Chapter 51- Change of Events

A.N: Aaaaaa! Apologies are not enough for disappearing for so long! Still, I'm so sorryyyy (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Academic is being so harsh. I have 2 projects, 1 assignment, 2 presentations, and 4 Class tests on my plate. I'm so screwed academically that I couldn't even open the app to reply to all your comments! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

The year is ending 😭 But one thing that will never end is my love for you all, you supported me when I was low, and you gave me the courage to stand on my feet when life felt like crumbling, Thank you so much for every comment, every vote, every inbox message!

🎋Advance Happy New Year to all of you💜 I pray and hope that 2K24 brings you all tons of happiness and prosperity 🎋


The lights were low inside the royal bedchamber. Wang Yiheng gently placed Bai Yuan who was continuously trespassing between dreamland and reality. At some point, Bai Yuan slightly opened his eyes, the scenario around him seemed so dreamy that he mistook reality for a marvelous dream.

In his “dream”, he was on the softest bed possible. The bedsheets were pure white so soft that they felt like clouds. Moreover, Yiheng was in his dream! He was adjusting the pillow under Yuan’s head.

Yuan took him off guard. Before Yiheng could notice Yuan was already holding onto his wrist and mumbling.

“Like, seriously, how can someone be so handsome? Bai Yuan bagged such a masterpiece! Damnn, I'm jealous of myself!”

Yiheng blinked at him, his lips were pressed tight to hold in his laugh.

He gently caressed Yuan’s cold face, “How so?”

Yuan sat up, still looking sleepy, “How do I explain, umm…You're fine as hell! Has a great presence among the crowd…Then, you fight so well! Oh my God! The way you were swinging your saber that day! Wow! Then.. then.. You love Yeye so much! Everyone loves you too!”

Yuan smiled like a fool while appreciating Yiheng with everything he had. Yiheng could feel his cheeks warm up.

“Then, does that include Yuan?”

Yuan tilted his head in confusion, “Include? In what?”

Yiheng inhaled deeply, “ Do you love me?”

“Do I?” Yuan stared at Yiheng for a long time. Here, Yiheng could feel a heaviness inside, “It's ok. You-”

What shook Yiheng was Yuan’s next sentence. Yuan opened his arm wide like an enthusiastic toddler and jumped ahead to hug him(WY) tightly, “ Of course, I love you!”

The embrace was warm and fragrant like cherry flowers. Yiheng nuzzled inside Yuan's neck, “Really?”

Yuan giggled as he stroked Yiheng's back, “Really. I don't have the guts to confess to you in reality. However, I'm relieved that I could say it out loud in my dream! Yahoo!”

Yiheng smiled silently, “It's like a dream to me as well.”

Yuan suddenly unglued himself from Yiheng and looked at him carefully. Feeling the sudden emptiness in his arms, Yiheng nervously observed Yuan, “Yuan…. what's wrong?”

Yuan cupped Yiheng's cheeks and looked at him with seriousness in his burning eyes, “Since this is my dream, I can ‘Kiss’ you as much as I want. You won't know in reality, right?”

Yiheng was having a hard time believing his ears, “Kiss?”

Yuan hummed, “That's an English word for this-”

Fast as his words, Yuan's lips conquered their desired territory. Yiheng felt melting under the tender touch on his lips. Yuan moved back his face after giving Yiheng a long passionate kiss. He was panting softly as he traced out the reddened area on Yiheng's lips, “Well done, Yuan.”

However, Yiheng was not done yet. His golden eyes shone brightly in the dimly lit room.

“One Kiss is not enough.”

He pulled Yuan by his(BY) slender neck, his big hand was warm against the cool skin. As Yiheng covered Yuan's mouth with his, a strong tingling spread all over Yuan's body. The tongue moving inside Yuan's mouth was desperate to devour every single droplet. The hands that were stroking the sides of Yuan's waist were as gentle as if he(BY) was made of cotton. The actions were so contrasting that Yuan's mind was in a mess. The sensation was so new yet familiar.

Yuan gasped for air as Yiheng planted soft kisses on his eyes, then his cheeks, and then slowly moved to his neck. Yuan closed his eyes, “This feels too real to be a dream…haah…”

Yiheng inhaled the familiar fragrance as he softly sucked on the pale tender skin. On the other hand, Yuan trembled from the wild sensations crawling all over his skin. His arms started to tighten around Yiheng’s neck. He never got to know when and how he ended up on the pillow again. His world soon darkened from exhaustion and the night slowly fell into the laps of the new day.


A peaceful morning arrived. Birds sweetly chirped outside, as soft morning rays of the sun peeked through the splits of the curtains and a breeze blew naturally.

Bai Yuan's mind and body were slowly waking up. He could sense a load of weight on his chest and legs. However, he assumed that it was Yeye on him. Yeye would always sleep on his chest, every time they slept together. Little Yeye loved listening to his heartbeat. Almost instinctively, Yuan touched the unknown weight on his chest. He thought it was Yeye’s body. But what met his hand was a big head full of hair.

“When did Yeye’s hair grow so long?”

His hand travelled down and he was sure enough that it wasn't Yeye.


He widened his eyes in shock. Yuan could hear his heartbeat, so loud and fast.

“Y-your Majestyy?”

Yiheng had his eyes closed, but he was awake as well. He hugged Yuan's torso tightly and spoke in his deep voice, “Sleep more.”

Yuan gulped down the nervousness clogging his throat and replied timidly, “O..K..”

Yuan was praying to God for his rescue when suddenly he recalled the scenes he saw in his dreams. He looked at the ceiling and then looked at the head full of brown hair, rising slowly and then going down as he inhaled and exhaled. The grip around him was undoubtedly firm. Yuan blushed as he touched his lips.

“It felt so….real…”

Yiheng heard him speak to himself and finally raised his head to look at Yuan. Yuan’s breathing stopped when their eyes locked. The bottomless golden eyes looked straight at his soul, sharp chin resting on his body, flawless brown hair, scattered yet organized as if they were some sort of blanket.

“Good morning, Yuan.”

Yuan stuttered in speech, “G-good morning.”
His eyes were locked on Yiheng as he (WY) rose from lying and hovered over him. His face was so close to Yuan's, “Where am I?”

“In my bedchamber.”


“As my only wife, you were destined to live in this chamber. With me.”

“Then, what about my room?”

“I already had them bring your everything here,” Yiheng's long fingers played with Yuan's loose strands.

Yuan was fighting with his desire to recreate what happened in his dream.

What can I do when this man makes my heartbeat so fast? The more I remember about the kisses the more I-

Yiheng's fingers moved to Yuan's lips. His thumb pressed in a corner as he inched ahead to capture them. Knowing what's next Yuan tightly shut his eyes.

Aaaaaaa, it's happening-

*Knock* *Knock*

The sudden knock ruined the moment entirely because Yuan accidentally pushed Yiheng so strongly that he fell from the bed with a loud thump.

Yiheng feigned pain, “Ugh, my arm…”

Yuan quickly got up and, scared of hurting him badly, dropped down to his knees to check Yiheng's arm, “Ah! I'm so sorry! Does it hurt a lot? Call a physician!”

Finding the chance, Yiheng pulled Yuan on his lap and kissed him firmly. Yuan was left speechless by the sudden change of events…

