Little update

I re-read old chapters... Let me uh. Clear some stuff. Due to the myths, the serpents and humans have if legendary serpents they are all mixed. The reader is powerful but not a God, however, that's how serpents saw them and humans saw them as indestructible weapons so everything got mixed between serpents and humans so ofc Y/n was raised to think she has all sort of these cool powers and she is invincible and all.

I mean she is powerful, but she can be beaten. So let me rewrite Y/n's characters and such and what's a myth and a truth

Myth: She has all types of venom and she can choose which to use and how much

Truth: Her body can secrete all poisons however she can not determine which one she is using when she does use one. It depends on what resources her body has to make that poison. So. That's that. She can not make her body on command to make whatever snake poison she wants.

Myth: they got all of the powerful traits of the other serpents and no weak ones

Truth: Wrong. Yes she has hypno eyes, yes she can dig through even the biggest surfaces and she has spines on her back, however, she has a trait the others do not. She has fur and not scales. What does that mean? She is actually more vulnerable from hand to hand combat. Under that fur, there is skin that can be cut as easily as to any other mammal. However, her threatening looks usually keep off anyone that tries to approach her for such type of fight

Myth: She can regulate her blood from cold to warm

Truth: she is strange considering her fur and skin are like mammal traits and her appearance and anatomy is more serpentine like. So her blood is really a mystery but it is theoretically warm. And even if ur was cold, we saw the serpents survive the freezing temperatures without dying so, even if she had cold blood she would have survived none the less

Myth: Her kind only turns females into their own

Truth: on old times these serpenrs knew what to consume so that their body produces the venom they wanted. However to make the poison that turns others into their kind they needed to consume a specific fruit. But through more then in incident it was found that males do not survive this poison and only females do allowing them to turn, a male dies within hours. The process of turning fit the female takes a few days

Now some questions some may wonder about

Q: If the species was gone for so long how is Y/n alive?

A: Well while we do not know much about the anatomy of Y/n's species, we know one thing for sure. Snake hibernate. So, what we can assume is that during an dangerous event Y/n was hidden while she hibernates. She was most likely fed before hibernating so her body used the nutrition carefully whole the hibernation went on, just enough to keep her alive. But. As we know from new seasons (that I did not watch :'3) when we are met with the fire seroents that take Kai's powers they have been alive for what? Centuries?????? And nothing happened to them like they stayed alive without food. That also may be like that because they were stone or smth? I do not remember. But they did not die. So. If Y/n's kind had stories of these serpents it means they lived long enough to see them. And it's highly likely that when these ones got trapped her kind was also in danger of getting killed, time where Y/n got hid to protect her

Q: There is love mentioned in the very first chapter Y/n meets Cole... And things fo fast. Uhm?

A: Yeah.. On that time I was just thinking of wholesome innocent child play and words. No one is born evil. These two saw each other as friends and went with it

Q: Next update one the book?

A: When I get my life together

See ya in the next chapter!
