"Rita! Rita, wait up." Kira said, trying to catch up with Rita.

"What, Kira?" Rita replied making Kira jump.

"Don't be mad at Scott- or me- because I might've exaggerated a bit. We didn't kiss he just kissed my forehead, y'know, like Isaac would do to you- so don't be mad because it wasn't a real kiss and he didn't cheat of you." Kira rambled. Rita's face softened now that she knew she misunderstood and nodded.

"Okay. Thanks for clearing it up." Rita said. Kira nodded, smiling and went to her locker. Liam ran up to Rita and leaned on her locker.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to still be in the hospital? Or at least on crutches?" Rita asked, eying him.

"It's fine, now." Liam said. She notices his arm wrapped and her eyes widened. Rita pulled him away from the crowded halls and into an empty classroom.

"Did someone bite you?" Rita asked. Liam's eyes widened and looked around.

"How'd you know?" Liam asked.

"It happened to Jude a while back. Did you see who bit you?" Rita asked.

"Your boyfriend." Liam said. Rita became furious but held it in for later.

"Do you know what it means?" Rita asked. Liam shook his head and she nodded.

"I'm not the one who should tell you but if Jude or my bo- Scott try to talk to you, please hear them out."

"I don't trust Scott. He and his scrawny friend kidnapped me last night." Liam said. Rita shook her head and sighed.

"Do you trust Jude?" Rita asked. Liam nodded, slightly unsure. He knew he trusted Jude way more than Scott. The bell rang and they exited the classroom.

"Take care of yourself." Rita said, hugging him before letting him leave. She saw Scott, Jude, and Stiles leaning on the locker, pretending to be nonchalant. She walked over to them and slapped all three of them upside the head.

"Are you guys fucking insane?!" Rita exclaimed.

"Rita, chill." Jude said. Rita glared at him, making him back down.

"You better have a good ass reason as to why you thought it would be a dandy idea to bite him." Rita said, poking Scott's chest.

"A Wendigo was trying to eat him and he almost fell off the roof of hospital." Stiles said, getting her attention

"And Liam was slipping off, I didn't know what else to do so I bit him." Scott said. Rita didn't look at him, knowing that if she did, her anger would disappear.

"Today's a full moon so you all better help him. If he dies or kills someone or even comes to me with a complaint I'll- I don't know what I'll do yet but it'll be bad." Rita said walked away.

"She's so small but so scary." Stiles said, still rubbing where Rita hit him.

"She gets it from mom. That woman is terrifying when she's pissed." Jude said.


"Scott bit Liam." Rita said once the girls answered the Skype call.

"He what?!" The girls all exclaimed, even Angelica who was in the background.

"I know!" Rita said, feeling angry again. Rita heard Jude's door close and went closer to the door to hear what he was saying to mom.

"I'm going to a party at Lydia's lake house." Jude said.

"Is your sister going with you?" Padma asked. Rita opened the door and ran to the living room.

"No, I'm gonna hang out with the girls." Rita said, crossing her arms.

"You're not even ready." Jude retorted, knowing she was lying, mimicking her actions.

"Martha and the girls are going to pick me up." Rita said and ran to her room.

"They're taking Liam to a lake house for the full moon. We have to go." Rita said.

"I agree. Liam needs an anchor and it could be Martha- or even Angelica." Michelle said.

"Me?! Why me?" Angelica asked.

"We all know you two like each other and we all know you kissed last Halloween behind Martha's house after you guys went trick or treating. It's okay, we get it." Penny said. Angelica began blushing and bit her lip.

"Let's go. He needs us." Angelica said. The girls gave her a smug smile and started getting ready without hanging up.

"Should I beat my face?" Eleanor asked.

"Nah, it's not a real party." Julia said.

"I'll pick us all up." Martha said and hung up.


"It's open." Julia whispered and opened the door to see Scott, Jude, Lydia, Malia, and Stiles standing there with hand cuffs and chains on the table.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"We're here for Liam. He should have people that he actually trusts during his first full moon, don't you think?" Martha said, crossing her arms.

"How many of you are even supernatural?" Lydia asked. Michelle and Angelica raised their hands.

"So what are the rest of you doing here?" Malia asked.

"We know how to help." Julia said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, yeah. Five teenage girls can totally handle a new werewolf." Lydia said, sarcastically.

"I handled Jude alone. What have you done? Scream and run?" Rita said, stepping forward. Penny and Eleanor pulled her back

"We've handled many new werewolves. Michelle is just the only one who's stayed." Penny said.

"Look, he trusts them. We need them." Scott said, ending the bickering. Kira and Liam came into the house and the girls gave him a small smile as a greeting.

"What is this?"

"Consider this an intervention." Stiles said.

"And you have a problem." Scott said.

"It's not a problem. It's more of a special asset." Michelle jumped in. They began explaining to him what the supernatural was and what each of them were.

"Werewolves?" Liam asked, pointing at Scott and Michelle. They nodded, Michelle giving him a small smile.

"Werecoyote? Banshee? Fox." Liam continued, each of them giving them a nod.

"Kitsune, but fox works." Kira corrected. Liam turned to Angelica, who was standing nervously.

"And you can manipulate light?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." Angelica said, giving him a nervous smile. He returned the smile and turned to the humans and crossed his arms.

"What are you?" He asked Stiles.

"I was, uh, possessed by an evil spirit." Stiles said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"And what are you now?" Liam asked.

"Better." Stiles said, unsure of his answer. He turned to the girls. He didn't want them to be apart of this craziness. He'd known them since he was a kid, hell, since he was a baby, and he saw them as his sisters.

"We're not anything. We just know how to help." Martha said. Liam nodded, trusting his sister completely.

"By chaining me down?" Liam asked.

"No. That's for Malia." Stiles said as Malia turned her eyes blue, making Liam back up. Martha went to hold his hand but Angelica was already trying to calm him down. Liam put his hands on the sides of his head and Michelle pulled Angelica away, not knowing what could happen.

"Don't you hear that?!" Liam asked as the pack started freaking out. Michelle and Scott heard what Liam was heating and looked at each other. Car lights shone through the window and Kira looked out the window.

"Who did you tell?" Lydia asked.

"My friend, Mason- you said it was a party." Liam pushed out. He started scratching the floors and the girls got up.

"Get him off the floors. Get him off the floors!" Lydia exclaimed. Liam growled at her, making her back up.

"We need to take him to the boat house, now!" Scott said as Michelle and him carried Liam out. Malia started to turn and Stiles grabbed the chains.

"What am I going to do with the hoards of people outside?" Lydia asked.

"I'll help." Eleanor said. Lydia nodded, feeling better. The rest of the girls followed and saw Liam on the floor.

"Oh god, I didn't kill him did I?!" Kira exclaimed.

"You didn't what?!" Rita exclaimed and pushed her out the way.

"It's fine. He's out cold." Scott told Rita. She and Martha looked at the younger boy, worriedly. They still couldn't believe this had happened to him.

"What the fuck did you do to him, Kitsune?" Michelle asked defensively. Angelica stood next to Michelle, defensively, too.

"He was attacking Scott and I hit him with a paddle." Kira said.

"Get out. Now." Angelica said, her eyes turning a bright white. Kira nodded and went to the party.

"That was pretty cool." Julia said, patting her sister's back. Jude and Scott tied Liam to a post, amid Martha's protests.

"It's the best thing they could do. He's not like Michelle, you know, he wasn't born a werewolf. He needs to learn control and maybe it's like this for now." Rita said to Martha. Martha nodded. She'd only dealt with Michelle or other born werewolves so she didn't know how to deal with her brother. She felt useless. Angelica sat near the post that Liam was tied to and Martha sat next to her. Penny and Jude had already picked their corner and so did Michelle and Julia. Rita sat alone and Scott joined her.

"We haven't talked alone in a while." Scott started.

"I know." Rita said, fiddling with her fingers.

"Kira and I didn't kiss- not like we've kissed- it was only on the forehead." Scott said.

"Kira told me." Rita said.

"And I only bit him because I was trying to save him. You know I wouldn't change someone one purpose." Scott said.

"I know, Scott. I know." Rita said, grabbing his hand and kissing it. Scott knew she was worried so he didn't push her to talk to him.

"I'm sorry I've been distant. There's been so many changes in my life if the past months and I just needed to think." Rita apologized. He knew what she meant because he felt the same last year when he first was turned.

"Do you still want to be alone?" Scott asked, ready to stand.

"No. I want you to stay." Rita said, looking at him. Scott nodded and sat back down. They stared a Liam and Rita turned to Scott.

"Are you feeling different because of the moon?" Rita asked. Scott shook his head and glanced at the moon behind them.

"I've learned to control it." Scott said.

"How" Rita asked.

"I focus on not letting my heart rate quicken." Scott said.

"What if you get distracted?" Scott said. She smirked and tilted her head.

"I bet I can distract you." She whispered. Scott looked at her, challengingly, as she looked around. Jude and Penny were making out and the other girls were asleep or distracted. Rita moved closer to Scott and look his hand, placing it on her thigh and made sure some of his fingers were under her skirt. She got close to his face and started leaving slow kisses around his face and jaw, making sure to get close to his lips. She moved his hand higher, making his whole hand get covered by her skirt and kissed his lips slowly. She pulled away when she saw his eyes become a bright red.

"See?" Rita smirked, putting his hand back to his side and wiping the lipstick off his face. Scott closed his eyes and made his eyes turn back to brown.

"You cheated. You put your," Scott started but was cut off by Angelica.

"Guys." Angelica called out, seeing Liam awake and out of control.

"Martha, sing a song from when he was little. Something that would calm him down." Penny said after pulling away from Jude.

"Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound." Martha began singing. Liam stopped breathing as hard as Martha and Angelica sang, and Michelle approached him with her illuminated blue eyes. Touched foreheads and Michelle closed her eyes. He closed his eyes hesitantly but glanced at Scott and became angry. Michelle backed away as she heard the chains fall.

"Liam!" Martha called out but he jumped out the window and ran into the woods. Michelle, Jude, and Scott ran after him, leaving the rest of the girls behind.

"So, you and Jude, huh?" Eleanor smirked at Penny.
