Acidicus~Seeing the surface for the the first time

( No ond pov )

(Y/n) was bored over the limit since her father weren't giving her any attention, so she dig to the surface so she would descover new things. She saw the acid pool amd was curios to try it out so she jumped in. It was kinda cold but her fur was helping her. She was swiming until she heared a voice. She went up to see a adult human. Or a nindroid?

" Hello. " She said. The nindroid looked down and said. " Hello little creature. What are you and what is your name? " she got out of the acid and said " I am (y/n) a legendary serpentine. " " I am Zane made to protect the one's that can't protect them selves. I am also a nindroid. What is this green thing. " " Is acid. But don't touch it can burn you. I can resiste due to my specials scales that are under my fur. " " I am a nindroid, so maby it wont afect me. " he went to put his hand in the accid but then out of nowhere a little drop of accid jumped on his hand " AHH! " He fastaly grabed his hand back. " Told you. Next time be more careful. "

As time went on they played and talked. (Y/n) told him evrything about her kind and how she is the last one. And Zane told her about his kind. Pretty much they talked about theyr selves since they were unic. So. Zane came agin, and agin and agin. Until a day he didn't come anymore

' It seems like it's the time I shall go. But I want to know more and soend time with you. Is relaxing '
' Let's make a deal! You come by tomorow and we can continue our games and to talk more '
' A deal to be then '

Zane put his hand in front of him so she would shake it, but she used her tail.

' Tail promise? '
' Tail promise '


" You promised.....So....where are you? " 
