"I'm totally gonna crush this meet." Rita said, excitedly. Jude gave her a small smile before turning to Scott and Stiles. Rita sighed and moved to sit behind Isaac.

"You're really going to run?" Isaac asked. Rita nodded, giving Boyd a smile.

"But your hand." Isaac said, reaching for her wrapped hand. Rita shooed him away and rested her head back on Isaac's seat.

"I don't need my hand to run, Isaac. Stop worrying." Rita said.

"Alright, alright." Isaac said, but still had a worried look on his face. Rita put her pointer fingers at the edges of his lips and raised them up.

"Boyd, doesn't Isaac look dashing when he smiles?" Rita asked. Boyd looked at her and she got closer to him.

"Say yes." She whispered. Boyd couldn't help but laugh at her antics and nodded.

"Yeah, he looks dashing." Boyd said. Rita pulled her hands away and pointed at Boyd.

"See? You should smile more. It's cute." Rita said, smiling at Isaac. Isaac couldn't help but return the smile.

"There it is." Rita said. She ruffled his hair and went back to sit next to her brother.

"Are you okay, Scott?" Rita asked, noticing Scott's face scrunched up in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Scott said, giving her a pained smile. Rita glanced at her brother but he looked equally as worried as she did. She turned to face the front and fiddled with her phone.

"Shit." Jude said, getting Rita's attention. She turned to see what made him react like that and saw deep claw marks on Scott's torso.

"Scott." Rita said. He pulled his shirt back down quickly.

"Isn't he supposed to be healing?" Rita asked Jude.

"Yeah, but it was an Alpha. It takes longer." Scott said, weakly.

"Did you at least disinfect it? I don't know how wolf things work but if you have a cut as bad as that, you should at least disinfect it." Rita said.

"It could help." Stiles said.

"I said I'm fine." Scott snapped and laid his head on the window. Rita turned around and laid her head on Jude's shoulder.

"You're sleepy?" Jude asked.

"I'm just bored. You know I sleep when I'm bored." Rita chuckled, trying to make it seem as if she was unbothered but her twin knew better. Jude smiled patted his lap. Rita made herself more comfortable and laid her head on his lap. She closed her eyes and quickly went to sleep. The bus stopped abruptly, and Jude held on to Rita so she wouldn't fall out. Scott shot up, catching Stiles' and Jude's attention.

"Boyd's going to do something." Scott said. Jude looked and his eyes widened at the sight of Boyd claws.

"How do you know?" Stiles asked.

"His claws." Scott and Jude said.


"Do you have you first aid kit? Like with the needles and stuff?" Jude asked Rita. She nodded and got it from her bag before Garret threw up. They pulled over and everyone got off the bus in disgust. Stiles and Allison helped Scott to the the bathroom. Rita and Jude followed, worriedly.

"What do we do? Do we call an ambulance?" Stiles asked after Allison saw Scott's torso.

"There's no need. They'd just give him stitches which we could do right here." Jude said, pointing to Rita's first aid kit.

"What if it psychosomatic? What if he's not letting himself heal?" Lydia asked.

"Because of Derek." Stiles said.

"So what do we do?" Allison asked.

"Stitch him up." Lydia said, pointing at Rita. Rita took a deep breath and kneeled in front of Scott.

"It'll all be okay. Promise." Rita whispered, linking their pinkies. Scott smiled faintly for a split second.

"He needs a clean shirt." Allison said, watching Rita disinfect the cut. She watched as Rita gently took care of Scott, whispering comforting things whenever he groaned or hissed because of the pain and how she held his hand with her stitched up one.

"I'll go. I don't like needles anyway." Stiles said and was about to go but turned back.

"Can you do it before the bus leaves?" Stiles asked. Rita looked at Allison.

"Just make sure the bus doesn't leave." Allison said.

"We'll help you." Lydia said, dragging Jude out too. Rita took out the lighter and sterilized the needle. She was about to start but her hand was too shaky. Rita sighed and looked up at Allison.

"Do you know how to stitch him up? My good hand isn't in it's best condition." Rita asked, holding up her wrapped hand.

"Yeah. My dad taught me." Allison said and rushed to help her. Scott started dozing off and Allison grabbed his face.

"Stay with me. Hey, stay with me, Scott." Allison said, gently.

"I'm sleepy." Scott said.

"It's not the time to sleep, Scott. Just stay awake for a little while more, okay?" Rita said, holding his hand. Rita squeezed his hand whenever he would look like he was dozing off. Rita got distracted by Allison and didn't notice he dozed off. Allison finished and the two girls sighed in relief.

"Scott. We're done." Allison whispered. He stayed with his eyes closed and Allison got close to his face to see if he was was breathing. Rita was starting to panic and squeezed his hand tighter as Allison repeated his name.

"Scott, please." Rita pleaded, her breathing speeding up. He gasped for air and shot up.

"It's my fault." Scott said. Rita cupped his face, making him look at her.

"Whatever happened last night is not your fault." Rita said, her eyes tearing up. She realized how close to his face she was and back away. She put everything away and threw out the needle and everything else they had used.

"You did this?" Scott asked, grinning softly at Allison.

"Yeah, Rita was going to do it but her hand is messed up, y'know." Allison said. Rita looked down and watched as Allison helped him up and put his shirt on.

"I'm gonna head out now, then. Good job, Allison." Rita said and rushed out. She stood alone as she watched Allison and Scott come out and Lydia approached them.

"You okay?" Jude asked.

"Yeah. Sometimes I just forget that I'm totally just useless when it comes to the supernatural world and that I should stay out of it." Rita said and got on the bus. The rest of them got on the bus but Rita didn't once look at them.
