Chapter 41- Tricked

A.N: Hello loves, things gonna escalate from here. So stay tuned. Please point out any mistake you spot during reading (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ

As always <<Happy Reading>>


Finally, the moment of truth. A sturdy hand raised in the air and showed the rope. When the fog cleared, everyone gaped at the reveal.


The crowd cheered his name and congratulated him one by one. Then suddenly someone asked amidst the happy crowd, "Then who came last?"

Shen Haixiong and Bai Yuan looked at each other. They were speeding up so much that they didn't notice at all. The eunuch came forward to act as the referee, "Your Highness, please let me handle the matter."

Haixiong permitted him.

The eunuch was wise. He quickly gathered all the maids and servants and asked them something in secret. He quickly returned and took out his small notebook. He coughed a little to clear his throat, "Your Majesty, this decision has been taken after considering every spectator present here."

Shen Haixiong was getting impatient, "Hurry and tell us."

"The one who lost the race is….. Honourable Consort Bai Yuan…."

Shen Haixiong jumped in joy, "Yes! I won!"

Bai Yuan was at some point convinced that he was going to lose anyway. Hence, the news wasn't that moving for him.

But the Eunuch wanted to clear the point, "After discussing with the spectators, this humble servant heard that while racing, Consort Bai jumped over some maids with his horse. The maids were so startled that they fell to the ground. A few clay utensils broke because of the sudden bump. "

Bai Yuan quickly apologized for causing trouble, "I'm so sorry, everyone! I'll never do something reckless again!"


On the other hand, in the meeting room of Empress Jin, a few vases and clay pots were smashed brutally onto the ground. Empress Jin had her jaw clenched in frustration as she watched Yang Zi smash almost everything inside that room in frustration.

She bit her lips until they started bleeding, "That bi-...UGH! Emperor Wang should be mine! Why did he choose that damned one!"

Empress Jin replied with her fingers pinched on her throbbing forehead, "Zi-er, please calm down, my lovely child. Emperor Wang is yours. I'll make that happen for sure!"

"But Aunt! You saw that, didn't you? Even the Imperial Uncle, the Emperor, was taking his side!"

"Give me a moment, I need to think."

The maids came running to deliver some urgent news. The Empress jumped in anger, "They are racing?!"

Blood could be seen boiling under her shrewd phoenix eyes.

"NO, I can't stay quiet like this. Zi-er, my lovely princess, go and visit Emperor Wang with refreshments at once! Take the best care of him. Go!"

Yang Zi switched to her innocent princess look at once as if she had not been the person who destroyed all the artworks just now. She quickly left with her maids.

At that moment, Yang Zi's father, Minister Yang entered and saw the ruckus made by his precious daughter.

"Sister Jin, I apologize on her behalf."

Maids could be seen quite busy while picking the broken piece. Suddenly a man, moving the ground under their feet, arrived at the door from nowhere. The man had brown eyes like that of a cunning hawk, a tall and chiseled body, and light brown hair loosely tied behind. His face was so meticulous that a simple smile on his thin lips and the maids lost all their senses to him.

Minister Yang cleared his throat before announcing, "I have a guest with me today. This guest is none but the merchant of death, Scorpion."

Song Xu bowed to the Empress, "Scorpion greets the Empress."

Empress Jin was startled to suddenly meet such a terrifying person, standing in front of her fearlessly.

She somehow managed to keep her voice firm as usual, "W-what need the famous Scorpion has that he came to see me personally?"

Song Xu casually replied, "The person I'm looking for seems to be staying here. I want to take him with me."

"Who is that person?"

Song Xu had a deadly smirk on his face, "The one you want dead, but I want in my bed."

Everyone paused hearing that.

Even Empress Jin was dumbfounded as hell, "What nonsense are you spouting!?"

Song Xu poured himself a glass of tea and voluntarily took a seat in front of Empress Jin and Minister Yang. His demeanor felt as if it was his meeting room, not Empress Jin's private meeting room.

"I meant what I said. You guys want him gone, I will do that for you. You guys just need to keep your hands off him."

Empress Jin felt curious though the disrespect was biting on her skin," What do you want?"

Song Xu sipped on the tea and just smiled mysteriously.


Yang Zi did as she was told. The imperial kitchen was turned upside down by her demanding statements. She picked what-not mouthwatering snacks and ordered to brew the finest tea leaves for Yiheng. She clapped and retorted, "Emperor Wang will become impressed this time!"

Thus, with an army of maids fully equipped with snacks, fruits, and teas, Yang Zi started her movement toward the Guest lounge. Everyone who happened to be in her way moved aside at the speed of light. In that action, some fell into the mud and some fell into the fish pond.

The moment she was greeted by the guards of Yiheng's resting lounge, Yang Zi quickly picked up a gorgeous-looking fruit basket in her arms. She turned back and ordered with a menacing glare, "Don't you dare show your faces before I summon. Stay behind."

The maids looked very uncomfortable but they nodded their heads in response and quickly stepped behind. This time the guards tried to speak up,

"Your Highness, this servant is being rude but please avoid entering at the moment!"

Yang Zi was irritated, "Who said you could speak to me? Know your place."

Guard no.1 once again tried to stop her, "But, Your Highness, His Majesty and Con-"

Guard no.2 grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "We beg pardon Your Highness. Please forgive us."

Yang Zi glared at the guard no.1 and with an arrogant *hump* took steps toward the main gate of the lounge

When she finally left the site, guard no.2 asked guard no.2 angrily, "Are you dumb so much to lose your life?"

Guard no.1 who felt that he was being wronged replied in a worried tone, "But what did I do?"

The guard no.2 face-palmed himself and replied, "That person is the second craziest person in the empire. If you had spoken anything to ruin her mood, even if the matter is as tiny as a grain, she would either throw you in her torture cell or soak you in her rotten pond with dead fishes in it until you die of coldness and skin disease."

The guard no.1 turned white from fear, "What the h-"

Guard no.2 gestured to immediately shut his mouth, "In this palace, this is an open secret and no one dares to complain. A few tried to bring these matters to the Emperor before, they died not only mysteriously but also pathetically."

The guard no.1, "I should better go back to my wife who is in the village."

"If you want to, leave as soon as possible. Once she remembers your face, only God can save you."

On the other hand, Yang Zi seemed like she was in the best mood today until she stopped on the doorstep,

"Emperor Wang! Greetings, this is Yang-"

