"How were you convinced that the supernatural was real?" Stiles asked, after calling Rita. He had video called her, knowing she was getting ready for a wedding.

"Michelle tried to tell me but I wouldn't believe her until she wolfed out and almost attacked me." Rita said. Stiles sighed out of frustration and hit the wheel.

"Why? Who are you trying to convince?" Rita asked.

"My dad." Stiles.

"Just show him but make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed- he won't believe you if he's overwhelmed." Rita said.

"With all the cases that he can't solve, I think he's going to be overwhelmed whether I tell him or not." Stiles said.

"Then maybe you shouldn't tell him. Maybe you should let him find out for himself." Rita shrugged. She was trying to help the most she could but she knew that what she was saying wasn't the most helpful.

"Are you going to the recital?" Rita asked, not wanting Stiles to worry about telling his dad about the supernatural.

"Yeah, I have to. Duty calls. Jude's lucky he's got a family thing." Stiles said.

"Avni, are you ready?" Mr. Singh asked.

"Yes! I'll be right down." She replied, putting in her nose ring.

"I have to go. Bye, Stiles. Good luck." Rita said.

"Bye, Ri. You look beautiful!" Stiles said. Rita smiled and waved at him before hanging up. She fixed her head piece and slipped on her flats that matched her sari before going downstairs.

"Oh, the twins are matching again!" Mrs. Singh cooedp as the siblings stood next to each other in their matching mustard yellow wedding outfits. Mr. Singh smiled at his kids and pulled out his phone to take a picture. They went to their dad's white station wagon and their dad started driving. Their mom began reminding them of some Hindi phrases. Mr. and Mrs. Singh were first generation born and knew some Hindi but not much leading to them being unable to teach their kids Hindi well. The two knew some phrases but understood it more. They got to the venue and saw a bunch of familiar relatives. The twins prepared themselves to be called by their middle names and to be spoken to in Hindi.

"Padma! Vishal!" Jude and Rita's grandmother greeted.

"Hi, mama." Mrs. Singh, Padma, smiled as her mother hugged her. The old lady looked at the twins and gasped.

"They're beautiful!" Their grandmother said, hugging them and giving them kisses on the cheek. All their aunts and uncles noticed them and gathered around the two teens to greet them.

"Sorry we missed the ceremony, Anjali." Mr. Singh, Vishal, apologized. The two teens saw their cousin, the one that was getting married and rushed to her.

"Dahlia!" Jude called out. The girl turned to them and gave the two a big hug.

"Congrats, dude! You trapped your man!" Rita laughed.

"You're so hot, what the hell?! I thought Jude would be the hot one." Dahlia said, touching Rita's hair. Rita smiled and gave Jude a smug look.

"Actually, people consider me the hot one." Jude said.

"That's not what your friends say. Even Allison thinks I'm hotter." Rita said, crossing her arms.

"It's because she has boobs." Dahlia's now husband, Nick, said. Jude nodded and gave him a handshake.

"No way, she barely has any." Dahlia said. Jude laughed and Rita crossed her arms over her chest.

"Avni, Anish. Let's go to our table. You can talk to Dahlia later." Padma said. The twins waved goodbye to their cousin quickly and followed their parents.

"How's everything going in the supernatural world?" Rita asked her brother, watching him text away.

"Ms. Blake is the Darach." Jude said. Rita looked at him, completely lost.

"She's the one that has been killing people. She even tried to kill Lydia." Jude said, in simpler terms.

"That bitch is crazy!" Rita exclaimed, gaining the attention of her family members. She covered her mouth and hid her face behind Jude's arm. Jude laughed at Rita and put down his phone.

"How's everything in your world?" Jude asked.

"I'm acing all of my classes- Beacon Hills High is a complete joke- and I graduated from the junior officer in training program and that's it. I live a pretty bland life, wolfie." Rita said. Jude laughed and the two watched as food was placed in front of them.

"I wish I could be there to help them." Jude said as his phone vibrated.

"I'll tell you what. They're probably still going to be at it when we get back home so I'll sneak out with you. If we get caught then we can both get in trouble." Rita said. Jude smiled and nodded.

"Sounds like a deal." Jude said, giving her a handshake. The two started eating and enjoying the party. They had fun with their cousins and the groom's family.


"It's not my fault we didn't sneak out. I didn't know dad was going to make us stay at a hotel." Rita said, still in her sari. They had gotten home and Jude rushed her into their car to the animal clinic.

"I know, I know." Jude grumbled. Rita continued filling in her eyebrows, ignoring his grumpiness. She was still in her sari so she wanted her face to look equally as presentable. They pulled up to the animal clinic and Rita pull up the skirt of her sari to not get it all muddy.

"Jude, finally!" Lydia said dragging him to the back, not paying much attention to Rita. Rita didn't blame her, she knew she had nothing to do with this so she sat in the waiting room. One of the wolf twins came in and eyed her. Deaton came out and glanced at Rita.

"Come to the back with your brother, it's not safe out here." He told Rita, eying the twin. Rita rushed behind and saw the whole pack together. Scott's face brightened up at the sight of her but he turned to Jude with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why Jude had brought his sister along.

"One of the funny looking wolf twins are here." Rita whispered. Lydia, Scott and Stiles went towards where Deaton and asked what he wanted.

"You look nice, Rita." Allison smiled.

"I look overdressed and ridiculous but thanks." Rita said, trying to lighten up the mood. She saw the worry still on Isaac's face and grabbed his hand.

"Stop frowning. Don't make me make you smile again." Rita whispered. Isaac couldn't help smile at her and rested his head on the top of her's.

"We have to go." Scott said. Isaac stood up straight and let go of Rita's hand. Jude nodded and started walking out but turned to his sister.

"Stay here with Deaton. He'll keep you safe." Jude said, hugging her. She nodded and hugged him tightly before letting him go.

"Stay safe and kick some ass." She smiled. Jude nodded and walked out. Scott looked at her and approached her quickly.

"Call Jude if anything. Just stay put." Scott mumbled.

"Go save your mom, Scott. Don't worry about me at all." Rita said.

"I can't help but worry about you." Scott whispered. Rita couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes.

"Go." Rita said and kissed his cheek before pushing him out.

"Rita. You look beautiful, by the way." Scott smiled.

"Get out! It's not the time to be cute." Rita laughed, shooing him away. She watched as they left and sat down next to a tub.

"Do you want to know what's happened?" Deaton asked, noticing Rita wasn't the best informed person. Rita shrugged and gave him a nod.
