Part 27 "De ja Vu"

"What happened?! I couldn't get hold of you for hours! That's it. I'm going to get a tracker and ask the doctors to plant them on you. You made me worried sick!"

Harry wanted to stuff his ears so badly. This situation felt so...familiar. Janet, Harry's mother wouldn't leave his side, however how much Harry begged. 

"Where's Leslie? I need to check if she is okay." Harry said.

Janet's face softened. "Oh, Leslie is still at the station. They had a lot of questions to ask. Actually, now that you are up, they are going to come to ask you some questions as well. But I'll ask them to come later if you aren't feeling well..." 

Harry shook his head. "No. I would rather get it over with. And I need someone to pick Leslie up from the station when they are done."

Janet smiled. "You really care for her, don't you?"

Harry's cheeks tinged red. "Uh..."

Janet shrieked. "This is so cute!! I told your father that you'll find the one soon enough! In his face!!!"

Harry wanted to crawl into his sheets. "Mother. Quit being embarrassing!"

Janet rolled her eyes. "Let me just tell your father this news. He is going to so lose the bet."

Harry's eyes went into slits. "You made a bet about me?"

Janet laughed. "Oh, honey. We need some excitement in our lives."

Harry stared up at the ceiling. His parents were just so...gah.

"You know we are not a thing though, right? I'm sure that she doesn't even know that I like her." Harry said, gloomily.

Janet smacked the back of Harry's head. 

"Ow?!" Harry screamed, rubbing his head furiously. 

"What was that for?" Harry asked, glaring at his mother.

"I did not raise my son to be such a moron! Where did all that playboy skills go? Here I was, enduring all the bimbos you brought home, thinking that one day you will bring the perfect one for you, and now what? You're just sucking on the gloom moping about how She doesn't know how I feel. Have you ever shown her, or even talked to her about how you feel?" Janet said, crossing her arms.

Harry mumbled while Janet glared at Harry. 

"What's that? I can't hear you." Janet said.

"I haven't!" Harry said, more loudly.

Janet nodded satisfied. "That's what I thought. When Leslie comes here, I want you to really talk to her. Got it? Momma ain't gonna wait much longer for grandkids." 

Harry's face turned into a more vibrant color of red. "Mom!" 

Janet shrugged shamelessly. "What? It's boring with just your father. I want to see babies that that aren't mine!"

Harry shook his head. "Mom I really think I need some time alone. You go home and rest."

Janet frowned. "But-"

"I think I need to think about what to say to Leslie when she comes." Harry said.

Janet smiled. "Sure. I'll be here tomorrow with your father. Rest well darling."

As soon as Janet left, Harry rested his back on his bed. He was worried about Leslie. It has been way too long since all that happened. He went into surgery, removing the bullet, and he woke up a few hours ago. Leslie should have been here by now. How many questions did they have for her?


Harry raised his head to find Leslie, lingering at the door.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Harry asked as Leslie came in, still wearing the same clothes, looking tired.

"I'm fine. They wouldn't let me come and see you, saying that only family members were allowed. Janet came and told them I was allowed." Leslie said.

Harry studied Leslie's face. "What did the officers ask?"

Leslie shook her head. "Nothing much. I had to give them the background story. Chris was in the interrogation room when I left."

Harry sighed. "There are so many questions left unanswered. Is Lilly really guilty? Who had hurt Chris back in Highschool? How had he managed to do all that to hurt me?"

Lilly smiled a tiny smile. "I'm just glad that you're okay. You didn't have the lucky cricket like Mulan did, but you're still in one piece."

Harry smiled as well. "I don't need a lucky cricket. Why would I need it if I have you?"

Leslie's smile faded. "But I sucked so bad at protecting you. Heck, I even led us back to our kidnapper. You should fire me right now. I'll understand if you don't want to give me my paycheck. It is only logical that you fire me since It really is over now. You don't need me anymore."

Harry frowned. "It's true that I may no longer need a bodyguard, But that's not going to happen anytime soon. Not when I just got shot."

Harry beckoned Leslie to come closer to his bed. Leslie looked down at the floor as she sat down on the chair near Harry's bed, which Janet was sitting on just a few moments ago.

Harry gently put his head on Leslie's face, lifting it up. Leslie's eyes refused to meet Harry's.

"Look at me." Harry murmured.
