't want it to be cheesy I want it to be fun" I say "take her to the recording studio have dinner there" I raise a eyebrow at him "for once Brendon has a fucking good plan" I say punching his arm and heading out the door.
