•Smoky Rings {RM + Jimin (2/2)}•

Hello my little toadstools!
I couldn't torture you any longer, so here's part 2!
Also, I just want to say, thank you for your amazing comments!It really does make my day!
Anyways, enjoy!

// Author's POV //

Jimin and Namjoon just stared at each other, both not knowing what to think.

Finally, Jimin broke the silence by saying "J-Joonie hyung, y-you smoke?B-but why?".

Namjoon ignored that question and asked one of his own, "A-are you going t-to tell the o-others?"

Jimin glared at his hyung and crossed his arms across his chest "Depends, why are you smoking?"

Namjoon took a deep breath and said "My friends convinced me to try it about a week ago.I wasn't thinking of continuing, but it really helps with stress."


It was something all of BTS had been feeling lately, and only made Jimin more unsure of what to do.He had heard that smoking does help a lot of people with stress, but it wasn't right.It isn't good for your body.

Namjoon saw how hesitant his dongsaeng was, and took the chance, "If you don't believe me, you could try one."

These words froze Jimin.

Try a cigarette?As in...smoke?!

There was a voice in Namjoon's head scolding him harshly for trying to bring his dongsaeng into this, but it was such a small voice, that he was able to push it away.

"Please, just before you tell on me, just try one.It really does help with stress." Namjoon said when Jimin hadn't responded.

He really didn't want Jimin to tell the others. Not only because he was scared of the consequences, but mostly because he knew they would make him quit smoking.Deep down he knew that was right and better for him, but at the moment, these things brought him peace and calmness.

"Fine." Jimin replied. He had finally came to the conclusion of "don't knock it till you try it", plus, he was a bit curious himself.And his hyung was doing this, and he trusted his hyung.Even though, deep down he knew that he was going to regret this.

Namjoon sighed in relief as he pulled another cigarette out of the box and lit it, handing it to Jimin.

He took a few puffs, and it burned his chest a bit at first.Eventually, he got used to it, and it felt kind of...nice.

It felt relaxing.

"Are you going to tell the others?" Namjoon asked after a few minutes.


Namjoon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"It's nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Jimin agreed.

After an hour or two they decided to head back.

"Here, take some gum, you don't want the others to smell the smoke."

Namjoon wasn't just relieved that Jimin didn't tell, but he also liked the company of sharing a secret, and not having to keep it alone.


// Jimin POV //

It's been about a week now since Namjoon hyung gave me that cigarette, and I eventually bought my own pack and a lighter.So far, no one has figured out which is good, but I feel like the guilt inside of me is growing.

It's as if each puff of smoke fills me with even more guilt, but I don't want to get Joonie hyung in trouble.

Unlike the maknae line, he isn't used to it.And I already told him I wouldn't tell.

I decided that I'd talk to him about maybe quitting because I really don't want to feel this guilt anymore, but I also don't want him in trouble.


"Namjoon, can I talk to you?" I ask as he lets out another puff sitting on the stone wall.

"Sure." He said, now giving me his full attention and a soft smile.

"Hyung...I just feel...I feel guilty going behind everyone else's backs like this.What if we get caught?I just think...I think we should either confess before we get caught, or quit."

Namjoon stared at me for a second, then finally answered with "I mean, I feel a bit guilty too, but I promise we won't get caught.And if we do, I'll take the blame."

Namjoon's confidence made me feel a bit better, but I still wanted to convince him to quit.

"But hyung, don't y-"


We both jumped at our names being called.

I didn't even have to turn around to know that was Yoongi hyung shouting our names.

I eyed Namjoon, to find his eyes wide open.

"Get.Down." Yoongi told Namjoon, who was still seated on the wall.

As soon as he did, he took both of our ears hostage, "Are.  You. Both. Out. Of. Your. Fucking.Mind?!" His words were coated in ice that made my blood freeze.

"N-" Namjoon didn't get to finish.

"Go to the car." Jin, who I just noticed was also there, spoke quietly.


"I can't believe both of you!SMOKING?!Really?!Are you even aware of how horrible that is for you?!" Jin was tearing us a part in the car.I could tell Yoongi was trying his best to stay calm because he was driving, but Jin was just letting us have it.

I tried my best not to cry because I knew I deserved this scolding, plus, this wasn't the worst thing that was going to happen tonight.

// Namjoon POV //

Jin hyung told us to take some groceries upstairs, then wait for them in the living room.

I could tell Jimin was trying to keep his tears in, so I knew I had to be strong for my dongsaeng.

I deserve whatever punishment they're going to give me, I can't believe I brought Jimin into this.

As we sat on the sofa waiting, I tried to comfort Jimin a bit, saying it would be okay, and hugging him.

I heard the door open, and Jin and Yoongi walked in.

"We're going to let you both explain before we make any decisions, got it?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin and I nodded our heads.

"Start explaining."

I took a deep breath and started "It only started as one, I swear!Like 2 weeks ago, I went out with my friends, and they might've pressured me into trying a cigarette.I wasn't planning on continuing, I promise!It just turned into an addiction...and then Jimin caught me smoking, an-"

I really didn't want to finish that part.I'm so ashamed of myself, I convinced my dongsaeng to do something that could hurt him.

Jimin could tell I was tongue tied, and quickly answered "An-and, I told him if he gave me a cigarette, I wouldn't tell on him."

Even though it wasn't a complete lie, I still didn't feel comfortable with him taking the blame.

"N-no.I offered him the c-cigarette to not t-tell." I could basically feel my skull cracking open with death glares.

"Repeat that, but look at us this time." Yoongi said, scarily calm.

I looked up, and spoke "I offered Jimin a cigarette to not tell..."

"You did what?!You let your dongsaeng try a cigarette?!I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!You're his hyung and our leader, how irresponsible could you possibly be?!" Jin shouted so loud, the whole dorm probably heard it.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, and just started crying.

"I-I really a-am s-sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it.You're both getting the switch." Yoongi hyung said, glaring at us.

With that, Jimin started sobbing.I don't think he's ever had the switch before.I only got it once, and that was when I was 14 and skipped school for three days straight.

"Jimin, stand in the corner, and Namjoon, bend over the couch and pull down your protection." Jin demanded as Yoongi left to get the switch.

I obeyed, trying to keep my tears from flowing freely.

"You're getting 35."Yoongi spoke quietly, he didn't sound mad anymore, just disappointed.

I gulped and nodded.


The first hit made my blood run cold, I don't know how I'm going to do 34 more of these.


"H-hyung, I really am s-sorry.It won't h-happen ever a-again."

"I know it won't." Yoongi said.


By the 25th hit, I was sobbing.I really wanted to beg him to stop, but I deserved this.

"Just 10 more kid, okay?" He hummed softly.

I nodded my head shakily.


"Okay, count these last five, and we'll be done."


"O-one." My voice was barely above a whisper.









"Switch places with Jimin."

It was hard having to hear my dongsaeng's cries like that.I knew we both deserved it, but it still broke my heart.

When it was finally over, Jin sat on the couch and said "Come here."

We walked over, and he hugged us tightly. "Listen, if you're ever dealing with stress, talk to us, please don't do anything that could harm you."

"We don't want to lose you!" Jungkook shouted as the maknae line and Hoseok ran into the living room.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Jimin's asked, still sniffling a bit.

"We could hear Jin hyung shouting from upstairs, then eavesdropped." Tae confessed, rolling his eyes playfully at Jin.

"Brats." Jin mumbled, smirking."Anyways, let's make dinner shall we?"

"Ooo, could we have japchae or bulgogi?" Jungkook yelled running after Jin who was making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh and by the way, both of you are grounded for the next two weeks." Yoongi noted.

Me and Jimin shared a look before we got up and headed to the kitchen where Jin and Jungkook were arguing about what to have for dinner.

Wow, I love these crackheads.

Hello my little toadstools!
Longest chapter yet, plus the is a two-parter!
Please give me your honest opinion, advice or feedback if you would like!
I hope you guys liked this chapter!
