•Every Little Thing {Hoseok}•

Hello my little toadstools!
I want to thank you guys for 200+ views!
I only started this book 4 days ago, and I never expected this much attention to this story so fast.
Anyways, enjoy this chapter loves!

// Author POV //

Hoseok was normally very enthusiastic with dance practice.He was an amazing dancer, and he loved to help out his hyungs and dongsaengs, and his cheerful attitude kept them from getting too frustrated when they messed up.His happiness bounced from him to everyone else.

Unfortunately, that was a double edged sword.

This whole day, Hoseok had been easily irritated, snappy and even cursing.All things that were unlike how he would normally act.

Every little thing seemed to make his bad mood even worse.

"JUNGKOOK!How many times have I showed you, and you're still too stupid to get it!" Hoseok yelled, as Jungkook dropped his gaze to the floor.He wasn't used to seeing Hobi so irritated.

"He's doing the best he can." Jin spoke lowly, sending Hoseok a you-better-knock-it-off look.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Jimin commented teasingly.

Hoseok glared at him, and the only reason he didn't lash out was because he could feel the glares being sent his way by his hyungs.

He took a deep breath, and grumbled, "Let's start from the top again."

Hoseok tried to stay calm, he knew he was already on thin ice from his little outburst earlier.

His hyungs hadn't scolded him much because they knew he normally could keep his emotions in check.

And if the hyungs trusted him, then he should trust himself too.

But he couldn't.

He felt like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

He didn't really know why, he just woke up today and was in a bad mood.

"Ugh, Jin, you're doing it wrong again!" Hoseok scoffed.

"Yah!Don't forget to use honorifics when speaking to your hyungs!" Yoongi snapped.

"Sorry." Hoseok mumbled.Anyone could tell it wasn't a sincere apology, but he decided not to push it.

They finally had a break, and Jin noticed Hoseok sitting alone on the sofa.

He decided he was going to talk to him.Not a "you're-in-trouble" talk, more of an "are-you-okay?" talk.

"Hobi, are you alright?" Jin asked sitting down next to him.

"I'm fine." He grunted, not turning around to face Jin.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, I already said it!What about that don't you understand, Jin?!" Hoseok sneered.

Jin had enough, and grabbed his dongsaeng by his upper arm, and dragged him out of the room to a more private one across the hall.

"Listen, I don't know what's gotten into you, you've been rude and disrespectful all day!You really hurt Kookie's feelings, have had an attitude, and deliberately refuse to use honorifics!So here's what's gonna happen; you can either tell me why you're so upset today, or you can tell me after your punishment." Jin said, as Hoseok stared at the ground.

Hoseok snapped his head up at the mention of a punishment, "You can't do that!"

"Really, why not?Don't you think you deserve it?" Jin didn't seem mad anymore, almost a little annoyed.

Those words seemed to knock him out of his rebellious trance.

"I'm sorry hyung, I don't have a good enough reason for being so rude.I was just in a bad mood, and every little thing seemed to irritate me.I took it out on everyone else.I'm sorry." Hobi spoke barely above a whisper, finally flashing back to reality and reviewing what he did.

Jin felt a bit guilty seeing his normally happy and cheerful dongsaeng so sorrowful.

But he pushed his own feelings aside, pulled out a chair to sit on, and gently pulled Hoseok over his lap.

"Tell me why you're in this position right now."

"B-because I was disrespectful, and instead of talking about why I was upset, I lashed out at everyone else."

"Good." Jin wasn't planning on giving Hoseok too much, it didn't take much to put him back in his place.


Hoseok whimpered a bit, but tried his best not to move too much.

It'll be over soon.


"I gave you a lot of chances today to get your attitude together, but you didn't take them." Jin lectured, still not stopping the spanking.

"I-I'm sorry hyung." Hobi could feel tears well up in his eyes.


The tears rained down his face like a river, and Jin could tell that he probably learned his lesson and decided to finish up.


He picked up the crying rapper, and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

"Calm down, all is forgiven."

"I-I'm s-sorry hyung." Hoseok choked out.

"None of that now, I just told you, all is forgiven." Jin spoke soothingly.

Hoseok still had a slight stream of tears running down his face.

"How about we get takeout after practice?" Jin asked, knowing that would probably cheer him up.

Hoseok's face lit up in a smile and he nodded his head enthusiastically.

Jin laughed at his dongsaeng's cheerfulness.It was amazing how Hobi could go from sad to happy so quickly.

Sorry this chapter came out late!
I have some family visiting right now, but I'll try to update as much as I can!
