•Break In {Jimin}•

Hello my little toadstools!
I just want to thank you guys for being so patient with me with school starting!

// Jimin POV //

We were in the grocery store right now, and I kept noticing a young woman staring at me. I was used to it, but only when I didn't have a disguise on. I was wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, there was no possible way she could've recognized me, right?

I started to get a bit more anxious when she seemed to be following me around.

I tapped Namjoon, who was with me. When we go shopping, we like to split up for less of a chance of people recognizing us. Seven men all in a group completely covered would be a little suspicious.



"I think that woman is following us." I whispered very lowly.

His eyes immediately turned to serious, he got out his phone, and shot a text to our group chat.

Namjoon: Someone might be following us, everyone checkout separately with whoever you're with, and make sure to take a random route home. Take an Uber if you must. I'll take the car with Jimin.

A bunch of 'ok's blew up the chat.

I was still nervous, I didn't see the woman anymore, but there were so many people. She could be god knows where just watching.

I guess Namjoon noticed my anxiousness on the drive home.

"I'm sure she's not following us." He reassured.

I sighed, "You don't know that hyung. She still could be."

"You're taking a longer route home, correct?"


"Then we should be fine."

I'll admit, Namjoon being a bit more confident in this helped a little.

When we arrived at the dorm, Jin, Taehyung and Hobi were already home and we were just waiting for Yoongi and Jungkook.

I was still a bit tense, but tried my best to relax when I realized my other members seemed fine.

-Hours Later-

Everyone else had gone to sleep like an hour ago, and I was still wide awake.

I was so exhausted, why couldn't my damn body just snooze off already?!

Perhaps I'm a bit paranoid? No! No, she didn't follow us home, we're fine.

I jumped as I heard loud banging from downstairs.

My body felt frozen from fear, but I forced myself to get up, and lightly tip toe down the stairs halfway to see what was going on.


I nearly screamed when I realized someone was trying to break in through the windows. There was a silhouette of a women crashing a crowbar against the glass.

I ran back upstairs to get everyone awake.

Luckily, the loud crashing already woke Namjoon.


"Jimin, what's going on? What's with all the noise?" He rubbed his eyes, still half-asleep.

"I think someone's trying to break in!"

Any amount of tiredness left him, and he instantly became fully awake.


"Hyung, someone's trying to break in, we have to get everyone to the safe room, quick!" we both frantically ran off to wake the other members.

When we first moved into these dorms, we had an extra room, and the company suggested we use it as a safe room in case of emergencies like this. There was extra food, water, clothes, flashlights and a bathroom. The walls and door were also extra thick with a strong lock.

We didn't actually think we'd have to use it, so it kind of just became a storage room.

I frantically shook Jungkook, "Jungkook, wake up! Someone's breaking into the house!"

He groaned, his sleep deprived brain not being able to comprehend what I said, "Ugh, five more minutes hyung."

I didn't have time for this, and just dragged him into the safe room as fast as I could.Luckily, Namjoon had already gathered everyone else.


There was one more loud crashing sound that sounded distinctly like glass breaking before quick, loud footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs.

"Quick, shut the door!" Namjoon yelled.

Being the closest to the door, I slammed it shut, making sure to lock it.

"We have to call the police!" Yoongi stated the obvious.

"Quick, where's the phone?" Jin asked.

"Wait, I-I think...I think I forgot it." Namjoon spoke quietly.

The room went dead silent, even Jungkook finally seemed wide awake.

Hoseok finally spoke up, "You what?! How could you forget something so important?!"

"I was busy waking all of you up!" Namjoon defended.

"Honestly Namjoon hyung, this was poor designing on your part. Why don't we already have a phone in the safe room?" Taehyung questioned, he mostly seemed irritated.

"First of all, I wasn't in charge of designing this. And second, what an amazing time to mention having a phone in the safe room!" Namjoon spat sarcastically.

Jin took a deep breath, most likely gathering all the calmness he had left in him, "Everyone, we can't waste time on all this childish bickering right now. We need to figure out what to do."

We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"BTS oppas! I know you live here, you saw me before, remember? Where are you all hiding?" the yelling of the young woman could be heard. Her voice almost sounded unstable, as if she was on the verge of going insane.

"So are we just going to wait this out?" Yoongi asked.

"What other choice do we have?" Hobi said.

Maybe everyone else was fine with waiting this out, but I wasn't. I needed to go out there and get a phone. Who knows if she would leave, maybe she would try breaking the door down. I made my decision, making sure no one was looking when I carefully unlocked the door to the safe room, heading out.

// Third POV //

Although they agreed to blame each other later, they were all still quietly arguing.

Meanwhile, Jimin had made his way to his room, and grabbed the iPhone laying on his nightstand. He was about to rush back to the safe room when he felt a cold tight grip on his wrist.

"Oh my god, Jimin oppa! I love you, show me your abs!" The crazy saesang started tugging on Jimin's shirt, trying to pull it off. Her eyes were wide, they look unnatural and deranged.

Jimin struggled and struggled, internally panicking.

What the heck did he get himself into?!

"Stay still Jimin oppa!" she yelled, punching him in the stomach.

Jimin yelped in pain, which luckily, the others overheard.

The next thing Jimin knew, he felt another grip on his wrist, as more familiar one. Then a slam of door, and loud banging on the outside of it.

Jungkook let go go Jimin's wrist when they were back in the safe room.


"I know, I know I was an idiot! You can scold me later, here just call the police!" Jimin urged, handing them the phone.

As much as all the members wanted to yell at Jimin right now, they let Namjoon dial 911.

The rest of the night seemed to be a blur from there. Too many overwhelming emotions clouded everyone's heads. The police arrived soon, and it turned out the woman had actually escaped from a mental hospital. She was apparently known for targeting K-pop idols.

While Namjoon was talking with the police, the other members were in the living room, still trying to have their sleep-deprived brains fully comprehend what happened.

"Jimin, I still can't believe you!" Yoongi raged.

"I know hyung, I know I wasn't thinking. But at least I was being a useful and did something!" Jimin retorted.

"You little-"

"Enough." Jin intervened, "We'll talk about this in the morning."

"But-" Yoongi tried.

Jin glared in reply, "I said, we'll talk about this in the morning. We all need rest right now."

As much as Yoongi still wanted to scold Jimin, he din't feel like challenging Jin.

He just huffed, mumbling a "Fine" before making his way up the stairs.

"Hyung, I'm sor-" Jimin tried to apologize, but Jin cut him off.

"What did I just tell Yoongi?"

Jimin sighed, going back to bed.

Besides all of the members being absolutely exhausted, none of them got much sleep.

// Jin POV //

It was currently 8 in the morning, so I decided to get up and make breakfast. I'm hoping afterwards, we can talk about what happened last night. I'm sure all of us have some things to say.

Once everyone had come down, we all ate our breakfast in what can only be described as an awkward silence.

Jimin sighed, "I'm sorry. I know what I did was reckless. But I couldn't just wait around like the rest of you. What if she broke down the door? Then what would we do?"

"You put yourself in direct danger by going to get a phone. At least when we stayed in the safe room, we were trying to keep ourselves protected." Hobi defended. "What if something happened to you, Jimin-ah? What would you have done if Jungkook hadn't gotten you? Huh?"

"I never said what I did was right!"

"Well you haven't said that what you did was wrong either!" Yoongi joined.

"That's because it wasn't completely wrong either!" Jimin was now full on yelling.

Yoongi slammed his fists down on the table, "YAH! Watch your tone with me!"

"Hyungs, stop it! You're all being ridiculous! Jimin hyung, just because you got the phone doesn't change the fact your risked your life in the process! What if she wanted to harm you?" Taehyung snapped.

Tears made there way into Jimin's eyes, "I-I don't know what I would've done..."

"We could've lost you, hyung." Jungkook said, his eyes becoming glassy as well.

Jimin broke down crying, "I-I didn't mean to m-make any of you worry. I j-just wanted to h-help."

I couldn't stand to see him in such a state of distress, I wrapped my arms around him as the others joined.

"P-please don't be m-mad at me. D-don't hate me."

"Jiminie, I could never hate you. I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, I was just so worried when I found out you went out there." Yoongi said.

"We forgive you." I whispered softly.

We stayed like this for few minutes, although it felt like time didn't exist. It felt like nothing but this moment didn't exist. As if last night never happened.

// Jimin POV //

As much as I loved this moment, I had to face reality.

"Am I getting punished?"

Yoongi snorted, "You seriously thought you were going to get away with this?"

"No...I was just hoping you would forget."

"Yeah, because we could easily forget you risking your life." Namjoon joked.

After finishing breakfast, I was told to go up to my room. A much as I felt guilty for making my members worry so much, I admit I'm scared how harsh my punishment will be. Risking our well-being is something the hyungs didn't take lightly.

I just wish they wouldn't send me to my room to make me wait like a child. Waiting is always the worst, it's like saying 'Yeah, just go up to your room. I'll be up in a minute to beat your ass.'

I nearly lose my breath when I see Yoongi hyung walk in with a thick leather belt.

I swear I'll throw that thing away some day.


"Jimin, don't argue with me. You know you deserve this."

"P-please hyung, not w-with that!"

"Jimin, I'll be generous and give you one more chance. Pull down your trousers and bend over the bed." His voice was stern, and didn't leave me any option to disobey.

I shakily lay over the bed, gripping the sheets.



I whimpered as the cold leather smacked my thighs.


"You will never put your life in danger like that again, understand?"

"Y-yes hyung!" I was crying into my harm as the stinging pain spread across my backside.


"H-hyungie, no more! I-it hurts!"


"I'm sorry!"

"I know."


"Five more. Count for me."

I was sobbing, but slowly nodded my head.




"OW! T-two!"







I felt Yoongi hyung wrap his arms around me, caressing my hair.

"Don't scare hyung like that ever again, okay? I don't know what we would've done if something happened to you."

"I'm s-sorry hyungie," I cried into his shoulder.

"Hyung forgives you."

Hello my little toadstools!
Just wanted you to know that if all goes well, I'll have a TXT book by mid-late September!

If possible and if I can handle it, I might do other books as well!

So if I didn't pick your idea, I might pick it next time! 😉

