All generals - Seeing the ninja's again

As the following parts are not long enough to have a chapter individually I will place them all here.


Skales - The treehouse

(No one's pov)

Once the ninjas have finally got to the tree the plan started to go out smoothly, or well... as smooth as it can be. However, during the fight, we all know what has happened. So, let's cut to the act now, shall we?

A curious serpentine was looking at the red ninja getting hypnotized by her father. When all of a sudden the tower lost balance and the ninja fell, however, the dragon was not fast enough to catch the fire ninja, so, he fell and dragged the curious serpentine with him. She screamed so loudly that everyone's attention went to her. Kai opened his eyes to see a strange serpentine within his arms, a strange one, whiter than the others and... with fur?

The serpentine was however too terrified to mind the ninja's curiosity and shock. She squirmed around in the Ninja's grasp screaming covering her eyes and not knowing how to hold on to the ninja so that she will survive the fall. Wu used the flute to harm the other serpents so they do not disturb the ninjas. The girl calmed from the fluent's music and got a bit light-headed, she looked around more calmly and made eye contact with the boy that was holding her. Just for a moment, the grasp of the boy got a little tighter as if something familiar sparked in the both of them. Nya came on the dragon and grabbed her brother's hand dragging him up. The ninja lost his grasp as his sister picked him up. But then she laid her eyes on Nya... something... something about these two was familiar. And they saw something in her. It all went so fast for everyone else but for the three of them, time was so, so, slow almost unbearable slow. The serpent gently raised her hand as time got back to its normal course and the serpent fell.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" The two screamed at once as the serpent fell out of their grasp to an imminent ending however that was not the case at the last minute as Skales has minimised the damage catching his daughter. He death glared at the ninjas as he carried his dizzy, light-headed, and hurt daughter away in the shadows to safety away from them

"What was that?!" Jay said out loud shocked looking at Nya and Kai. The two brothers look at each other as if asking each other the same question but with no answer "Sensei" "We shall discuss this later"

Time skip

Skales has rushed in front of everyone to not be seen. He got his daughter to safety. She was passed out, mainly unharmed thankfully, just dizzy. He hid her and decided that such behaviour could not be left unpunished. By the time she woke up. He was the new general. He continued to keep her hidden. She had to recover from the events. It is unclear how Legendary Serpents, or other sayings 'The queen' serpents are affected by the fluent.

In the meantime, the ninja's found a new home, bounty. And while Kai and Nya still had questions, Wu has calmly reassured them, that they will talk about it when the time comes


Skaildor - Tomb

(No one's pov)

One way or another, the earth ninja and the ice one have gotten here, and as the story goes, the earth one was not as lucky as the Ice one. While he was captured within the grasp of Skaildor he couldn't help but look around and saw a tiny bit of white that got him curious, only when he saw the pink eyes is that his eyes widen from shock. Once he was free from the situation he knew he had to talk to Sensei. But he didn't know how to. That night he couldn't sleep at all, he looked at the ceiling lost in his thoughts until he finally got up and walked around to be greeted by Wu. 

"You shouldn't hide anything from your sensei. I can see you are troubled Cole. Whatever you are going through your brothers are here for you" Wu poured himself a cup of tea and sipped. Cole sighed and finally confessed "Sensei... today when I and Zane found the tomb... we... I saw a  strange thing" Wu looked at his student patiently waiting for the rest "I think I saw some white serpent with pink eyes" Wu choked on his tea slightly which made Cole look up at him until that moment he was looking at the floor "Sensei?" The look on Wu's face was enough to make Cole understand that the situation was not lightly in the slightest "Stay awake until your soul feels peace" Wu said walking past him. Cole turned around "Sensei...?" "You can not go to sleep with panic and fear Cole, you will not feel rested in the slightest. But you can not stay up late either. Take your time but not too much. Tomorrow morning you and your brothers will be training" Cole nodded getting tensed a little bit "Just remember, to relax" Wu then left Cole with more questions than answers. Cole went outside and looked at the sky sighing heavily


Fangtom - Dark alley

(No one's pov)

Jay got bitten. He didn't expect this, not in the slightest. He didn't want to believe this... He saw some familiar pink eyes that made him shiver, eyes he have seen before, but where?


Jay was protecting his parents, getting them out of harm's way during the fight, however, he almost got a real good hit when he got distracted by pink bright eyes, white fur and spikes... They were mesmerizing, they were quite familiar but he couldn't explain himself why

End of Flashback

No, the same eyes were haunting him now before they left n the dark "Wait!" He felt as if the presence has stopped before finally leaving forced by another, Jay stayed there for a while, puzzled, before he finally left worrying about his date completely forgetting about the eyes


Acidicus - Toxic forest

(No one's pov)

Jay started to scream at the empty space listening to the echo, having fun, while Zane wandered off just to be suddenly attacked by venom. His vision got affected badly. Later that day when the mysterious samurai saved them Zane could faintly see one person that his vision did not affect, someone familiar, but who were they, and most importantly why were they a serpent?


Phytor - The school for bad boys

(I know for our child mind that was like 'omg wow such a cook name' but if the present generation says- if I see a single- 'bad boys UwU *lip bite*' I'm going feral)

Also, Y/n is always the same age as her father's main ninja opponent so Y/n is Lloyd's age)

(No one's pov)

Lloyd has done a bunch of changes with the help of Phytor. And he loved it, he caused mischief with (Y/n) never too far away with him being right next to him or behind him ready to give a hand in all of this fun. However, the fun was cut short as the ninja's finally arrived at the scene. Lloyd, Phytor and (Y/n) rushed to the roof. Earlier Phytor told (Y/n) to hide in a closet but when she saw Lloyd run with her father she got out and quietly went after them. Once on the roof the bounty shot at them with bright blinding lights "Lloyd Garmadon surrender!" The ninjas were death glaring at Phytor when they suddenly saw (Y/n) run past them to get to Lloyd and phytor, and looked at her with puzzled looks 

"Well, I am afraid this is goodbye- (Y/n)?! I told you to stay hidden!!!" "Why would you tell her to do that" "Dad what's going on?" The net was thrown, and Phytor out of instinct backed away and turned invisible as his daughter got trapped with Lloyd "No!!!" Phytor screamed but he had to go, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rescue her. Lloyd and (Y/n) screamed, more screaming was done by (Y/n) but still "Dad?! DAD!!!" (Y/n) screamed looking around helplessly and afraid as they got pulled up to Bounty. Lloyd struggled to get them out as (Y/n) started to cry "I'll get us out of here! I-I just need a moment" Lloyd said as he felt pressure on him, Phytor has just abandoned them and given the context he knew this would happen so that is why he hid (Y/n). He betrayed him but he went as far as betraying his daughter by leaving her here. Once things cleared out about Lloyd being Wu's nephew all attention went to the little girl crying in her hands sniffing and having hiccups occasionally from all this fear. Lloyd got in front of her protectively "I-if you want to hurt her you have to get through me!" All of this was too much for everyone but for Wu. The ninja's talked among themselves looking at one another before looking at Wu approaching the little serpent girl "What is your name?" (Y/n) sniffed and cleaned her tears "I-I'm (Y/n)" "Nya, please take our new guest to your room and take care of her, I will talk with my nephew to mine and talk with him, ninja's you prepare dinner" "But Sensei-" "I am not  a babysitter!" "Kai, Nya, not a word" Kai huffed. Nya sighed, she was hesitant but she approached the little girl giving her a hand smiling softly "Hello. My name is Nya. Come on now" Nya gently took the girl's hand before Lloyd tugged on her other hand "Don't hurt her" The boy looked so worried Nya couldn't help but look at the two in awe, as awful as Lloyd was until then he was still a child and he had a friend "I won't, no worry"Lloyd let go as he followed his uncle looking back at (Y/n) who curled up on Nya as she continued to cry now letting out her sadness onto the girl's shoulder. Nya gently hushed her as she carried her to her room. The ninjas did as told too puzzled and confused at the moment to do anything else than obey, of course, they talked among themselves once alone but still.  Today was full of events.


I apologise that everyone except for Skales and Pythor are very short, I watched the show when I was 5 and so the only things that stuck with me were the episodes with my favourite serpents or ninja's so once again I apologise but as said earlier yes the plot will follow the plot of ninja go series but since it has been so long since I've seen it and there is no way to back up all the lost seasons and episodes the book will eventually take a different course from the series I hope you can understand. Have a good day! And yes I re-wrote some things here and there in this chapter, the next one will be episode 11 from season 1(nvm no it won't, that would be the next next chapter)
