Acidicus~He founds you

( Acidicus pov )

I was wondering around the dunego since I didn't have anything better to do. In a moment I see something strange in the dark. I walk to it and.....It was a......I could't belive my eyes. There in front if me was a Legendery Serpentine child in the lap of a skeleton of a Legendary Serpentine. I saw the crown above the skeleton head. It was the typucal bone crown that showed modesty, bravety, simplity and danger ( theyr crown was a bone with this shape that the queen was wearing on the head

). It seem's like this was the queen. And this lil child over here is her daughter. Poor creature. I take her and also the crown. ( find I forgot to say that in all chapters they found this crown along with you and take it with them XD ). I took her in my arms and went back to the populate part. In a moment when I didn't observ a incompetent tryed to stole her. She opened her eyes quickly and spit venom on his eyes. Ah yes. They are,'t call legendery serpentines for nothing. They have the best from all serpentines.


I after I've done punishing that incompentent inferiour, I put my daughter in her new bed. Right now I couldn't think of a name. So I will give her one later. As much as I wanted to stay with her more I needed to go back to my pepole. Maby one day, this lil' preciouss sweet heart will free us one day.


Skales: Flower 💐🌸💮🏵🌺🌹
Skaildor: Gem 💎
Fangtom: Angel 👼
Acidicus: sweet heart  💘❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛🧡💜🖤💝💞💟~ ( you chose )

I know it's short but I ran out of ideas. See ya later
