Part 28 "Finally!"

Leslie slowly raised her head, meeting Harry's warm stare.

"How can you look at me like that?" Leslie whispered.

Harry looked puzzled. "Look at you like what?"

"Like...Like you actually care about me." Leslie said, biting her lip.

Harry frowned. "I do care about you. Why wouldn't I?"

Leslie frowned as well. "Even after my huge mistake that got you shot? I did a lousy job at protecting you. You should be angry, you should be pissed. You should fire me. After all, I'm only an employee."

Harry stared at Leslie. Only an employee? Is that what she thought?

"Only an employee? You think that I only think of you as an employee?" Harry said, bewildered.

Leslie was the one that looked confused now. "What do you mean? I'm in your employment, aren't I?"

"I don't ask all of my employees to go see a musical. I don't invite all of them to my family's Christmas dinners." Harry said like he was stating the obvious.

Leslie still looked confused. "But Edward..."

Harry let out a frustrated sigh. "Edward is like family. Why do you think I took all those cooking lessons from you? I can't cook to save my life! To be honest, I would just eat takeout rather than to cook."

Leslie's heart missed a beat. Was he implying... No. That couldn't be it.

"I like you, Leslie. A lot. Not love. Not yet anyway. But I'm getting there. Remember that time, when I was freezing you out? I actually thought that you had a boyfriend. I was freaking hurt. I know I absolutely didn't have any reason to be hurt when I was the one who didn't show my feelings to you sooner. I was mad at myself for being such an idiot. After I found out that it was only your brother? Heck. You don't know how much I was embarrassed and at the same time, joyful. I could have shouted Hallelujah right on top of the building. Then came Troy. He looked absolutely perfect for you. It was obvious that you loved him, and he was all smart with his good looks. How was I going to compete with that? I needed to tell you how I felt before I lost you to him. I was planning to make a grand gesture after the musical when it went all wrong. I'm telling you this right now. I really like you. I love how you look like a baby chipmunk when you eat, and I absolutely fucking love how you get this little dimples when you smile. So I'm asking you this. Will you be my girlfriend? Cause I don't think I can go back to when you weren't in my life." Harry said, gingerly stroking Leslie's cheek with his thumb.

Leslie just sat there, wide-eyed, absorbing all the information. Harry Sinne actually liked her back?

Harry was still sitting on his bed, looking at her expectantly. And she hasn't given him an answer yet. Crap!

"Leslie? I kinda poured my heart out to you and..." Harry said, blushing. Why wasn't she saying anything? Was she about to reject him? Oh crap. Double crap. This was going to be so embarrassing. He shouldn't have done this. He should have-

Harry's thoughts were soon stopped when he felt something warm on his lips. Harry's eyes widened as he realized that Leslie was actually kissing him. He soon closed his eyes and pulled Leslie closer to him, closing their distance.

"I wager that as a yes?" Harry said, breathing raggedly as he pulled away. Leslie's lip followed Harry's as he pulled away as if she didn't want to let go of his ever.

"You wager right." Leslie said, hungrily putting her lips on Harry's once again.

Things started to heat up when there came an awkward fake cough from the door.

Leslie got off of Harry in an instant, Blushing feverously while Harry pouted.

"Uh...I need to check up on Mr.Sinne. And the visiting hours are over..." The doctor said, his face tinged red at the sight he witnessed.

Leslie nodded and got up to leave while Harry grabbed her hand.

Leslie looked back and smiled. "Don't worry. I'll come back tomorrow. I need to shower anyway. I'll call you tonight, okay?"

Harry gave a nod, glancing at the phone on his nightstand.

As Leslie left the hospital, she couldn't help but put her hands on her lips, letting out a small giggle. She missed him already.
