"Miss Singh, your skirt is way too short." Mr. Harris said. Rita stopped and looked down at her skirt.

"Didn't know knees were such a distraction, sir. Everyone has them." Rita said, crossing her arms. Harris rolled his eyes and handed her a detention slip. She took it reluctantly and sat down in the only empty seat next to a blond boy.

"Your skirt isn't that short. Lydia has worn shorter." The blond boy whispered. Rita glanced at him and nodded before opening her text book.

"Your Jude's sister, right?" The blond boy asked. Rita nodded once again and started to write whatever Harris wrote on the board.

"I'm Isaac." The blond boy whispered. Rita looked up at him, remembering Jude mention him multiple times.

"You're in Jude's pack, right?" Rita asked. Isaac nodded and pretended to be paying attention to class once Harris turned around. Harris turned back to the board and Scott started whispering to Isaac. Rita noticed Isaac tense up and put her hand over his.

"Relax. You're gonna wolf out." Rita said and traced circles on the back of his hand to calm him down. She had done this many times to Jude and Michelle. Isaac looked at her as he calmed down.

"Thank you." Isaac said. Harris turned around to explain whatever it was he was taking about. Rita pulled their hands to her lap, not wanting to get in more trouble. Isaac's eyes widened, noticing his hand on her thigh. Scott noticed Isaac's heartbeat quicken and kicked his chair. Isaac turned around, pulling his hand away.

"What?" Isaac said, getting Harris's attention. Harris approached him with a detention slip and placed it on Isaac's notebook.

"Lahey. Since you're so chatty today, maybe you'd like to chat in detention." Harris said and went back to the front of the room to teach.


"You're here too?" Allison whispered, sitting next to Rita in the detention room. Rita nodded, twirling a pencil around.

"The two of you will wash all the boards in this hall." Harris said, pointing at two students.

"Re-shelving the library."

"Restocking the janitors closet." Harris said to Isaac, Allison, and Rita. Isaac looked at Allison, making her drop her pencil. Isaac got up and spoke to Harris. Rita looked at the both of them suspiciously.

"Now that I know you prefer not to, yes. You have to be with her and Rita." Harris said.

"Great." Isaac whispered. The two girls got up and followed the wolf.

"Did you guys date or something?" Rita whispered to Allison.

"No!" They both said loudly, startling Rita. They got the supplies and went to the janitors closet, restocking them silently.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just not a big fan of small spaces." Isaac said. Rita looked at him worriedly but stepped out to get some more supplies.

"But since you stabbed me, twenty times- with knives." Isaac said. Rita looked at the two and decided not to interrupt the conversation and continued putting things on shelves.

"They were actually Chinese ring daggers- but, sorry." Allison said. Isaac nodded, smiling sarcastically.

"You stabbed him?" Rita whispered to Allison.

"Kind of." Allison said, scratching the back of her neck. Rita was about to comment but the door slammed shut and the light shut off. Isaac rushed to the door and tried opening it but it didn't work.

"Maybe it locked from the outside." Allison said.

"No, it feels like there's something in front of it." Isaac said, anxiously. He took off his flannel and started breathing heavily. He started banging on the door, anxiously, murmuring to himself.

"Isaac. Isaac! Relax." Allison said. Rita put her hand on Allison's shoulder and pushed her behind her. She put her finger to her lips once she saw Isaac's eyes glow yellow.

"Isaac." Allison said. Isaac slowly turned to the two girls, cornering them, but Rita stayed calm.  He got closer and Rita raised her hand to put it on his forehead, just like she would do with Jude but she was scratched instead. She gasped and held her arm. Isaac raised his claws again but he was pulled away before he could. Scott looked at the two girls and went to calm Isaac down. Allison grabbed napkins and put them on Rita's arm as she panicked.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." She whispered, staring at her arm. She saw Allison's arm too and started panicking even more.

"It's okay. We just gotta get you to the hospital." Allison said, putting her arm around the small girl. Scott went to Rita and Allison and saw Rita's bloody arm.

"It wasn't his fault." Allison said and Rita nodded in agreement.

"I'm so sorry." Isaac said, looking like he was about to cry.

"It's alright." Rita whispered. Allison and Scott spoke some more but Rita didn't pay attention at all. Scott pulled out his phone and called Jude.

"Rita." Jude said, rushing down the hallway. He saw his sister's arm and glared at Isaac.

"What did you do to her?!" Jude yelled at Isaac. Rita stepped in between them and looked at Jude intently. Jude avoided her stare and grabbed her good arm.

"Let's go. You're losing blood." Jude grumbled and pulled her along.


"What happened?" Mrs. Singh asked, approaching her kids.

"A window broke at school and I got cut." Rita said as the nurse wrapped her arm. Mrs. Singh glanced at Jude and he nodded to reassure her.

"Remember to clean the area of your stitches before wrapping them again and just let it heal. You can come back in a week to see how your hand is doing. And if you can't tolerate the pain, you can just take some pain killers." The nurse said. Rita nodded and climbed off the bed.

"You're all set." The nurse smiled.

"Thank you." Mrs. Singh said and led her kids out of the hospital room.

"Go back to school, Anish. I'll take Avni home." Mrs. Singh said. Jude nodded, knowing she was serious because she called them by their middle name. Rita got into the car with her mother and put her seatbelt on.

"You look like sickly rat, I'll tell your father to give you your makeup back." Mrs. Singh said as she started driving.

"Gee, thanks, mama." Rita laughed. Mrs. Singh laughed along and laughed and grabbed Rita's chin affectionately.

"I'm kidding. You're beautiful, but I miss seeing the art you create on your face." Mrs. Singh said, wanting to cheer her daughter up. Rita smiled at her and continued to look out the window.
