Bringing Everyone Together

To keep up:
Honestly, I dont know how to answer that, I shrug "I will be. Though I hope my baby is okay.."

Welcome to a new chapter everyone! I hope you enjoy! Also, thank you so much for 1.12k reads! I was counting down when I would get 1k and I no joke jumped up and down. Thank you for the votes and comments! Please keep them up, they both help me so much with writing.


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Jake Sully's POV)

Norm, Grace and I are in a locked up in one of the bases prison things. Honestly, Its boring as hell, but I can't stop thinking of Y/N and if he's okay. I feel so bad for the Na'vi, they just lost their home. The only place they knew or at least thought they would be safe. All three of us sit in silence. My back to the door, Norm and Grace both sitting on the benches on the wall.

I hear a door open, then I hear Turdy, "What's going on, brother? Long time no see." All three of us look toward the door. The security guard just says hey back, Turdy continues, "Personally, I don't feel these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak." She's up to something, I know it. Hopefully it's a good thing that gets us out of here, I dont want to be here any longer. 

The guard replies, "They get steak? That's bullshit, let me see that." he opens a tiny door on the cart, Turdy walking around the cart pulling out her gun. She chuckles and holds the gun up to the guard's head. The guard freezes. "You know what that is, down." she says while pushing the gun harder against the guard's head. He does so, "Trudy!" Norm exclaims while all three of us turn/walk to the glass door.  Though, the guard didn't get down all the way, so she pushed him down more and hit him on the head to knock him out.

She puts her gun back in its holder, calling for Max. Max comes over and unlocks the door for us. 

We're all now running down a hallway to the helicopters, Trudy has her gun out... again... ready to shots if she needs to. "Trudy, fire up the ship! Go" I say and tilt my head at Norm to get in front of me. Trudy has him a gun and continue running. Norm and Trudy are way ahead of us, so she can start her baby, I have my gun just in case I need to shot. 

Max, Grace and I make it to the door for the outside, I stop Max, "Max, stay here. I need someone on the inside I can trust." he nods at me, "Okay. Go." Trudy gets the helicopter running, Norm helps me onto the copter. Then, someone starts shooting the helicopter. Grace picks up my wheelchair and lifts it into the Helicopter. Trudy starts lifting the helicopter and Norm helps her to get onto it. We're still taking fire. We take off and the Colenl stops shooting at us.

Norm and I start whooping in excitement. "Everyone alright back there?" Trudy asks, I say "Yeah baby!" but then I look over to Grace. My eyes widen and I go over to her. Norm goes quiet, Grace lifts her hand off her side blood on her hand. She got shot nooonon. "This is ruin my whole day." Norm gets up and walks over to us, "Grace is hit!" Trudy immediately replies, "What?" I tell Norm to get the trauma kit, he does so, "Okay Grace, I need you to keep the pressure on the wound okay?" Trudy calls telling Norm where to look for the trauma kit, I pay no mind and just talk to Grace "Hang on, Grace. I just need you to hang on." She shakes her head, "Doesn't matter, it's fine." She groans, obviously its not fine!

We make it to the lab, Grace, Norm and I go into the lab, Norm getting into his Avatar. Trudy stays in the cockpit of the Helicopter. Norm puts a series of lines from the Helicopter and lab, "You're good to go." I say to Norm from inside the lab, looking out the window. Norm then yells to Trudy, "Take it up!" she says somethings, I kinda miss them. But it doesnt take long until the lab starts lifting off the ground. Norm tells Trudy that shes clear, and I say to her "Keep going north, get us deep inside the mountains." Trudy understands and then I turn around back to Grace, who is on a Avatar pod with 2 pillows and a Blanket. A single light above her, "Norm you good up there?" I ask as I go to the trauma kit and grab something to help Grace, "Yep! All good up here." 

Trudy cuts in, "Well, at least they won't be able to track us up here. Not this far into the vortex." 

(Imma skip until things get good, because I dont want this to be to boring!)

The people say that Ewya provides, with no home, no hope. They only had one place to go. The tree of souls. We land somewhere close to the tree of souls. We set up my pod, "Okay, so whats the plan here?" Norm asks, "There is no plan." he looks at me in disbelief, "Tsu'tey is Olo'eytkan now. He's not gonna let you near that place." I put my legs onto the pod, "I gotta try." Then I lay down and shut the pod, going into my Avatar.

I wake up in my Avatar again, all I see are ashes. I get up, and wake to a cliff to overlook the once beautiful hometree. My Ikran screeches and lands next to me, "There's something we do and youre not gonna like it." I get on and fly up. I find a Toruk, they are the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. My Ikran seems to be worried so I put my hand on his neck, "Easy boy." But however, since this dude never gets attacked, he has no reason to look up. I have my Ikran dive down to the Toruk and I jump onto it.

(Y/N's POV)

Everyone is sat around the soul tree, singing. It's peaceful right now, and I like it. I'm holding on to Neytiri and My mothers' hands. Both of them confirmed that my baby was okay, which Im happy about. Neytiri also says that the branch that starched the left side of my body will in fact leave a scar, but at least I'll look badass.

Suddenly, there's a giant shadow overhead, and I open my eyes. Everyone stops singing to look up and see what it is. Once we see what it is, people start yelling in panic and alarm Neytiri screams and She and my mother push me back, protecting me. I look up and see a Toruk, I panick and put a hand on my stomach.

The winged creature lands on a huge rock, people running away and screaming. It roars and someone hopes off of it. Someone was able to tame a Toruk. "Toruk Macto?" I hear my mother whisper. From behind Neytiri I'm trying to get a good look on who it is on the Toruk. I push her out of my way and finally I'm able to see who it is, Jake. He gets down from the rock, and starts heading to the soul tree, Na'vi moving out of his way has he walks through. I start walking down as well. 

We met at one point. I stare at him for a second before running to hug him, he wasn't expecting it and he stumbles back. I mumble, "I see you." with my head buried in his chest. He wraps his arms around me, making me feel safe, and says "I see you." He puts his head on mine, and I can feel him smile. 

I pull away and he puts his hands on my neck, "I was afraid, Jake." I stare at him, "For my people." I pause, "But, Im not anymore." He seems to be taken aback, but smiles, and sighs. He lets go of me, beginning to speak to Tsu'Tey, "Tsu'Tey, tìrol of tsleng. Ohe tanhì before ngenga. Lonu to serve the eyaye people." (Translate: Tsu'Tey, son of Ateyo... I stand before you... ready to serve the Omaticaya people.) I then turn back to my mother, her holding out her hand for me to take. I take it and she pulls me back up the rock, hugging me from the side, Neytiri coming over and doing the same while we listen to Jake speak. "You are Olo'eykatan and you are a great warrior. I can't do this without you."  Tsu'tey seems to hesitate for a second, "Toruk Macto," he puts his hand on Jake's heart. "I will fly with you."

Jake smiles, but it quickly turns to serious, "My friend is dying." He then looks over to us, "Grace is dying." My mother lets go of me, I see that Neytiri is worried, which causes me to become worried. "I beg the help of Eywa." 

Next thing I know, the People are sitting down, hair attached to the roots of the tree, Jake carrying Graces human body, while Norm is carrying her avatar body. Im walking behind Jake and I her him say, "Look where we are Grace." soon after she replies, "I need to take some samples." I smile, leading Jake to where we have to put her. He sets her down gently The tree starting to go up her body in a beautiful teal color. I step back, next to Neytiri, I hold her hand and squeezes it, for comfort. Our mother begins to speak, "The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is into this body." referring to her Avatar body. Its silent for a second, "Is that possible?" Our mother looks up, "She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return." She pauses, "But Jakesully, she is very weak." I only begin to become more worried. Jake sits beside Grace, "Don't worry Grace, they're going to fix you up."

The Na'vi hold out their hands and start moving there upper bodies in a circle, At some point, Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I also got on the ground and do the same thing. My mother begins the process, "Hear us txum, All ikran." (Translate: Hear us please, All Mother.) Everyone then chants, "Eywa, help her" in Na'vi, "Take this tireaioang into ngenga. Ulte breath her back to us." (Translate: Take this spirit into you... and breath her back to us.) we chant the phrase again "Let her neu pizayu us as fko of the people." (Translate: Let her walk among us as one of the people.) We just repeat the phase everytime she pauses. 

More chanting happens, but then, Mother tells us to stop. Grace holds out her hand, "Jake." Jake runs over and holds it, "Grace." She stares at him, "I'm with her, Jake. She's real!" I pull my hair out and run to him, Neytiri doing the same thing. We look on at her, her eyes slowly closing. Her eyes close all the way, "Grace. Grace?" The glowing teal color on the tree starts fading away, I can feel tears in my eyes, it didn't work. "What's happening?! Did it work?!" My mother tries to see if she can feel anything from the avatar, when she can't she says to Jake, "Her wounds were too great. It was not enough time. She is with Ewya now." A tear falls, and I look down at Graces body. I take off her mask and hold her cheek with my hand, 'Im so sorry, Grace.' I think to myself.

Jake looks down, sad. The stands back up again. He takes my hand and puts my up from the place I was sitting, then turns to Tsu'tey, "With your permission, I will speak now. You would honor me by translating." Tsu'tey looks at him, then bows his head in agreement. Still holding my hand, Jake walks to the edge of the rock, Tsu'tey moving to my left. Jake lets go of my hand before speaking.

"The sky people have sent a message" It seems that everytime Jake stops, Tsu'tey will translate, "That they could take whatever they want..." pause, "And that no one can stop them..." pause "Well, we will send THEM a message." pause, "You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you." pause again, but then Na'vi start standing up, "You tell the other clans to come." Tsu'tey looks at Jake and smiles while translating, I also smile at him, the people start making noises of excitement, "You tell them Toruk Macto calls to them." more noises of excitement, "And you fly now with me! My brothers, my sisters!" Now the noises have turned to hooting, "And we will show the Sky People. That they can not take what they want." I also start hooting now, "And that is, this is our land." Tsu'tey translates, then I repeat it while putting my arms up. Everyone starts putting their arms up and cheering. Jake looks back at me and takes my hand.

He pulls me to the Toruk, he hopes on, and helps me up onto it. I hold onto him while he takes off. Everyone starts getting on their Ikrans and flying with us. Im so fucking excited.

Honestly, I dont know when or how I will tell Jake about the baby. But it sure as hell wont be now. I need to fight, pregnant or not. Show the sky people that we will not stand for this. I will stand with my people and fight! No matter what happens, as long as ma Jake and my people make it out, everything will be okay.  


Words: 2323

There it is guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Honestly, these Na'vi translators I find or a hit or miss sometimes. 

Anygays, I really do hope you liked it. I might be doing a chapter on both Saturday and Sunday. But Saturday for sure! 

I love you guys so much! Keep the comments and Votes coming!!

have a great morning/night/afternoon y'all!
