

Taking a look in the mirror once I've gotten back into my hotel room, I realise that Dan is definitely right. I look an asbolute mess. I strip off the clothes i've been wearing for the past day and hop in the shower, slowly washing my hair and taking time to enjoy the warmth of the water seeping into my skin. 

Getting out of the shower I dry myself off and put on a loose white tshirt, tight blue denim skinny jeans and a pair of boots. I feel my hands shaking, the nerves getting to me. I try to ignore it, but doing my makeup proves more difficult than usual, but I manage to pull it together and look much better than I have in a very long time. Breathing in deeply I check the time and see it's five. Grabbing my handbag I leave the apartment and make my way to the gig venue. 



Sat in an empty room apart from a sofa and a broken guitar I finish off my vocal exercises. I can hear the music echoing down the hall from the guys getting ready for the gig. I sit back, debating whether to join them or not. I realise if I don't they'll just come and find me anyway, leaving the room and I enter the one across the hall. Alcohol is everywhere, i consider grabbing a beer, knowing alcohol is the only thing that will help get me in the mood for the gig, but I know te judgmental looks and worried comments from everyone, wondering if i'll go back to drinking every night and bringing a different girl home each time. Instead I just walk past and sit on a sofa in the corner, pulling out my phone and looking at the fans tweets about tonight. I can feel everyones eyes on me, knowing it because i'm not joining in. I realise who gives a shit where I am, I can't do anything with feeling like i'm being suffocated by everyones concern. I stand up and leave the room. 



I go round the side of the building, walking between the buses and going towards a security guard at the back door. I give him my name and he instantly lets me in, I guess Dan must have sorted it out. My hands are definitely shaking a lot at this point. I grab onto the hem of my tshirt, trying to calm down, I take a right into the hallway and slowly walk down it. I can hear the music coming from one of the rooms, knowing that everyone's probably in there getting ready. I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this. I can't just walk in there in front of everyone. I come to a stop, almost halfway down the hallway. A door a couple of metres in front of clicks open and the music becomes far louder. I'm considering turning around and just leaving, I could always come back. 

Coming out of the door is Josh. He's dressed in a black DBNO tshirt and black skinny jeans. I'm suddenly completely stuck to the spot, his back is turned away from me and all I can do is stare at him. My mind has gone completely blank, all thoughts of leaving are gone, as well as any hopes of physically being able to move. He runs a hand through his hair and closes the door, the music dims down a little, becoming a faint blur. I suddenly feel very panicky and move my feet, getting ready to turn around and run straight back outside, however he turns in my direction, his eyes soon following and instantly connects with mine. He stops still, his face going slightly pale before he takes a step towards me, opening his mouth to speak. 

"Jess," He says quietly, I feel ears coming to my eyes, not sure of what to do or say, "What...Why are you here?" He asks softly, not in an accusatory way. 

"I-I never got your letter...I-I m-mean I did get it, obviously...I just never got it before...s-someone hi-" I start to say, but i'm interrupted almost immediately, after Josh hears the first few words he starts to walk towards me quickly, I stutter, worrying that he is just storming out but instead he comes straight up and grabs my face softly, pressing his lips against mine. I drop my bag on the floor and my arms wrap around him, tears streaming down my face with relief and an overflow of emotions. 



Stepping out of the room, I run my hand through my hair, closing the door to drown out the music. I turn, thinking about going and chilling in the small room down the hallway when I spot someone stood still in front of me. I look up and our eyes meet. Jess. I suddenly find myself frozen to the spot, completely breathless. I quickly snap out of it, knowing I need to speak. 

"Jess." I say quietly, taking a step towards her, "What...why are you here?" I ask, completely confused. 

"I-I never got your letter...I-I m-mean I did get it, obviously...I just never got it before...s-someone hi-," She begins, rambling along. I realise what she's trying to tell me immediately. I find myself starting to walk towards her, not being able to hold myself back, feeling so many different emotions running through me, however there's only one thought in my mind. I place my hands on her face and place my lips on hers. Butterflies filling my stomach, lips tingling, i've waited for this moment for so long. 



I wrap my arms around his waist, my bag dropping to the ground, his lips still on mind. I feel happiness surge through me, an unbelievable feeling of completeness taking hold. My entire body tingles with excitement and butterflies at being able to touch him again, being near him. I find myself crying and he pulls away, still holding my face he looks down at me, wiping my tears away as I notice his eyes are tearing up too. He pulls me back to him, holding me close to his chest as I breath in his old familiar scent. 

"I'm so sorry." He begins, his voice barely audible. I shake my head and pull away, looking him in the eye. 

"I should be sorry, I never got your letter, my flatmate hid it, you must have thought I just threw it away or..." I trail off, hating to think what he thought of me. He shakes his head, pressing his lips to my forehead. 

"I didn't think anything, but even if you had I wouldn't have blamed you. I never expected you to come back, after everything..." I sense guilt coming from him as he looks away, his eyes avoiding contact. I pull him towards me and kiss him slowly, passionately, He holds me tighter than ever, as if worried I''ll disappear. 

"Of course I would come back, I never...I never stopped loving you." I tell him, breaking away the kiss, our foreheads pressed together. I say it slowly, hesitating slightly, wondering if he still feels the same way. 

"I will always love you, no matter what happens." He tells me, I can sense the honestly and certainty in his voice. My grasp around him grows tighter and I finally feel safe, completely happy within his arms. His head resting against mine,  see his lips curl into a smile, I star to smile too, quickly turning into a happy laugh. We're both stood their laughing together, holding onto each other. Finding complete and utter happiness in each others company whilst recognizing the ludicrous nature of it all. I feel relief to finally be with him again, to have nothing between us. 

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat..." We hear from down the hall. We break away from each other to turn and see who it is, Josh's hand finds mine instantly, holding on tight as we both look at a completely stunned max. 

"Hey." I say to him, He instantly comes running towards us, pulling us into an awkward ground hug. He then bounces up and down, clearly just a tad tipsy, before running away and back into the room with the music. The music suddenly switches off and we can hear Max's raised voice. 

"Get ready.." Josh says, pulling me in for a kiss, wrapping an arm around me as we turn back to face everyone coming out the room to have a look. Dan stands there with a huge smile. 

"I told youuuu." He says happily, Josh then lets out a laugh, as if an understand finally passes between them.

Everyone suddenly comes towards me, pulling me into a hug, several crew members such as Eric and the other techs I worked with for many months as well as the YMAS guys. Trying to ask questions, however Eric's voice interrupts them. 

"As much as suffocating Jess and Josh with questions is fun, We're due on stage right now. Come on." He shouts, walking towards back stage. Everyone goes into different rooms, collecting ear pieces, instruments and their drinks. Josh and I lag behind, walking together slowly, hand in hand, catching up on the basics. He asks where i've been living, I ask him how warped tour was.We arrive backstage, the guys are plugging in their instruments, sorting out the final details. Josh pulls me to the side, grabbing onto my hands.

"Stay and watch please? Don't leave?" He says with genuine concern, as if I'll run away and never come back.

"Don't worry. I'll be side stage the whole time." I tell him with a smile, brushing my lips against his before he goes off and joins the preparations before running onto the stage, music starting up. I go to the side, watching them begin The Swarm and knowing this is exactly where i'm supposed to be. Allowing myself to sink into the atmosphere. Josh keeps looking towards e and flashing a smile. I've never seen him on stage like this, enjoying it so much and truly immersing himself. The crowd can sense it too, responding so loudly. Eric comes over and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Glad to see you back Jess. I know i'd see you again." He sighs happily. I laugh back at his comment.

"I just can't stay away." I joke, watching Josh as he jumps around the stage, feeding off the crowds energy. After a few songs, Josh decides to address the crowd, saying the usual, but ending it in a slightly different way to every other time i've seen him talk to the crowd. 

"I went through quite a hard time recently, I'm sure many of you will have noticed. I lost someone close to me, due to circumstances out of both our control. I blamed myself for months on end, not knowing what to do. However today, we found each other again, and thought they say you never know what you had until you've lost it. I always knew, I always knew how much I loved her, and i want to share that with everyone. When you're going through something, having lost someone or just having a hard time, just remember, somehow it will get better and you will find yourself again." He says, before quickly running towards me and kissing me quickly. About half of the crowd can see and they erupt into cheers as the next song starts. 


After they finish the set, Josh runs off and pulls me into a hug. Followed by everyone else, we all move backstage again and I fill the guys in  in as they all drink and get ready to go out. Josh stands closely by my side, rejecting any invites to go out. after spending a few hours with everyone, they slowly leave to go to local clubs. We're left with one or two of the crew, Josh and I are sat alone on a sofa, chatting about everything and anything. 

"Where are you staying?" He asks suddenly. His eyes wary, wondering about what will happen after tonight. 

"Uhh, I booked into a local hotel, but I'm not sure where i'll go after tonight." I tell him truthfully, having not spoken to Sam at all, but also not wanting to leave Josh.

"I don't want to leave you again, Will you join us on tour?" He asks hopefully, knowing that Eric's is highly unlikely to say no. I eagerly nod, before we stand up and leave the venue, fetching a taxi and going back to my hotel. 
