Part 16 "Calling the Shots"

"So. Did you organize the supposed attacker's list?" Leslie asked. 

"Well, yeah. There are a few people who I would like to check back on. But first thing first. I would like to meet Edward and ask if he saw anything." Harry said. 

"Mr.Evans woke up?" Leslie asked. 

"Yes. I got a call last night. I wanted to go there right away but they told me that there were visiting hours." Harry said, putting on his coat.

"Should we bring anything? Maybe some soup? You know how hospital food is nasty." Leslie said.

"Maybe." Harry said, smiling at Leslie as she hurriedly put on her coat as well. 

Soon they stood in front of Edward Evan's hospital room. Leslie was holding a chicken soup while Harry was holding a fruit basket.

"This feels so weird." Harry said, fidgeting.

"Are we going to go in or not?" Leslie said, holding the soup carefully. 

"Uh..." Harry mumbled while Leslie pushed him aside and went in.

"Hey, Mr.Evans. How are you doing?" Leslie said as she put the soup on the nearest table.

"Ms.Jones." Edward smiled as he lay on the bed. Most of him were wrapped in bandages, so he couldn't really move.

"I told you to call me Leslie." Leslie said as she sat beside him.

"And I told you to call me Edward." Mr.Evans chuckled. "So, Is the boss going to come in or what?"

Harry slowly entered the room gripping the fruit basket like it was his lifeline. 

"Hey, Ed. How are you feeling?" Harry said, not really meeting Edward's eyes.

"Well, I can't really feel much because of all the bandages." Edward said. "Though it kind of reminds me of when I was younger. You helped me wrap myself in toilet paper to resemble a mummy, remember? The kids were terrified." Edward said, laughing.

Harry grinned as well. "How could I ever forget? It was the best day I had there."

Leslie grinned at the two of them. "Aww. You guys are so cute together."

"I look like a mummy and you think I'm cute? Girl, you have a really weird standard of cute." Edward said, rolling his eyes.

"So. Should I start blabbing about what I saw that day or should we just laugh on?" Edward said, his face turning serious.

"You saw something, then?" Harry tensed.

"Well, not exactly. I came to work early that day. When I stepped into the office I bumped into someone wearing a black hoodie. I thought of it as weird because I mean It's an office. Who wears a hoodie in an office?  The person looked like he or she was in a hurry since the person didn't apologize for bumping into me. I brushed it off thinking of it as a little weird. I sat at my desk when I heard some funny noise in your office. I wanted to check it out, and when I turned the doorknob, Boom." Edward said.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that. It should have been me." Harry said, hanging his head.

Edward made a frown. "It's not your fault that I'm in the hospital. It's not like you wanted me to be here, Harry."

"But you are here because of me. Heck, you could have died because of me." Harry said angrily.

"Hey. You know what you can do to repay me? Catch that hoodie and find out who did this. I don't really get why someone would want to hurt you, Harry. But if they are putting bombs in your office, I don't think this will be their last move." Edward said, tensely.

"He's right. They are calling the shots around now. We need to act quick or they are going to shout out Checkmate." Leslie said, grabbing her coat.

"Where are you going?" Harry said, staring at Leslie warily.

"I need to see someone. Are you coming or not?" Leslie said.

"Edward, I'm putting guards in front of your room for safety measures. You understand, right?" Harry said, standing up as well.

"Sure. Just...Be safe. And take care of Leslie. I think she's good for you." Edward said, smiling.

"Take care, Mr.Evans!" Leslie yelled.

"Jones, if you keep calling me that I swear to god-" Edward shouted, chuckling as well.
