Fangtom~Seeing the surface for the time

( No one pov )

Y/n was bored. So she diged up to the surface. To her surprise she found out that her fathers dunego is a cemetery. That kinda freaked her out. As she turned around she saw a gigant statue of her father....fathers....anyway. She got scared a bit and backed awey. She then felt someone elses back. She turned around to see a human boy. She screamed scared becouse she never saw a creature like him. Well. She did saw one once. But she was a baby then. The both scremed. She went hid behind her fathers statue. And the boy behinde a grave stone.

The girl poped her head from behinde the grave and asked " Are you gonna kill me? " " Huh? No. Will you kill me? " " No! Why would you think that???? " " Cuz your a human. Humans kills us. " " Talk cor your self your a serpentine...What type even are you?????? " " A legendery one " Said (Y/n) as she went to aproach the boy. " A what? " said the boy going to her too. " I am (Y/n). " " I am Jay! " (Y/n) took the tip of her tail infront of the boy to shake it. Jay seemed a bit wierded out by this. But he shook her tail anyway. Then he saw her tail do clincles. Like snake with bells.

As time went on, (Y/n) told Jay evrything about her species, and evrything about evry serpentine since he didn't know.

When the time came they promised on the tail they would see each other agin. And so it was. When his perents brough him to that forest, he will sneak out when they weren't looking and go to (Y/n). Until a day he didn't come anymore....
