•Grudges Aren't Healthy {Jungkook}•

Hello my little toadstools!
Before I begin this chapter, I want to ask for your preferences on how I write.
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Anyways, enjoy!

// Jungkook POV //

I know what I'm doing is so childish.

But I still haven't released my anger, I'm not letting it go.

A few nights ago, I asked the hyungs if I could go to a small party of about 15 people at an old friend's house.I assured them it was totally safe, there would be no alcohol (they don't like us drinking on work nights), and that I would be back before midnight.

I even planned to follow through on all those promises, so it really upset me when they didn't even look up from the TV, and Namjoon just replied "No.No parties on work nights."

"It's not a party!" I protested, getting a bit irritated.

"Yah!Your hyung told you no, and his answer is not changing.End of discussion." Yoongi declared.

This upset me for two reasons.One, because we work a lot, and I rarely see any of my old friends anymore.And two, I feel like the hyungs don't trust me.

I double checked to make sure that my hyungs would be able to approve of this get together, and I still couldn't go.They probably subconsciously assumed I was lying, and then wouldn't let me further explain myself.

It makes my blood boil to think my hyungs think I'm so immature and irresponsible.

So I've decided that if they were going to treat me like a child, I'll act like one.

I've been giving them the silent treatment the past few days, but they haven't noticed, which only added to the growing pain in my heart.

Although, it may be because I wasn't completely silent with them.I only talked to them when they spoke with me, and didn't hang out with them anymore.I'm not stupid, and I knew they would catch on if I went full blown silent treatment.But still, I thought it would be enough for them to notice.

To notice that I'm hurt.

I would never admit it out loud, but I just want them to comfort me, and assure me that they trust me.I want to tell them about how I'm feeling, but something's stopping me from doing so.

I sighed and decided I should probably go to bed now.The moon light was the only thing that filled my room with some essence of light before I drifted off to sleep.


I picked at my breakfast, having lost my appetite.

My mother always told me you should never go to bed upset because it wouldn't be real rest.All your negative emotions would cloud their way in, and you wouldn't sleep properly.

She was right, I felt so on edge and snappy, and my grudge against the hyungs didn't help.

"Jungkook-ah, eat your food before it gets cold." Jin said.

"I'm not hungry." I huffed.

"You're going to have to eat something.I'm not letting you leave this table until you do." Jin firmly stated.

"Then I guess I'm not leaving this table."

Yoongi, who was sitting next to me whispered into my ear, " Eat something before I take my belt to you." His voice was cold, and left no room for argument.

I sighed, and obeyed, not wanting to anger him any further.


The hyungs have been avoiding me the whole day.Even Tae and Jimin!

I'll admit I've been rude and snappy, but they didn't even bother to ask why!

By the time we got in the car to go home, I was sitting in the back trying to suppress the tears forming in my eyes.

Why did none of them notice my pain?!Why didn't they ask what's wrong?!Why don't they trust me?!Why am I so childish to the point I can't even talk about my feelings and have to hold a petulant grudge?!

"Jungkook-ah?JUNGKOOK!Are you listening to me?"

I looked up to my Namjoonie hyung.Anger and frustration immediately clouded my vision.

"No.What do you want?" I sneered.I'm not even going to try to hide how I'm feeling right now.

"What way is that to talk to your hyung?" Hobi scolded.

"If you're not going to treat me with the respect I deserve, why should I treat you with any at all?" I stated defiantly crossing my arms.

I could feel the tension in the car.

Everyone was stunned.I normally don't test any of my hyungs like this.

"As soon as we get home, go to your room." Yoongi spoke, scarily calm.

"No." I stated.

"No?" Yoongi asked, you could hear the anger growing in his voice.

"No.Sorry you didn't understand the first time."

A little voice was nagging at me to stop, but I ignored it.I wanted to express my anger and frustrations.

"If you don't apologize, trust me, I'll take my belt to you." Yoongi glared.

Trust.That word had set something off in me. "WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU?!YOU DON'T TRUST ME!" I was choking on sobs, and barely noticed when Jin hyung, who was driving, pulled over.

I felt the comforting arms of Tae wrap around me.I couldn't hold it in anymore and just cried it all out.

After a few minutes of silence except for my sobbing, Jin asked, "Kookie, what's wrong?" He spoke softly, and it made me calm down a bit more.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.The realization of how childish I was acting finally sunk in.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"What are you sorry for?" Namjoon questioned, but he spoke softly too.

I sniffled a bit, "I'm sorry for talking back a-and I'm s-sorry I'm so ch-childish!" I could feel the tears starting come back.

"Hey, calm down, we'll talk about this at home okay?" Namjoon said.

I nodded, and continued to cry as Taehyung kept hugging me.


"Kookie, could you tell us why you're so upset?" Yoongi hyung, who was sitting next to me on the couch, asked.

I hiccuped before answering "I-I...it's childish."

"Hey, we won't judge you.Something has obviously made you upset, and we just want to help, but we can't if you don't tell us." Jin hyung explained.

I nodded, and started again "W-when I asked y-you if I could go h-hang out with m-my friends a few d-days ago, y-you all said no, without even t-thinking about it."

I could feel my anger start to resurface, but took a deep breath, and started again, not taking my eyes off of my hands, "It f-frustrated me, b-because I checked w-with my friends to make sure it w-would be something y-you all could approve of."

I took a few seconds to calm myself down, still not looking at any of my hyungs, and then continued, "T-then I thought you wouldn't let me go b-because..." I could feel more tears welling up, "I thought y-you didn't trust m-me! That you thought I-I was lying, b-but I w-wasn't!I felt l-like you didn't t-trust me!"

Namjoon was about to say something, but I cut him off, "I w-was ch-childish and held a g-grudge.I'm s-sorry." I was sobbing into my arm now.

"Shhh." Hobi soothed, brushing my hair through his fingers."Jungkookie, we are so sorry, we didn't mean to make you feel like we don't trust you."

"I didn't want you to go because we had to wake up early the next morning, remember?" Namjoon said.

"I-I know, but I t-told you I'd b-be home before m-midnight," I mumbled, but I think most of them could hear me.

"Oh..." Namjoon looked down, I could see some essence of guilt wash over his face." I'm sorry Jungkookie, I should've listened."

They spent the rest of the night assuring me that they would listen to me from now on, and soothing me.We watched a few movies, and then decided it was time to go to bed.

Everyone else had left, and me and Namjoonie hyung were the only ones left in the living room.

"Jungkook, could you come here for a second?"

I walked over to him, and he spoke "Listen, I understand that you were upset and that we hurt you, but you should've talked to us instead of disrespecting us."

I hung my head in shame, I knew where this conversation was headed.

"I think you deserve a small spanking, just 30 with my hand, okay?"

I nodded, and he gently pulled me across his lap.


"Next time, if you're upset with us, what will you do?" He asked, still not pausing the spanking.

"I-I'll talk to y-you about it."

"Exactly, bottling up your emotions isn't healthy."


By the time he stopped, I only had tears glossing my eyes instead of them running down my face like they usually do.

He scooped me up into a hug.

"Please promise you won't bottle up your emotions like that ever again."

"I promise hyungie."

I hope you guys liked this, it was definitely a bit more emotional than other chapters!

Also, late Eid Mubarak to my Muslim brothers and sisters!
