The Reveal

(To keep up)
After everything, I look at him. "I am with you now, Jake." He looks at me, understanding, "We are mated for life." he smiles at me..

Hey Hey Hey! Some things for this chapter
There's lots of POV changes! For the better view of both sides. And there's some juicy shit in this one!

Also, Thank you all for the reads! Over 300! Thank you so fucking much! Also the Votes, I love you guys so much! This has helped me a lot with my writing!


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
Grace as her Avatar
While everything else is just normal!


(Y/N's POV)

After what happened late night, we both went to sleep pretty quick. I lay in front of him while his arm is around my waist. Suddenly, I'm woken by rumbling of some kind of machine. My eyes fly open, I jump up and see that the tree's are getting cut down. What's going on? Panicked, I look over to Jake and kneel down, trying to get him to wake up. "Ma Jake!"

(Jake Sully's POV)

I sit on my pod, Norm telling me some things while I start pushing the buttons he tells me to. "Don't forget your phase integration." I got to push a button, "No the middle button." There's also a yell from Grace in the background, she walks around the corner, "You gotta eat something." while Norm is still talking "Yep, there ya go."

(Y/N's POV)

The machines are getting closer and closer by the second, the tree's are coming down. All I get is more panicked than I was better, "Jake! Jake. Wake up! Jake, Please!"

(Jake Sully's POV)

Grace walks over to the pod and hands me the food, I have an urge to get back into my Avatar, "Don't make me force-feed a cripple." I chuckle, really wanting to get back into my Avatar, "Grace, I dont want-" she then powers down my Pod "Hey!" I glare at her, she just puts her hand in the air, and sits on the pod.

(Y/N's POV)

I'm now getting worried, Why isn't Jake waking up? Still really panicked, I look around, but the trees right behind me start coming down, I welp and move to grab Jake's hand "Jake!" even I can hear the panic in my voice. I start dragging Jake away from the falling trees, one falls down right next to us and I grab Jake's chest to try and move him faster.

(Jake Sully's POV)

I quickly eat my food, I really dont feel right about not being in my Avatar right now. Grace Chuckles at me for how fast I'm eating, "Okay"

(Y/N's POV)

Im still trying to get Jake as far away as possible from the falling trees, but this man is hard to move. I get to a log and trip a little bit, honestly don't care I just want to get Jake away from the trees, why isn't he waking up?! I grunt getting Jake over the log, I look back at the trees.

(Jake Sully's POV)

I finish my food, and give it to Grace "Here, I'm done. Lets go!" she does let me go, "When was the last time you took a shower?" I get more annoyed, "I don't need a shower." I really need to get in here, shut up. She finally starts up my pod, I put down the lining over my chest, and pull down the pod.

(Y/N's POV)

I start tearing up, I grunt again trying to get Jake to wake up. "Jake! Please wake up. PLEASE!"

(Jake Sully's POV)

I wake up in my Avatar body, with Y/N yelling at me. "Jake wake up! Jake please!" He sounds so panicked, what the hell is going on? I look behind him and see that the trees are getting cut down, I sit up and push Y/N to the side a little bit. I jump infront of the bulldozers, waving my arms "HEY! STOP STOP!" Y/N yells at me, I can hear the panic and worry, "Jake!" I continue, "Go back! Stop!" The dozer finally stops, though that doesn't last long, I stumble back, yelling at Y/N "GO! GO!" we both get up and start running. I pick up a rock, then I run to the side of the Bulldozer and jump onto it, I do some parkour and get to the cameras. Then, I start hitting them with the rock, destorying them. They start shooting at me, so I jump off to go look for Y/N. I hear him call my name, "Jake!" god he sounds so scared. "Y/N!" He jumps through some branches and holds my hand as we run.

He screams, and we find a good spot to hide, away from the line of destruction. Tsu'Tey and some other warriors come to the site as well. Y/N looks onto the site, no more trees left and starts sobbing. My heart breaks and I hit the tree next to me. I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. I can feel Tsu'Tey glaring at me. Then him and the others turn back to the hometree.

Y/N and me come back to everyone doing war cries. I look at Tsu'Tey, "Tsu'Tey!" he looks over at me, "Don't do this." He starts walking over to us, handing his bow and arrows to a different Na'vi, "You!" I put my hand out, "Listen, Brother..." I walk forward, he then speeds up and pushes me, Y/N pushing him back and yelling in Na'vi. I land hard on my back, "Tsu'Tey!" Y/N yells at him. Y/N goes to push him back again when he says "You mated with this man?" immentaly, you can hear Grace say "Oh shit." Y/N's mother and Neytiri walk up to him, "Is this true?" his mother asks.

A moment of slience, and I stand back up. Y/N finally answers, "We mated before Ewya. It is done." I can see the heartbreak in Tsu'tey's eyes from where I'm standing. He breaths in, and starts waking away while I say, "Brother please, don't attack the sky people." he starts turning around, "Many Omaticaya will die if ypu do." he finally turns around, "You are NOT my brother!" he takes out his knife, and runs at me yelling. I move out of the way and push him. Y/N yells and runs to his family, I take out my own knife, "And I am not your enemy!" Y/N and his family walk toward the middle of the tree, I throw down my knife, "The enemy is out there," I point toward the outside of the tree, "And they are very powerful."

We all stay slient for a second, "I can talk to them." Tsu'Tey has had enough, "No more talk!" and runs at me again with his knife, I just move out of the way, but he still gets me in the arm, Y/N screams, "Tsu'Tey!" and we continue to fight. We both taking and giving hits to each other. I hit him in the face and he falls down, getting back up, wiping his nose. "I am Omaticaya. I am one of you," I look around for a second, "And I have the right to speak." He stands back up, nose bleeding. "I have something to say." (Thats in Na'vi, but I can't find a good translation into Na'vi for this one.) I look down and turn to the leader, "To all of you." (Also Na'vi) I look at Y/N, "The words are like stones in my heart." Y/N looks at me confused, all of a sudden, Grace's avatar falls down and Y/N kneels next to her.

"Grace!" he also looks at me, worried. "Oh no. Okay look! I was sent here to-" then everything goes black.

(Y/N's POV)

I stand back up, then Jake also falls. Tsu'tey then runs to his body and holds his head up, putting his knife to Jake's throat. I go to move, but my father holds me back. "Ngenga see?" (Translate: You see?) "It is a ska'a keye'ung a alìm tsahaylu." (Translate: It is a demon in a false body.) He then goes to cut Jake's throat. I get out of my fathers grip, and I pull out my knife. Yelling, I run to Tsu'Tey and jump on him, throwing him off of Jake. I hold my knife out to the people, in my protecting stance on Jake. Making sure everyone knows not to come near, I hiss. Tsu'tey looks at me heartbroken for a second and starts walking away. I watch as he gets close to Jake and I, glaring.

(Jake Sully's POV)

I open up my pod, glaring at the man in front of me. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" he stares back at me and says, "You've crossed the line." then he fucking punches me. I hear him say "Wheel this meat out of here." A man grabs my hands and ties them together, "Jake! What the hell is going on here?" Grace. Oh Grace is mixed into this.

Once we get back to the main base, the colonel shows the video of me smashing the cameras on the Bulldozer. "You let me down son. So, what, you find yourselve some local tail and you just completely forget what team youre playing for?" I glare at him, Grace starts trying to tell him there's a way to fix it when she's interrupted "Shut your pie hole!" Grace glares at him, "Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?" he immediately replies, "I can do that." "You need to muzzle your dog." I come into the talking, "You say you want to keep your people alive?" he looks at me, smiling falling, "You start by listening to her." I cock my head towards Grace.

Grace then tells them some science stuff. Telling Parker about the Na'vi trees, the network. The colonel then shows one of my videologs, saying that the Na'vi won't make a deal, that they won't leave hometree.

Trudy runs to us, "They're going to hit hometree." we all panic. Parker tells us some random shit, then I tell him. "Let me talk them out okay? They trust me." he stares at me for a second, "Fuck lets do it." They take me to the pods, I lay in mine and he comes over to me, "Listen to me, you've got one hour. One hour and we're coming."

I wake back up, Y/N looks at me and smiles. I look at him, "I have something to tell your people." Both of us run down the hometree, Y/N calling for his parents and Neytiri. "Eytukan, I have something to say" (That's in Na'vi, again couldnt find a good translation) Grace walks up beside me "Listen." (Also in Na'vi) His father looks at me, "Tukru, Jakesully" (Translate: Speak, Jakesully) (All of this next part is in Na'vi, Unless I say otherwise.) "A great evil is upon us.." I begin, "The Sky People are coming, to destroy Hometree." there's gasps, and whispering. Theres hooting, I look over to Y/N, "Tell them they're gonna be here soon" (English now) He walks up to his family and speaks Na'vi, telling them just that. "You have to leave. or you're gonna die." Their mother looks at both me and Grace "Are you certain of this?"

Im going to regret these next words, "Look, they sent me here to learn your ways. So one day I could bring this message and that you would believe it." out of the corner of my eye, I see Y/N look down. Jesus I already regret doing this to him. He then grabs my shoulder and makes me look at him, "What are you saying Jake?" He's speaking in the softest voice, Oh my god.. "You knew this would happen?" he asks in utter disbelief. Grace and I stay quiet for a second and I reply, "Yes." he starts tearing up, looking heartbroken. Im so sorry Y/N.. "Look at first, it was just orders, and then everything changed." I shake my head, smiling at him "Okay? I fell in love."

He just looks more heartbroken and betrayed by the second, "I fell in love witht he forest, and with the Omaticaya people." He has stopped making eye contact with me at this point, looking at either the ground or his parents. "And with you." He starts fighting to get my hands off his arms, "I trusted you." I continue to say "With you. With you." "I trusted you!" he then knocks off my hands, I say, "Trust me now." he stares at me for a second, then yells in Na'vi. Okay I deserve that. He starts crying, still speaking Na'vi to me. He steps back and stares at me again, a tear running down his cheek, he walks forward and pushes me.

"You will NEVER be one of the people." His ears going back, him still crying. Me and Grace speak at the same time, "I shouldn't have.." "We tried to stop them." Y/N is still yelling at me in Na'vi, "Y/N, please! Please."

He walks to the leader and pulls his fathers arm to move in front of him, whiles he walking away. Both Tsu'Tey and Neytiri glare at me. The leader looks at Tsu'Tey, "Bind them" Tsu'Tey comes to both me and Grace, grabbing us and taking us somewhere. God, I'm so sorry Y/N..


Words: 2218

And there is this weeks first post! Sorry again for all the POV changes, anyway, I wanted to know if any of you had any ideas on how to become better, or some little things I could add to make my story better. Like little changes or actions.

I'm also making some over stories, Both Male OC. For Teen Wolf and Mulan, I have no idea if I'll post them at all but yeah! If you want to see anything in thsi story, you can DM me or comment it here!

Have a great day/night/afternoon everyone!
