Chapter-17 Yeye's Father

A peaceful night.

A peaceful courtyard.

A peaceful bed-chamber.

And a really 'peaceful' pair of royal husbands sat across the round table.

Earlier, when the guards came rushing inside the bed chamber, the previous Bai Yuan's husband a.k.a Emperor Wang Yiheng was also with them. Emperor Wang had a dark expression on his face after discovering his wife 'cheating' on him with some palace maid.

Emperor Wang, "Let go of her hands."

Bai Yuan thought for a minute then replied with an unaffected- behaviour, "What if I don't?"

Emperor Wang's mouth twitched as he replied, " I'll call the guards to chop off the hands of the maid."

Hearing such a threat at first Bai Yuan didn't take it seriously, but then, though he ignored the Emperor, he let go of the maid's hands and told her to go back.

"Don't forget to check on me tomorrow," he spoke with a small soft smile.

Poor maid, she was terrified of the Emperor's wrath for her and the way her master just had to provoke him more made her tremble in fear and so she ran away saving her life.

Finally, Bai Yuan turned to Emperor Wang, "Sorry for the late greetings Your Highness. Heard you want to spend the night with me."

The Emperor didn't say anything and just looked at the unflinching demeanour of his wife. That's not how Bai Yuan treated him in the past, so what changed? He had a baffled expression but soon the 'Royal Highness Face' took over and he calmly stood there.

Tonight's Bai Yuan....he didn't have the seductive aura, even though his robe was a mess, he had boldness in his posture, confidence about himself, and a proper grasp of his title, and that felt quite attractive.

Bai Yuan knew as long as he has his Great General father's back up, none can kick him out of the palace, he thought in mind,
Come one, man, I'm the only child of the Great General, nephew of the Queen Dowager, father(he hasn't acknowledged being called 'mommy' fully) of the crown prince and yeah, that useless of a husband Emperor's consort. I am a Man of Authority. Maybe the previous one was naive, I'm not. Humph

After a long moment of just standing and staring at each other, Bai Yuan got tired of both fatigue and the uninvited guests. Therefore, he sat down on the mattress beside the round table in his chamber and then he remembered,
Aiyo, Ah-Yuan, this is not the modern era! Did you just sit down mannerlessly while the Emperor is still standing? Damnit. What a pain!

Bai Yuan suddenly dropped his hand beside him on the floor as if he was trying to prop his sluggish body like that, "Pardon me, your majesty, my head suddenly started spinning and I couldn't stay still. Please take a seat. Let's have a nice chat and enjoy some midnight refreshments."

There was one remaining guard behind Wang Yiheng. Seeing such a scene unfold, his jaw dropped. But, surprisingly, Wang Yiheng didn't react at all. He simply went ahead and took a seat, "No need for refreshments."

Bai Yuan was relieved, 'did my act work? phew!' But then he looked behind his husband. The guard was standing and giving him judgemental looks. Bai Yuan's lips went up into a very forceful smile, as he gestured for the guard to come near, with his finger. When the guard came, he again gestured for him to kneel so that they could make eye contact.

Then he said with a lovely expression, "Sir, would you like the Palanquin to be called here to make your grand exit?"

The guard, "......Pardon, your highness?"

Bai Yuan looked at him coldly, "Leave."

The Guard was shocked as he looked at his master, Wang Yiheng nodded and so he had no other choice but to leave. Once the guard left, the chamber became quieter than before.

Why am I the one to always initiate a conversation? Ugh!

Bai Yuan thought as he got exhausted from the deadly silence. He started speaking, "So, Your Majesty, I- "



Small Yeye dashed towards Bai Yuan as he wailed and tried to wipe his tears with his small sleeves. However, just before he could reach Bai Yuan, he accidentally tripped on his long robe.




Yeye got caught by a large strong arm in an instant and fell in that embrace. Yeye looked up and saw an unfamiliar face, he had never seen this man in the palace, his body smell was so different from his mommy's. With teary eyes, he only saw golden eyes that were carefully looking at him. He's not Mommy! Where is mommy?

"Mommy!" Yeye started crying again. But soon he got picked up by another pair of hands and finally, the familiar scent reached his nose, along with that familiar voice, "Exactly how many times have I told you not to run like that? Yeye, what if you hurt yourself?"

Yeye somehow calmed down, but managed to reply through his sniffles, "But *hic* Yeye *hic* didn't see *hic* mommy all day *hic*."

"Little fool, Didn't I tell you that I'll be busy today?" Bai Yuan nudged Yeye's puffed cheek. He then took out a clean cloth to wipe Baby Yeye's tears and snorts. Slowly Yeye's breathing started to become normal and all this time someone just sat there and dazedly looked at the pair of Father and son.

After running around the palace and crying for so long, small Yeye soon became sleepy in his mother's embrace but he didn't forget to ask before falling into a deep slumber, "M-mommy, who's this uncle?"

Wang Yiheng, "...."

Bai Yuan sighed and turned his face to look at Wang Yiheng as he replied, "He's not an uncle, Yeye. He's your Father."

Then, finally I got some ideas about what to write and I really hope that you guys won't be disappointed twt sorry for the delay... Should I just drop the story and come back after I'm done with everything (exams and such hellish punishments)?

Please do tell me if I made the story complicated or made any mistake, I really loved all your comments. Though I couldn't reply every one of those and for that I'm so sorry but please do know thaf I really love you guys, you all keep me away from my daily unwanted sadness and push me ahead to challenge my limits.
Thank you so much<3
