Part 19 "Christmas Dinner"

Months have passed with no special incidents whatsoever. Lilly refused to admit her crimes and was sentenced to 5 years in Jail. Edward was back to office, and Leslie...

"Are you serious?" Leslie opened the windows, coughing her lungs out.

"Yeah. I guess I just have to give up on cooking." Harry said, scratching his neck.

"You guess?" Leslie said, rolling her eyes.

"Let's just order takeout." Harry gave her his dazzling grin while Leslie put the now black frying pan into the sink.

"I swear to god that you have more MSG in your body than blood." Leslie said, flopping on the couch.

"I can't help it. Take out is easier and tastier." Harry pouted. 

"All right. I'm feeling...Thai food." Leslie said, holding up the flier.

"Ditto. Will you order for me? You know my favorite." Harry said, going to the bathroom while Leslie nodded.

Not a few minutes later, Leslie hollered for Harry. "Harry! Boss!!"

"What?" Harry hollered back, looking for his wallet in his room.

"Your father is calling!" Leslie appeared in front of his room, holding the buzzing phone.

"Alright. Thanks." Harry said to Leslie as he answered the phone.

"Dad?" Harry said.

"Oh, Harry. You know how Christmas is coming up, right? Finn is coming as well. I was hoping you could bring Edward and Leslie with you." George said.

Harry frowned. Finn was coming? "I don't think I can go. Leslie should spend the holidays with her family as well. I don't know about Edward though."

"I already asked Leslie. She said she will come over with her younger brother. Edward said he will come as well. I was just asking if you could give them a ride." George said.

Harry sighed. "Sure Dad."

"Great! Your mother asked you to be here by 7 PM. Don't be late!" George said, excitement in his voice.

"Yeah. Bye, Dad." Harry said as he hung up the phone.

"Why do you look like you ate a rotten egg?" Leslie asked as she lowered the TV's volume.

"Why didn't you tell me about Christmas Dinner?" Harry asked, breathing out a deep breath.

"I assumed you knew since it was your dad who asked me." Leslie said, frowning. "If you don't want me there I can always cancel." 

Harry shook his head. "No, It's not that. Finn is coming for dinner and his presence annoys the hell out of me. He is a signature of trouble." 

"It can't be that bad. If Finn tries something funny I swear I'll go into full bodyguard mode." Leslie said, laughing.

Harry relaxed a bit. "I just hope dinner won't take too long."


Leslie looked around the house in awe. She had thought Harry's apartment was fancy, but Harry's apartment had nothing on this mansion.

"No way. This is awesome!" Lucas said, his eyes bugging out.

"Agreed. Never got used to the size of this mansion." Edward said, standing awkwardly.

"Let's just go inside. You guys will freeze to death in this weather." Harry said, knocking on the door.

A mid-aged woman wearing an apron opened the door, smiling widely.

"Harry!" She exclaimed as she hugged him.

"Hey, Helen." Harry chuckled as he hugged her back.

"Oh, it has been ages since I last saw you! And Edward! My my." Helen said, smiling.

"And who is this?" Helen said, smiling at Leslie and Lucas.

"This is Leslie, my bodyguard. And this is Lucas, Leslie's brother." Harry introduced them to Helen.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you. You can give your coats to me. Dinner is already set and your parents are waiting for you. Finn is here as well." Helen said.

The four of them shrugged out of their coats and started walking to the dining hall. 

"There they are!" George said, greeting them warmly.

"Just let me have a good look at you." Janet, Harry's mother, said as she held her son's face.

"Mom. You saw me a few months ago!" Harry said, blushing.

"Aww. You should be happy that your mother loves you." A voice said as Harry turned around.

"Finn." Harry said, his smile disappearing.

"Cousin." Finn nodded, giving Harry a smile.

"Well, now. Why don't we sit down now? The food is already set and we better eat before it gets cold." Janet said, clapping her hands, smiling.

"So, Leslie. I heard that you are teaching my son how to cook! How is that going so far?" Janet asked.

"Oh, It's been going...somewhere, Mrs.Sinne." Leslie answered.

Janet laughed. "Harry is terrible at it, isn't he?"

Leslie gave a small smile. "He somehow managed to turn every frying pan in the house as black as a coal."

"It's not my fault that I am bad at cooking. I got it from Dad." Harry said, mock glaring at George.

George held up both of his hands. "Woah. If it was up to me, I would have gladly given you your mom's cooking DNA."

"So, Edward. How is it going with your boyfriend?" Janet asked.

"Oh,  Charlie and I are doing well. We even got a little pup together." Edward said, smiling.

Leslie stared at Harry, who chuckled. "You didn't know?" Harry asked.

"No! Then again, what does it matter." Leslie grinned.

"What did you name your puppy?" Leslie asked, taking a big bite of the turkey.

"Scout. We wanted to be classic." Edward answered, showing them several pictures of the pup.

"Finn, my boy. How is your business going?" George asked while he drank his wine.

"Oh, It's going fantastic. Since I have built it from scratch, I'm so close to my employees and we are just like this big family, you know? We are a one big team enjoying what we do, and striving for the best." Finn said, his eyes sparkling.

"Nothing is more important than giving your employees the motive to work hard. In the end, that also influences the company's work atmosphere and their efficiency as well." George said, nodding.

"Oh, how is your company going, Harry?" Finn asked. "I heard about the terrible incident. I wanted to come right down to lend you a hand but I was in Chicago at that time."

"Oh, it has been going well. All is sorted out." Harry answered stiffly.

"I saw the market rate, Harry. If you need a hand, call me anytime okay?" Finn smiled.

Harry clenched his fork hard. All he wanted to do was to stab Finn with it. "Why thanks for looking out for me, cousin."

"Anytime. After all, you do it for family." Finn said.

"Enough work related talk on the dinner table. Leslie. Why don't you introduce us to this young fella?" Janet said, smiling at Lucas. Lucas blushed as everyone's focus landed on him. 

"Oh. This is Lucas, my younger brother. He is currently a senior." Leslie said.

"Have you thought of colleges to apply to?" George asked, showing interest.

"Yes, Sir. I was thinking Harvard, Yale, and Stanford." Lucas said.

"Hmm. Why so?" George asked.

"I would love to go to Law school in the future, and they have the best law schools in the states. I thought it would be best to stick to one learning environment." Lucas answered.

"Why so? Wouldn't it benefit you to meet more people from other schools while you learn?" George asked.

"Yes, but I can always meet new people at one place too. My main goal is to study hard and get a scholarship. Although getting to know a lot of people might be beneficial, My top priority isn't that." Lucas answered confidently.

George smiled. "Good. Tell you what, I know some law school graduates and I'll introduce you to them once you graduate high school. It would be good for you to know what you are getting into."

Lucas smiled widely. "Really? That would be awesome, Mr. Sinne. Thank you!"

George waved his hands. "Oh, It's nothing. Just keep your grades like it is, alright?"

Lucas nodded excitedly, smiling widely at Leslie who chuckled.
