Valentines Day

This is a Valentines Day special LMFAO- It's late but I didn't think you guys would mind if I didn't post yesterday since I posted two this weekend. Also, Ill try to post every 2 days forward but I need to start working on My other story and others I have ideas for! I have multiple different fandoms I want to start stories for, but right now I'm only going to work on this one and my Mulan one!

Sorry to the people that are waiting for that one to- School is kicking my ass so hard rn. It's gonna be a little harder to post but Ill try.

Try and read the end for more things about this stories future!


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Jake Sully's POV)

It's been a few months since the War and Y/N is about 5 months pregnant now, time flies so fast goddamn. Honestly, I'm really happy everything is working out. Y/N has been worrying a lot, I have no idea why or what for but He's worried about something. I try to comfort him the best I can but becoming the 'leader' of the Na'vi is harder than I thought.

Neytiri and Mo'at have been helping Y/N but I'm getting more worried for him the further he gets into the pregnancy. So, since today would be Valentines Day on Earth, I wanted to do something for him. I asked Neytiri if she could keep him away from our little hut for about 2 hours while I get everything ready.

I walk into the woods, looking at the Na'vi along the way. This war has brought everyone together. We are all starting to rebuild some different things, important things. We don't have the hometree anymore, but we make good with the place we have decided to land and stay. To this day, we are still getting used to the new place. At least it's closer to the Soul Tree.

All I want to do today is hang with Y/N, these next few months I want to make sure I get as much time with him as I can. The last few months will be child free. I get to a certain part of the forest, looking for some kind of flower or something to give him. I finally find something that looks like a flower, but it glows and it reminds me of Y/N just from looking at it.

I also wanted to get him something to chew on, he's been eating a lot, which I expected. He is now eating for two which means he's gotta eat more. Some of the Na'vi, mostly male Na'vi, look at him weird when he eats so much. Every time I step infront of him, blocking their view of my bonded mate and hiss at them. Most of the time they turn around and walk away, sometimes they try to do a staring contest, I usually win because after a second I get scary, Y/N told me himself.

I love being protective toward him. When I first found out about the baby, I was horrified because of all the things he had to go through. But Y/N is strong as hell. Plus, he looks so hot with the long scar on the left side of his body. He has other scars to, also from the war. But we see those as surviving, not as a bad thing.

I might have to ask Mo'at for something for him to chew on because I have no idea what to get him.

~A hour later~

I clap my hands when I step back to admire my work. I did get something from Mo'at for him to chew on, it looks like a stick? but its not I guess. Its smooth, rudder I guess. Honestly? I have no fucking idea what that thing is but Mo'at says it would be good for him to have which, Im going to trust her.

Y/N should be coming back any minute. My whole plan is to give him the 'flowers' and the thing to chew on and cuddle with him. It's getting late anyway, We can cuddle until dinner. I also want him to sleep a little bit, he hasnt been doing a lot of that lately either.

I then hear Neytiri speaking from outside, "I know! It was amazing! I'm happy you did this with me today Y/N Thank you." Y/N then speaks, "You don't need to thank me Neytiri I have nothing else to do, plus I don't want to help Jake with the leading things right now, that would be to boring." He giggles, I smile. I love hearing his voice, no matter how long we've been away from each other.

"Well, here we are! I'll see you later Y/N!" I hear some crunching of leaves/sticks outside, "Bye Neytiri!" Next thing I know, Y/N is looking into the hunt. "What is this Jake?" I smile at him and walk up to him, "Just a little something I wanted to do for you." I place my forehead against his, He rubs his nose against mine before speaking again, "Awh~ How cute of you. But why?" He pulls away.

I grab the 'flowers' from beside me, "Well, on Earth February 14 is Valentines day. A day where you can give gifts to your lover to show them love. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine" I shrug, handing him the 'flowers'. He takes them, "So this is a gift?" I nod, "Sure is. I saw them and they reminded me of you."

I see him smile, "I also have this for you." I hand him the 'stick' "It's something for you to chew on. I see that you have an urge to chew on something when youre not hungry so I asked your mother for something." He smiles wider and takes it, "Thank you Jake. But I didn't get you anything.." I reply quickly, "Don't worry about it! This isn't a Na'vi Holiday, so I didn't expect you to know about it. Now let's cuddle." I drag him onto out makeshift bed, pulling him into my chest. I made sure he put down the 'flowers' before doing so first.

He rests his head on my chest, yawning and eyes starting to close. "I love you Ma Jake." I kiss the top of his head, "I love you too, Ma Y/N." He did fall asleep, me only waking him up for dinner.


Words: 1090

Short little chapter, wanted to get something out for you guys. I will TRY and post the second chapter of my other story soon.

Also, thank you all for 3k reads! I'm really amazed on how well this is doing LMFAO- I only wrote this because I couldn't find enough of these! But thank you so much for wanting to read this. I love y'all so much.

Again, do tell me if you have any ideas for the one-shots! You can request more than once by the way, I dont mind! I just need something to write!

Have a great morning/night/afternoon y'all!!
