Part 30 "Finn"

Harry sighed. He was just so worried about his company. He knew his father was taking care of it, but he couldn't help but worry about it. The company was his baby. 

The market rate was dropping with all the incidents surrounding him, and the work environment was hectic. The workers had to endure the change of charge repeatedly, and that was bound to be confusing. 

The Tabloids wouldn't shut up about it either. They were mocking him about still being a daddy's boy and was even doubting whether he actually had skills to run a company. 

Well, at least they didn't find about Leslie yet...

Being watched by everyone, to be in a spotlight constantly...That wasn't the thing that he wanted Leslie to experience.

"Knock knock."

Harry looked up only to find Finn standing near his door with that smirk of his. 

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you here to gloat how your company that you built from scratch is doing so well while I'm struggling to maintain the one my father gave me?" Harry scowled. He didn't need this. He was frigging shot and needed rest, not another stress cause visitation.

"Whoa. I can feel the love, Cuz." Finn said, rolling his eyes.

"Seriously. If you're here to annoy me, Mission accomplished. Now get the F out of my face." Harry said as he turned up the TV's volume.

Finn snatched the TV's remote away from Harry and turned it off. 

"Hey!" Harry said, frowning.

"You are way too old to watch Spongebob, you freak." Finn said, dumping the remote far away so that Harry couldn't reach it.

"Wow. Thanks. You're here to annoy me and stop me from watching TV?" Harry said, crossing his arms.

"No, you dumbass. I'm here to actually check up on you." Finn said, pointing at the fruit basket he brought.

"Wow. Is Dad here to check how you're playing the loving cousin role?" Harry said.

"No. I actually care about you. Why wouldn't I care? You're family, Harry." Finn said.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Stop the act."

Finn half shouted. "It's not an act! Why don't you stop acting like a sulking 5 year old for a second? Huh?"

"Well, maybe it's because you've stolen my father's attention for forever! I was young, Finn! I needed my dad. But instead, you stole him away from me! He wouldn't ever shut up about you!" Harry yelled. He was furious.

"Seriously? You think I stole him away from you?" Finn said, looking shocked.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh please. I begged him to come to my recital. I was only 6 years old. I needed my parents to be there for me. But instead, only my mom showed up while my own father was busy not showing up to his own son's recital and spending time with you!"

Finn was quiet for a moment. "That's not fair. I never meant to do that."

"Oh wow. You didn't mean it to happen. Problem solved, right?" Harry said, sarcastically.

Finn sighed. "You don't know everything, Harry. You were too young to understand."

"Do I look like I'm a kid now? Please enlighten me on this critical information that everyone has been hiding from me." Harry said.

"Do you look like a kid? To me, yes. Because you sulk about everything! How should someone tell a 6-year old that his cousin was being beaten by two drunken parents every day? That it became so serious that he was rushed to the emergency room the same day his little cousin had his precious recital? If it was up to me, I would have wanted your dad to be there for you! But I didn't have a choice because I had been knocked unconscious by my own father!" Finn hollered.

Harry sat on his bed, stunned. Finn was beaten up by his own parents? He never saw his uncle and aunt. Whenever he asked about them, his parents would say that they didn't keep in contact with them. As far as he remembered, Finn was always there, living together with his family.

"I...I didn't know." Harry said.

Finn snorted. "So how does it feel, given the critical information that you wanted?"

Harry crossed his arms again. "That doesn't explain why you keep on acting like an ass to me."

Finn smiled. "I like your reaction. Every time I piss you off, you give the funniest expression."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Great to be in service."

Finn sobered up from his laughing. "Seriously though, I'm here to give you some info. Alongside with checking up on you."

"Shoot." Harry said, becoming more serious.

"I started looking up some information about Lilly's case, and I found out that one of the cops that were in the case had this grudge on Lilly back in school. You know how Chris Fratt is saying that he was the one who gave the instructions of the bombing but never contacted Lilly about it? He gave those instructions to the hitman company he hired. Thank god he didn't have much money so he was stuck with the rookies. Or you wouldn't be here." Finn chuckled.

"Yeah. Feeling the love." Harry retorted back.

"Anyways, the Katy girl has a close relationship with this cop that I'm talking about. And I'm talking about skin to skin close-" Finn said as Harry shuddered.

"TMI, Finn. TMI." Harry said, glaring at Finn.

"Alright, Jesus. For someone who sleeps around, you are acting like a shy virgin." Finn said, rolling his eyes.

"Well I dug deeper, and I found this interesting text history between them." Finn said, holding out a copy to Harry.

Harry studied the paper, and his jaw dropped in shock. "Oh my god. Lilly is innocent! How...How did you manage to find this out?" 

Finn smirked. "Oh, you do not want to know about that. You see I banged this hoe who works at-"

Harry made a grossed out expression to which Finn laughed. "Oh alright. I'll spare you the details."

Harry rolled his eyes once more. His cousin was definitely something.
