Chapter 19

 Sorry it has taken sooo long

Jack barakat tweeted me and im so happy i decided to write a lot for you

my all time low fanfiction of Jack and ashley is up

and yeah enjoy 



I step out of the harsh nights air, the fog clouding my vision of the tour bus, little dew droplets creating a wet film over the shiny exterior. I step into the warmth of the bus and head towards the back, punching in the passcode that we use for the back lounge. I strip my jacket off, resting it on the leather sofa and grab my laptop, setting it down on the seat next to me. The dialling tone on skype rings out inside the empty room, as I wait I switch the tv on, watching MTV.

MAX’S POV.  (Time of this is five minutes before jess goes on stage)

“dude you lost again!” I shout in victory, throwing my hands up in the air, pointing at the fifa match that I just won 5:0. Josh sits there and nods at my victory, staring at his laptop across the room that is open on skype, the same laptop he has been watching more than the game we’re playing, I slowly lower my arms, frowning.

“Yeah, guess I’m shit at it today.” He sighs, a little hint of humour in his voice, whilst setting the controller down on the coffee table and stretching.

“Are you sure that’s it? I mean you can’t take your eyes off the laptop, are you expecting a call from your mom or something?” I joke at him, attempting to lighten the mood whilst standing up to fetch the pizza takeaway menus.

“No, actually, I’m waiting for your mom to call me back after last night.” He shouts back to me as I enter the kitchen, picking up the menu on the counter. I laugh back slightly, still concerned at why Josh is acting weird. I walk back into the living room to see him scrolling on facebook on his laptop. I sneak up behind him and look over his shoulder to see him on jess’s twitter.

“BOO” I scream in his ear, he jumps up, his laptop falling to the floor with a bang. I start laughing so much, my knees give way and I place both hands on the floor, steadying myself.

“What the fuck was that for max? I’ll kill you if you’ve broken my laptop.” He says angrily, he picks up his laptop, and walks briskly to his room before slamming it shut.

“Shit..” I mutter, before standing up and knocking lightly on his door, curiosity getting the better of me, “look man, im sorry, it was just to make you jump, not throw your laptop at the wall in surprise. If it’s broken you can always borrow my phone to call my mom.”

A small chuckle echoes out through the door and josh opens it slightly, letting me know im forgiven, running a hand through his hair, before opening it completely and allowing me to join him. Suddenly the skype tone starts playing and Josh dives towards it, I slowly walk behind him to get a good view of who the mystery person is.

“Hey” He announces excitedly at the screen, that is loading the video from the other persons side.  I jump onto the bed behind him. Suddenly jess’s face pops up onto the screen, this is who Josh was so eager to talk to? I mean we all love jess and miss her too, but I’ve never seen Josh act this way about a friend.


Josh picks up on the 3rd ring. I hear him say hello before his camera pops up. My heart melts as I see his face on the screen, his hair sticking out all over the place, stubble on his face, and sleepy eyes. I ache, knowing that all I would want to do right now is climb into that bed next to him and run my hand through his hair.

“Hey you.” I start, I wipe the sweat off my hands onto my jeans, mentally going through what I planned to say about Emily to him. My mind still flickering between whether this is a good idea to mention it now or not.

“hey” I hear again, the tone of voice is different, my head flicks up and my eyebrows furrowed, I then spot Max lying on the bed behind Josh. I feel a smile spread across my face.

“Maxyyy! How are you both?” I ask, feeling exasperated that I can’t talk to Josh in private but happy I get to talk to max for the first time in a couple of days.


“We’re good how are you?” I answer back to jess, feeling the slight tension that is there, due to my involvement in the skype call.

“Im good thank you, tired as fuck though after performing with All Time Low tonight…” She tells her, her voice trailing off as she yawns slightly, I notice Josh leaning closer to the Laptop in front of him.

“You performed with Alex tonight? That’s amazing jess!” Josh announces back excitedly. I take this opportunity to sneak back out into the living room, I can ask Josh about it later, I know he will just get moody if I stand in the way of whatever they wanted to discuss.


I notice Max disappear from the room behind Josh, his posture relaxes and he smiles a little bit.

“I…I miss you Josh.” I say quietly, feeling heat go to my chest and the pain in my chest getting stronger at the thought. I hear him sigh slightly.

“Jess, I miss you too. I just, cant think straight without you here. It’s horrible.” I pull a pouty face, lost for words at what to say.

“I’ll see you in a few days for Green Day though right?” I ask through my tiredness.

“Yeah, I seriously can’t wait for it, I’m more excited to see you than to see Green day, if that’s even possible.” He laughs lightly, I smile back.

“Look Josh, I need to ask you something” I say suddenly, knowing that I just need to come out with it.


I hear a light knock on the apartment door, so I swing my legs off the sofa and lazily walk towards the door, opening it to be greeted by four grinning faces belonging to chris, Matt, Dan and Emily. I quickly remembered our plans for tonight, to go to this club Dan wouldn’t stop mentioning. I stepped out of the way of the door and let them all in.

“where Joshua?” Dan shouted from the kitchen as he fetched beers for everyone.

“On skype with Jess on his room.” I answered back as I walked over to the sofas to join everyone. I just happened to look in emily’s direction as I said that and noticed her face fall, almost angrily. Was something going on between Jess and Josh behind Emily’s back?

Suddenly the Kitchen door swung open to reveal an excited Dan.

“Jess?! Lets go say hi!” He shouts, running towards Josh’s room,  Matt and Chris standing up to follow him and then eventually Emily, I rub the back of my neck with my hand, feeling a bit stupid for saying that, realising their call is ruined once again, before following in emily’s tracks


“Oh, what is it?” Josh replies, he begins to bite his lip and seems nervous at my words.

“Urm…Well… I kind of read something about, erm, you and Emily. I mean like, uh, It was an article saying tha- that you two used to be…together, like girlfriend boyfriend.” I stutter out, feeling stupid for mentioning it. I see josh’s face drop completely and he puts his head in his hands, He looks up, running his hands through his hair and over his face before biting his lip again.

“I’m so sorry you found out about that like this bu-“ Josh is interrupted by the sound of Dan, Matt, Max, Chris, and Emily. His eye brows press together as dan turns the laptop to face them.

“Hey Jess, Sorry to interrupt but we need to steal Josh away to go to a club, we’ll call you tomorrow? Love you jessy!” He shouts over the sound of the rest of them chatting. The skype call ends and I flop back, feeling upset that I didn’t even get to hear Josh’s explanation. Interrupted, again. I close the laptop and change the channel on the television, switching over to harry potter, enjoying the british accents and sense of home. As I do this I hear movement in the bus before the door flies open and Jack runs over to me.

“HARRY POTTER IS ON?!” He screams, his sweaty tshirt clinging to his body, his hair ruffled and bright pink cheeks all suggesting they just got off stage.

“Why yes jacky, would you like to join me?” I giggle back, amused by his excited reaction. He doesn’t wait to give me an answer before turning around and going to his bunk, I watch his actions confused before he strides back with a blanket in his hand, he sits down next to me and spreads the blanket over us both. I take a second to look at the material before I notice Daniel radcliffes face all over it.

“Oh my god Jack” I say, laughing so hard. He looks at me with a horrified face.

“What, you don’t have one too?” He asks with shock evident in his voice, a small smile on his face. I shake my head, not able to speak through the laughter. Alex pops his head round the door and starts laughing too. Jack pulls a sad face, Gripping the blanket in his hands.

“Aww no jack” I say and sit up on my knees and hug him. I hear the snap of a camera phone, and a giggle from Alex

 “alex did you just put a photo of us on twitter?” I ask as I feel my phone begin to vibrate in my back pocket.

“Maybeeee” He says, ducking away from us behind the door.

“You people just cant appreciate the finesse of Harry Potter.” Jack huffs and leaves the room, we hear him laughing as he enters the bunk however and the sound of him switching on his tv, to carry on watching Harry Potter. I sit back down laughing and Alex walks over joining me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on his shoulder. I begin to feel myself drifting off into sleep, I match my slow breaths to alex’s, who also seems to be falling asleep.


“Josh, come on lets go” I shout through into Josh’s room. He doesn’t reply so I open the door, he’s sat at the end of the bed just looking at his feet, “Josh did you not hear me? Lets go” I say without patience, normally I would ask whats wrong, but if something is going on between him and Jess behind Emily’s back, then it’s his fault. He looks up and I see a worried expression on his face, he nods at me before grabbing his phone and wallet. And walking out the door past me and into the living room, I follow behind and see him whisper something in dans ear. Dan tenses up and his face mirrors the worried look, I saw on josh mere seconds ago. Is dan in on it too? What the hell? I storm out of the apartment and make my way to the club, being followed by the rest of the guys.


I feel by phone begin to vibrate in my pocket, knocking me out of my sleeping state. I slowly open my eyes to see the credits of Harry Potter playing out, I feel alexs arm still wrapped around me and I look over to him to see him watching the credits. His eyes rest on mine.

“Hey sleeping beauty, you missed Harry Potter.” He says jokily. I give a sleepy yawn as a response and pull my phone out my pocket to see whats making it go crazy.

@Alexalltimelow: Bonding over a Harry Potter Blanket #thisiswhatIhavetoliveiwith @Jackalltimelow @JessicaWalker [twitter picture]

@Jackalltimelow: How can anyone fall asleep whilst watching Harry Potter?! #payback @alexalltimelow @Jessicawalker [twitter picture]

“Alex, did you know Jack took a photo of us sleeping?” I laugh out whilst checking my followers, 600 new followers? Jesus.

“Only when my phone started to explode in my pocket, Im guessing that’s what woke you up too?” He replies, highly amused. I nod in reply whilst I click onto my mentions list, and suddenly understand why It exploded.

@thechichitrain You guys are all the cutest omg @alexalltimelow @Jackalltimelow @jessicawalker

@Frankisminenow: Already fallen in love with @Jessicawalker‘s music, now her personality thanks to these photos #canijointhetourtoo?

@Maatixthariinye: @Jessicawalker was AHmazing tonight! Can she join the band forever? Totally shipping Jalex and jelex now #makethekidsbelieve

@Alexgaskarthwhore She’s clearly fucking both of them on tour @jessicawalker #onlywantsthefame

@xo_ATLSTAR_xo @jessicawalker can’t even sing, I don’t even know why shes touring with them for the week #talentlessslut

I feel alex tense up as he reads the tweets over my shoulder, the hate beginning to get more and more. I lock my Iphone and throw it to the side, turning to alex.

“Everyone gets hate, its cool.” I say, trying to show him how unbothered about It I am. He groans slightly and hugs me to him tightly.

“I just want everyone to love you as much as the rest of us do and see how great you are.”

“that’s great alex, but you’re…suffocating me.” I mumble into his chest, trying to gasp for air. He laughs and releases me.  

“I think im going to go to bed now, sleep tight Alex” I laugh as I hop out of his arms and run to my bunk, glad to be finally getting the sleep ive been craving all evening


I swirl the straw around my glass of water, whilst sat at the bar. The last place I want to be is here. I wish I was with jess, being able to hold her, listen to everything she has to say, hear even the minor details of her life, but no I’m stuck in this façade with Emily. Not even able to show how miserable I am and worst of all Jess is somewhere else, thinking something is going out between Emily and I and I don’t even have the chance to explain things to her. I just hope when I see her in a few days that she’ll understand why I didn’t want to fuck things up by telling her, Emily was my ex but ended up fucking them up more than they would have. Eugh I don’t even think any of this makes sense, it doesn’t to me at least.

Nothing works without Jess here.

I sigh, thinking about how I need to be more vigilant now, I’ve been too moody with the guys, especially max.


I look over from the dance floor to see Josh at the bar, deep in thought and staring at what seems to be a glass of water. I sigh and walk off from the girl I was dancing with, Josh needs a friend, regardless of what he’s been doing.

“Josh, lets go outside.” I say sharply, He looks up at me, and just stands up following me out.

We step into the dark alleyway and I turn to face him.

“whats been going on? You’ve been sat in your own bubble of shit all day Josh, you barely make effort to talk to anyone or even hear what they are saying. If someones going wrong between you and Emily then just tell her, don’t fuck around with Jess behind her back.” I almost shout at him, throwing my hands up into the air.  His face suddenly contorts into shock.

“You think that’s whats going on?! That im fucking Jess behind emily’s back?” He shouts at me, rage filling his face, and tears in his eyes, “I cant…I can’t do this. Fuck it. Jess and I are the ones together. Emily is just a cover up, so don’t shout some bullshit at me max, you trying to have to lie to everyone and pretend to be something you’re not because you know what, it’s not easy when you love someone so much that you cant even tell them or anyone else. I’m fucking everything up enough without you needing to tell me. So give it a rest yeah?” He screams before storming off.  Just stand there dumbstruck as to what I just heard, I mean it all makes sense now but still. I suddenly come to my senses and run after Josh, we need to sort this out. 
