•Fighting?Seriously? {Jin + Yoongi}•

Hello my little toadstools!
I decided I wanted to make a chapter focused on the older two!
Hope you enjoy!

(Pre-debut BTS)

// Jin POV //

I groaned as my alarm went off.

My head was pounding, and it took all of me to roll out of my bed, get some medicine, and start breakfast.

"Hey hyung." Yoongi said, I guess he was the first to wake up.

Even though the medicine had helped my headache subside, I was still in a bad mood. "Yoongi-ah, why don't you ever make breakfast?" I turned to glare at him.

"Wow, what a creative way to say 'good morning'." His words were dripping in sarcasm.

"And there you go with your attitude again, honestly, I'm your hyung, show me some respect!"

"One, I show you respect all the time!And two, you're older than me by four months.FOUR  FUCKING MONTHS!Don't act so high and mighty."

I was about to reply, when I heard a small voice.


I turned to see a nervous looking Jungkook.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"I-I was just wondering...never mind.I'll wake the others." Great, now I had upset Kookie.

I just took a deep breath, and went back to my cooking.I would like to pretend that interaction with Yoongi never happened.


// Taehyung POV //

Jin and Yoongi have been fighting all week.

I've tried to talk to them separately, but they seem to have no interest in making up.

It's really starting to worry me and the others.

Yoongi and Jin usually don't fight like this, sure, they might argue every once in a while, but they always make up and forget it ever happened.

I'm currently with the others in the living room trying to watch a movie, and it seems like Jin and Yoongi are having a yelling match in the bedroom we all share.

Yelling could be heard, but we tried to block out the sounds by turning up the volume.

"Hyungs, I'm scared." The maknae whimpered, burying his face deeper into the blankets.

"How long do you think they're gonna keep this up?" Hobi asked no one in particular.

"I don't know, I'm hoping they'll make up soon." Namjoon replied.

"Hyung, it's been four days and it's only been getting worse.Shouldn't we do something?" Jimin said.

"I've tried talking to them, but it's no use." I sighed, it honestly doesn't feel like they'll ever stop.

We had turned back to the TV to watch the movie when we heard a thump followed by something that sounded like Jin yelling "You son of a bitch!".

We all shared the same worried glance before Namjoon ran to the bedroom with us following close behind.

"H-hyungs?" Jungkook spoke barely above a whisper when he saw Jin on the floor, and Yoongi's left cheek smarting.

"Ugh!" Jin huffed before running out the front door before shutting it with a loud bang.

Yoongi ran out of the room too, locking himself in the bathroom.

Jungkook now had tears in his eyes, and Jimin went over to hug him.

"Guys, we really should do something now before anyone gets seriously hurt." I spoke when the silence was getting too loud for my liking.

"M-maybe we should tell Bang PD hyung." Jungkook spoke.

Hobi sighed, "I guess so.What other choice do we have?Hopefully he'll be able to get them to make up and stop their fighting."

No one said it, but we all knew they would probably get punished.I didn't really want to snitch, but at this point, we all are exhausted from hearing and witnessing all the curses, loud bangs of the door, and just the overall fear of when they were going to explode again.

"I'll call Bang PD hyung." Namjoon volunteered.We all nodded, and even though we weren't really in the mood anymore, decided to go back to the movie.

// Namjoon POV //

"Bang PD hyung?"

"Yes, is there anything I can help you with Namjoon-ah?"

I hesitated for a second before answering, "It's Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung."

"Are they alright?" His voice was now laced with concern.

"We'll, it's just they've been fighting a lot for the past few days, and it's been concerning a lot of us.We tried to talk to them, but they won't make up.And today, they got physical." I spoke pretty fast, feeling nervous about snitching on my hyungs like that.

"I see," The concern in his voice was still there, but now it was mixed with sternness. "Send them to my office tomorrow at 11:00, okay?Don't worry, I'll figure out what's wrong and get them to make up."

"Okay, thank you hyung."

"No problem." He said before hanging up.

I decided I should probably tell Jin and Yoongi now.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" Yoongi didn't seem irritated or mad anymore, just tired.

"It's Namjoon, I just wanted to tell you that Bang PD hyung wanted to see you at 11:00 tomorrow morning."

He groaned, "Seriously?Tomorrow's our break day.Why does he have to see me anyway?"

"He didn't say." I lied, deciding he might not comply if I told him the truth.

Jin had run out the door, so I decided to finish the movie with the others before he came back.

I was about to head to there living room when I heard the door unlock, and saw Jin walk to the kitchen.

"Jin hyung!" I rushed after him.

"Yeah?" He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

"Bang PD hyung wanted to see you tomorrow."



Breakfast this morning was a bit awkward, thanks to Jin and Yoongi's fight last night.

"Oh, and guys, remember, Bang PD hyung wants to see you at 11." I reminded them.

"Wait, you mean both of us?" Jin questioned.

I slowly nodded my head, scared they would blow up again.

Yoongi just sent Jin a glare, and to my surprise, Jin ignored him instead of retaliating.

"I can drive you guys both there if you want." Hoseok added.

Yoongi nodded, and Jin said it was fine.

I sighed in relief.I do feel better at the idea of Hoseok going with them instead of one of them driving.


// Bang PD POV //

I watched Jin and Yoongi who were sat in front of me, silence filling the air with no reply to my question.

"I'll ask again, have you two been fighting?" my voice was a bit more stern this time, hopefully that caught their attention.

I saw Yoongi look up a bit, probably to read my expression.

"Yes hyung." He said, dropping his gaze back to his lap.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" I decided to give them a chance to confess.

Jin sighed before replying, "Yesterday I got really mad and slapped Yoongi in the face, and he pushed me to the ground."

I softened my expression a bit "Why have you guys been fighting?Is everything okay?"

"I-I don't know why.A few days ago, I guess I was just in a bad mood and took it out on Yoongi. I guess it created some sort of tension between us, and I just started getting irritated at everything he did." Jin explained and Yoongi nodded in agreement.

I sighed and spoke "Yoongi, go find a corner and face the wall.Jin, bend over my desk."

// Jin POV //

I watched as Yoongi headed to a corner, but didn't move myself.

I heard the sound of Bang PD hyung unbuckling his belt, and froze.

None of us have ever gotten spanked by Bang PD hyung before, except Taehyung when he was being rude and disrespectful in front of him.

From that experience alone, I knew he was stricter than we were with our dongsaengs.

When he saw I wasn't moving, he raised an eyebrow, "What are you waiting for?Bend over the desk."

"But hy-"

"Should've thought of it before.Now, I'll give you one more chance.Bend.Over.The.Desk." His voice froze my blood, but I obeyed.

"You're getting 30."

30?!He can't be serious!I'll be lucky if I can ever sit again!


He started without warning, making me suck in my breath.

"Seokjin-ah, you do not ever fight with any of your members, do you hear me?" He asked, not stopping the painful smacks which only made it harder to focus on his words.

"Yes h-hyung."


I flinched with each hit as he focused on my thighs and sit spots.


I could feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes.But no, I was going to take my punishment with dignity.I deserve this.


"Ah!" I yelled out, I could feel tears stream down my face, and I couldn't help it anymore and quietly sobbed into my arm.

"Only ten more." He spoke as he put a comforting arm on my lower back.

I did a short nod in reply.


As soon as it was over, I crashed to the ground shaking with sobs.

I felt comforting arms pull me into a hug, and Bang PD Hyung spoke, "Shhh, you did so well Jin.Please switch places with Yoongi."

As we were switching, I squeezed Yoongi's hand in comfort, I could see some fear in his eyes.

I guess my screaming and crying didn't make him too confident about this.

// Yoongi POV //

"Bend over the desk.You're also getting 30." he said.

I obeyed, bracing myself for the first hits.


I gripped the edges of the desk, hoping to find some way of releasing he pain.To my dismay, I didn't find any.


"Ah!" Ugh, I was really hoping I would last longer before I started crying out.I don't like feeling weak, and was hoping to keep some essence of my dignity.


I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the tears burn behind my eyelids.


Tears were now streaming down my face, but I tried to hide them.

"5 more, you can do it." Bang PD hyung said softly.


As soon as he stopped, I started sobbing into my arm, most of my tears were the result of the guilt I felt.

"Jin, come here." He said.

He grabbed me and Jin into a warm hug.

"Shhh, everything is forgiven, I don't want you guys to feel guilty for this.It's all in the past." He said as he gently rubbed out shoulders.

By now, my tears had stopped, and I looked over at Jin who's eyes were only red and puffy.

After a few minutes, Bang PD told us he was going to text Hoseok to pick us up since he took the car with him.

We were waiting outside the building when Jin spoke up, "Hey, I was a real dick, sorry about that.But in my defense, you didn't have to be an asshole back."

I chuckled, "I guess I'll accept your apology.Proof of how generous of a person I am."

The car suddenly pulled up in front of us.

I think he noticed us wincing when we sat down in the seats, "I guess Bang PD hyung got you two." He smirked.

"Ah, shut up.We wouldn't be here if you guys hadn't snitched." I said jokingly.

"In all seriousness though, we're sorry." Jin added.

"Don't worry about it hyungs.Everyone's already forgiven about your idiotic mistakes."

All the teasing made me relax a little, I really wanted to do what Bang PD hyung said; put this behind us.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Quick question, do you think I should change the cover?
I kind of want to because Namjoon and Jimin get cut off.
