Close the god damn door.


I can't let Adam hurt my friends the people I love the people that make me happy.

"God one day I'm gonna kill you I swear to god" Adam says slapping me across the face "well if your gonna do it why not do it now I have lost everything my parents are dead and you don't allow me to see my friends so why not just kill me get it over and done with stop using me as a personal punching bag you asshole" I say forcing myself off the floor "I'm not gonna make it that easy for you" he says punching me one final time in the stomach before leaving me to deal with the pain that is filling my body.

I sit on the edge of the bed crying and shaking I keep having flashbacks of the times Adam has threatened me and or beaten me it's gotten worse since I spoke to Jacob, it's like I'm waiting for Adam to kill everyone I love everyone I care about, I need to tell Pete but I'm scared.

I grab my phone out and call Josh but he doesn't answer so I call Tyler thankfully he answers "hey Sammy" he says "hey I need some advice" I say in a urgent tone "what's going on" he says as his tone in his voice changes "I need to tell Pete" I hear him sigh "if you feel this strongly about telling Pete than tell him don't let it eat you up tell him but do it when he is happy" he says in a calming voice "thanks so much Tyler and next time you talk to Josh tell him to call me please" I say "your welcome and I will tell Josh to call you" after that Tyler hangs up.

"Who was that" I jump at the voice it was Pete "Tyler" I say hoping he didn't hear much he leans on the door frame "so what do you need to tell me" he says I close my eyes damn it he heard the conversation "you might need to sit down for this" I say opening my eyes again he sighs and sits on a chair in the corner or the bedroom "it's Adam he is coming after you" I say not making eye contact with him "and you were calling Tyler why" he asks "Tyler and Josh knew" I say I can see anger in Pete's eyes "so let me process this you told Josh and Tyler people you haven't even known for 2 weeks over your boyfriend" He says anger in his voice "I'm sorry Pete I really am" I say in a pleading voice "whatever Sammy" Pete says getting up and walking out of the room.

I start crying after about half an hour of crying I call Elisa I need to talk to someone "hey Sammy wanna talk about it" she says "I'm guessing Pete called Patrick" I say "yep why don't you come over stay the night Sarah and Breezy are coming over soon we can talk about it have some girl time watch a movie and then sleep it off" Elisa says "that's definitely what I need right now" I say "cool come over now" she says "ok be there soon" I say before hanging up.
