Chapter 13- A Rumor

The day of the most awaited annual hunting.

" Ha ha ha, today's hunting place seems really full of prey. General Bai chose the best place for this year's hunting. "

" As expected of our Great General "
" I heard the Emperor will not join us today."
"Aigo, His majesty only returned from the battlefield during the dawn."
"How unfortunate of us..... Sighs"

The event was quite bustling as the spectators chatted around about the participants and their admired figures. It was a really lively and joyful environment. But someone looked really worried and concerned.

He was none but one of the most admired persons of the empire, Great General Bai Yushang. His face was pale and looked like his soul had been sucked out. Seeing his state, General Bai's comrade, Captain Hu came to him.
"General, what's the matter with you today?"

General Bai left a sigh, "Hu Jintao, what should I do?"
"What's happening, General?"

"Sighs, Ah-Yuan said he's going to participate in today's hunting..."

Captain Hu was surprised, "You mean your son? The Empress?"

General Bai, ".... He's not the Empress yet. Don't mention that so casually."

Captain Hu, "My apologies. But why are you so concerned?"

"haaa..... My son has never even killed a mosquito let alone hunting down animals. I'm concerned, what if he faints from seeing blood!"

Captain Hu, 'Then why didn't you stop him...' but he couldn't possibly say that out loud, instead he assured him, "Don't worry General, I'll try my best to keep a watch on him secretly."

General Bai finally restored his energy hearing that and patted Captain Hu's back in pride,' I've trained this young man well'



At the same time, somewhere in the Main Palace.

An attendant knocked on the wooden door of the royal bathhouse.

"Apologies, your majesty, but i had something important to report."

A silhouette moved in the foggy bathtub filled with warm water and herbs. It came slowly to the corner of the tub and climbed up from the water, warm droplets of water dripping down from the curves of slightly tanned muscles and long dark brown hair. The figure reached out for his clothes.


The attendant said, " Your majesty, it was heard that first consort Bai will be participating in the hunt."

The hands paused as the owner heard the name of a certain person.

"... What did you say?"

The humble attendant dropped to the ground *thud*, " Your majesty, rumors say that His Highness Bai will join the hunt this year. "

The man in black robes relaxed and replied with a calm tone, "Oh, it's just a rumor."

A.N.: Well, I'm back with another new chapter. I know things been moving at a tortoise pace but I just wanted to narrate the overall situations happening around Ah-Yuan .
Butt, the wait is finally over.
'WANG YIHENG reveal on next Monday'
I really appreciate everyone who's reading, voting and adding this rookie story of mine in their reading lists.
♡♡Wo Ai Ni♡♡
♡♡Daisuki dakara♡♡》
