"If you see Stiles don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't even breath the same air as him. Okay? He's not him." Jude said as they drove to Scott's house. Rita nodded sadly. The spastic, sarcastic boy she met at the police station was completely gone. Jude parked his car and opened the door to the house. Rita followed him, not commenting on anything because she knew Jude only brought her along because he was terrified the Nogitsune would get her if she was alone.

"We're going to save him. We'll figure it out." The two siblings heard Kira say. Jude stopped and looked at Rita. Rita pushed him to keep going until they got to Scott's room.

"Um," Jude said, as he and his sister watched Scott laying next to Kira. Scott's head shot up and he jumped out of bed.

"Nice room you've got here." Rita commented, leaning on the doorframe. Scott went to approach her but Jude shook his head.

"Listen, I'll let you two have your discussion or whatever but we have to talk about how I saw Malia today." Jude said.

"Isn't she in Eichen?" Scott asked.

"Not anymore. I saw her near the school." Jude said. Scott and Jude began discussing and Kira got up to talk to Rita.

"It's been a while since I saw you." Kira said, awkwardly.

"Yeah- I like your outfit. Where'd you get your skirt?" Rita asked, trying to be a decent person. She knew that they really didn't need her being a bitch to Kira right now so she pushed the bitchiness deep inside.

"I found it at Marshall's." Kira said.

"Oh! You find the best pieces there. I got these really cute earring there and they were only a dollar." Rita said, still impressed by the deal. The two stayed silent but Kira tried to break it again.

"Um, I was just staying over because I learned something about my mom that I didn't know before and I just don't want to go back home." Kira said.

"Okay." Rita said, suppressing what she really wanted to say deep inside.

"Um, I'm going to the bathroom." Kira said and walked out of the room. Rita got a call from Allison and went to the hallway to take it.

"What's up?" Rita said.

"Isaac's awake and he's at my house." Allison said.

"Hey, Ri." Isaac said making Rita smile widely.

"Oh my god." Rita said, her eyes tearing up.

"Are you crying?" Allison asked.

"No." Rita said, her voice cracking. She heard Isaac laugh and Allison shush him.

"I missed you so much." Rita whispered.

"You should come over." Allison suggested. Rita gasped in excitement while wiping her tears.

"Really?! Isn't it late?" Rita asked.

"Yeah but who cares." Allison said. Rita giggled excitedly but calmed down when Kira came out of the bathroom. She watched Kira go back into the room before continuing being excited.

"I'll let you know if I can. Okay?" Rita said.

"Alright. Bye." Isaac said. Allison and Isaac mumbled something that Rita couldn't make out.

"Actually, maybe I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah?" Allison said.

"Okay. Bye, Isaac. Bye, Allison. Use protection." Rita said and hung up. She went back in the room and ran to Jude.

"Isaac's awake! He's with Allison." Rita said, jumping around. Jude and Scott smiled at her excitement and it felt like a bit of weight was lifted off their shoulders. Scott smiled at Rita and she stopped jumping around and got closer to Jude.

"Can you and Kira go downstairs for a minute? I want to talk to Rita." Scott said. The two nodded and walked out leaving Rita and Scott standing there awkwardly.

"You're upset." Scott asked but sounded like a statement.

"I'm actually happy, didn't you just see me jumping around?" Rita said, stepping away from the bed. Scott stayed silent and she looked around his room.

"It's really nice that you let Kira stay with you for the night but sleeping in the same bed seems a little extra nice." Rita commented.

"I think we need a little extra niceness right now with everything." Scott said. Rita looked at him, knowing he was right and stayed silent.

"Rita." Scott said, knowing he got to her.

"I'm sorry I get jealous. I shouldn't even be getting jealous, it's not like I'm your girlfriend- hell, we haven't even kissed." Rita said.

"I kind of like it when you get jealous, Ri." Scott admitted. Rita looked at him and was surprised by how close he got.

"You do?" Rita asked, looking up at him.

"I like it when you do anything, honestly." Scott said, stepping closer. He just wanted to kiss her and he figured it would be cuter if she got flustered first. Rita's breath hitched as her back touched the wall and she looked at him, waiting for what he was going to do next.

"Can I kiss you?" Scott asked. Rita nodded and she got closer to him, put her hands on his shoulders. She leaned up and he leaned down, they met half way and kissed. They kissed and kissed until they needed to pull away to breath.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked as he leaned his forehead on her's. He smiled brightly and nodded. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss before pulling away.
