Forgive and Forget


Sunday morning, my day off work. I happily rejoice in this as I get out of bed, knowing I can laze about and do nothing all day. I walk into the kitchen and toast some bread, switching on the tv and flicking to the English channels, not wanting to translate the French channels, it's not particularly relaxing. I take the toast out of the toaster and put peanut butter on them. I take two plates out and put a slice on each. closing the cupboard door with my hip I walk to Jess's room and knock. No answer, I open the door and peek inside. the curtains are half open, she's laid underneath the duvet, sprawled across the bed. The tv is on mute, flickering silently, a soppy romance film is on. An empty bottle of whiskey and a packet of cigarettes lie next to her. I walk over and place the toast on her night stand, picking up the whiskey and cigarettes and moving them into my room. I walk back in and nudge her shoulder.

"Jess, it's sunday morning, you might want to get up." I tell her, hoping she'll leave her bed for the first time this weekend. She groans and rolls over, shuffling towards the edge of her bed and sitting up, the red lines on her arms sticking out obviously. 

"Okay." she answers simply, I hold the toast out to her but she simply shakes her head and walks into the bathroom. Biting the toast, I walk out and jump onto the sofa, watching Jeremy Kyle reruns, thank god for cable. Half an hour later Jess walks through into the room, her hair wet from a shower, she sits down quietly next to me, I can tell all she wants is to be back in her bedroom. 

"Come on let's go get you a new phone, plus you need to pick up your suitcase from Warped Tour whilst we are out." I say, standing up and finding my keys, she shrugs her shoulders, slipping on a pair of toms and following me out the front door. A tube ride later and we're outside the apple store. Jess heads straight for the iPhone 5s's, finally having an excuse to buy one. It's the first time i've seen her vaguely interested in doing anything. After buying the phone we pick up her suitcase before heading home. I give her my key and let her go up ahead of me so I can check the post. I smile to myself whilst opening the post box, glad to have finally got her out of the house, regardless of the obvious handover plus the red eyes and dark circles underneath them, Crying and drinking definitely doesn't do much appearance wise. 

Grabbing the post I flip through it as I walk upstairs to the apartment. Bill. Bill. Bill. Very late birthday card from a distant Aunt who thinks im called Claire. I'm about to shove the post in my bag as I open the door when I notice a letter behind the card. It's addressed to Jess and has alex's swirly handwriting on the front. the post stamp on the front suggests it was sent for over a week ago, I don't check my post that often I guess. I'm about to call her name when i think against it, anything could be in this letter that might just make it worse. Right now she isn't in the best frame of mind to make these decisions.  I shove all the post in my bag, closing the front door behind me and placing my bag carefully behind a potted plant whilst I go to help Jess look through her suitcase in the living room. 

"It's not in here!" she groans loudly, slamming her wrists down onto the floorboards. I look quizzically at her. 

"What your phone?" I ask, confused at her reaction, I kneel down next to her so I can help her look.

"No...My diary, I don't know where it could be...." She says, half talking to herself, "I know my phone is well and truly gone..." she looks down and picks up a photo lying in the middle of some clothes. It's a Polaroid of her and Josh. Putting it back into the case she rubs her hands over her face. Standing up she drags her suitcase into her room and slams the door. I take this opportunity to run to my bag, grab the letter and put it inside my underwear draw. 



I slam my bedroom door behind me, lifting my suitcase up onto the bed, unzipping it and sitting down next to the case. A scrap of paper sits in the middle, something I missed in my frantic search for my diary. 

Hey Jess, 

I hope you're okay. Sorry we couldn't find your phone but I tried to pack everything I saw that I recognized as yours, Ashley helped me look too. Here's a list of all our numbers on the back once you get a new one, so you can let us know how you are.I'm so sorry for everything that happened, I hope you're doing okay, I punched him for you! 

Love Zack xx

A small smile appears on my face, I realise how much I have missed everyone. a few teardrops splatter onto the letter and I put it to one side. I then pick up the photo of Josh and I, the sudden urge to rip it up comes over me. Instead I shove it inside a shoe and put the shoes underneath my bed. Unloading all the clothes, I spot my laptop underneath a fluffy jumper that I really have missed. Opening it up I take a sharp intake of air, a photo of Josh and I is the screen saver. I choke down a sob, sick of these constant reminders. I immediately change it to a photo of Alex and I from several years ago, something that wouldn't remind me of Josh. I go to all the photos from this summer and drop it into a folder, hiding them from myself. I open up safari and twitter opens up with it. Tweets from Josh line my newsfeed, recent photos of him with the ATL guys. So they're all friends again? I feel stunned, completely forgotten about. As if they just forgave him after everything. I consider the fact it may be a publicity stunt but either way, Alex spending any time with Josh means he would have definitely told him where I am, Alex is incapable of keeping information like that to himself. Josh hasn't even contacted me, I guess any hope that this was all some big mistake has completely gone... I rip up the letter from Zack, dumping it in the bin, loosing all contact.

So the next chapter will have a several month time lapse. Please comment and let me know what you think!
