Chapter-18 Unforgiveble Crime

Bai Yuan sighed and turned his face to look at Wang Yiheng as he replied, "He's not an uncle, Yeye. He's your Father."

Wang Yiheng's golden eyes were fixed on Yeye's sleeping face. He didn't realize until now that none has ever mentioned him being Yeye's father in front of Yeye. His only child didn't know him. In his absence, his only consort was being abused. How irresponsible he had been! Many such thoughts came rushing into his head, but after mustering up enough confidence, he spoke, "Can I hold him?"

For some unknown reason, Bai Yuan's heart skipped a bit, "S-sure..."

He then gave Yeye over to Wang Yiheng's arms. Wang Yiheng showed nervousness for the first time in front of Bai Yuan. He took Yeye in his arms but he was clumsy and clueless about how to hold him. Even though Yeye was big and fluffy, still, to a man who had been on battlefields for so long, he was like a delicate piece of dandelion.

Bai Yuan, 'Ah, I see. So the ignorant husband can be cute too sometimes. Pfft-'

Bai Yuan observed them for a while, then opened his mouth to speak, "See, your Majesty, your son doesn't even know you exist."

Wang Yiheng, "....nobody, ever showed him my portraits?"

Bai Yuan shook his head, " None, during your absence we had to suffer a lot...There were baseless rumours all over the palace, people tried to harm us, taunt us. If not because of Queen dowager's influence, we might have been found dead and properly buried by now."

Bai Yuan told him all this while feeling all sleepy and ended up yawning by the end of his speech.

Wang Yiheng was speechless. He knew that the palace had nasty inside politics but to avoid that he married only one consort and that also helped him rise his power. But it was foolish of him to leave everything behind just after his nuptial night and participate in the War. He blamed himself for blindly obeying the Grand Advisor's words and leaving for the peace-keeping of the borders. But he thought he could return in a few months, also when he got letters about Bai Yuan conceiving Yeye, he tried his best to return. Alas! Who knew a spy would leak their strategy to the enemies and the situation would worsen? And that battle ended up taking two years. All the letters he received from the palace about his wife and child being all good and healthy, were they fake? He was being deceived for so long and meanwhile because of his ignorance Bai Yuan and Yeye suffered?

This crime of deceiving the Emperor is...Unforgivable.

Bai Yuan rubbed his eyes and continued speaking with a lazy voice, "Mm, and so, I've been thinking about this, mm. That...I want to protect my child...He..deserves the best of everything...He is already happy to have me. So, let us leave this place and lead an ordinary life. I don't want the Empress whatever title..."

Wang Yiheng's eyes widened, "You want to leave the Palace?"

Bai Yuan blinked at him with droopy blue eyes, "Nooo! This place has everything I ever wanted in life... I don't want to leave..."

Wang Yiheng had this extremely baffled expression on his face, "Then?"

Bai Yuan thought for a while, "I can't deny that Yeye is also your son and I truly want for him to grow up in a lovely family with both his parents. You don't like me, I don't care about that-"

Wang Yiheng just kept dazedly looking at his wife and nestling sleeping Yeye in his arms.

Bai Yuan, "So, Majesty, how about we sign a contract?"

"A contract?"

" A symbiotic relationship contract"

"What's that?"

"Just a simple contract where we will lead a relaxed life while helping each other in need. I'll continue to play the role of your consort and you help us survive in this palace, Both can be benefited. Also, I promise not to interfere in your private life. In return, I want you to act as a perfect couple with me. Nothing much."

I can't think tired....zzz

Wang Yiheng was at a loss for words. His wife's disappointment about their marital life and anger toward him was only natural after what he had done unknowingly. Surprisingly, before he could answer, Bai Yuan couldn't take any longer and fell asleep on the table.

"How long has it been since I last saw you like this?" A soft smile grew in the corner of Wang Yiheng's lips but then he remembered something and so the smile vanished.

Wang Yiheng stood up and called for Yeye's Nanny. She took him to his bedchamber. On the other hand, Wang Yiheng proceeded to pick up sleeping Bai Yuan. He carried him up in his arms and gently placed him on his bed. The air outside was chilly, so he carefully tugged him inside a clean, white blanket.

A strand of Bai Yuan's loose hair fell on his face, so Wang Yiheng moved his fingers to put it aside.

"Let's protect Yeye together, Ah-Yuan."

A.N- Praying that I will see you guys soon. Stay healthy and hydrated<3
