Becoming A Hunter

To keep up:
After we get settled in the station I roll over to my link and get into it. Ready for the next training section with Y/N...

More training this chapter! Please enjoy.


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Jake Sully's POV)

I awake back in my Avatar body, I know today Y/N is going to show me a new animal and help me with more training. I get out of my hammock and walk to the middle of the hometree waiting for Y/N to get me. Not long after getting to the center, Y/N comes walking down smiling at me. "You ready for learning?" I nod and we start climbing the tree.

We make it about 80 meters off the jungle floor, and we are jumping from branch to branch. Y/N then jumps to a bigger branch and I follow suit. Holy- there're so many trees, honestly should have expected it. It's a jungle after all but it's so amazing and different than Earth..

Y/N stops in front of me for a second before moving forward making a series of trills and clicks, calling for something. Then, some of the leaves above us start moving and a big winged creature flies down onto the branch and rawrs. This thing is fucking huge! It's about 10 feet tall and has a 10 meter wingspan. I look up at it and look into it's eyes, Y/N starts walking toward the creature, "Holy shit.." I say and Y/N replies "Do not look into her eye." While giving the winged animal some meat for a treat, whispering some Na'vi to it. I look down to make sure I don't look into the eyes of the animal, Y/N proceeds to explain, "Ikran is not horse," he connects his hair to the Ikrans antenna and the creatures eyes widen and it outstretches its wings, "once shahaylu is made, Ikran will fly with only one hunter.. in the whole life." So in other words, Direhorses are whores while Ikrans are a one man show.

Y/N jumps onto the back of the Ikran smoothly, "To become taronyu, you must choose your own Ikran, but, it must also choose you." I look at him curious and ask "When?" He looks back down at me and replies "When you are ready." Y/N pulls down his headband and yells "Heeyaaahh!" And the Ikran outstretches her wings and they jump off the branch, I have to step back a little to not get hit. I watch Y/N perfectly ride the winged creature, out of no where though, him and his Ikran come and ride towards me to the point where I need to duck to get out of the way. I smile as they go by and Y/N laughs.

~INT Shack~

I turn on the camera, Grace in the background viewing some kind of simple she got from the jungle. "Okay. This is video log 12." I pause and look down at my watch, "Times 21:32," I pause again then I sigh and turn around to Grace "Do I have to do this now? I really need to get some rack." Grace looks up from her microscope and glares at me, "Yes now. It's fresh in your mind, it will be better to get it over with it now so you don't forget anything." I continue on with my recording "Fuck fine. Location, shack. The days are starting to blur together"

Next thing I know is I'm sitting on a branch with Y/N while he tries to teach me some Na'vi, first we're doing some face features. Y/N points at his lips, "Seyri." Then his nose, "Ontu." Ears, "Mikyun." And then his eyes "Navi." He stares at me then corrects "Nari" I try to say it again but I just can't get the r sound right "Nari?" I can tell he's getting annoyed now and his ears go back a little bit and he leans forward "Narrri!" I still end up saying it wrong and he slaps me on the head gently.

We move on to bows, I pull back on the bow and he says "Txur Ni'ul. Stronger" while he moves his hands by his stomach and chest, inhaling. I inhale as well and draw back the bow again, Y/N then pushes on my stomach, hits my arm and moves it a little, doing the same to my elbow. Also, he calls me skxawng, you know what that means? Moron. Norm also thinks I'm a skxawng to, but Im happy he's starting to warm up to me a little more. He's also teaching me some Na'vi, he's definitely a lot less aggressive of a teacher, but still strict. "Thank you?" Norm looks at me, I think for a second "Ireiyo." Norm tries to correct my pronunciation "Irrrreiyo, Irrrreiyo. You've gotta roll that R, r-r-r-oll it." Just like Y/N after me messing up the wording a lot he gets annoyed, but we continue.

Y/N and I are now running on tree branches, he jumps and his arms swing on s smaller vine/branch and he lands perfectly on the other side, I do the same thing and we start running. I also started getting the hang of riding a direhorse, but Im still falling off, but Im staying on it longer now! Y/N always tells me about "The flow of energy, the spirits of animals" honestly I hope none of that is on the final test because I'll fail big time. Grace says that I need to listen to what Y/N says to me, to see the forest through his eyes. I have no idea how I will be able to do that but oh well, I'll figure it out sometime.

We're running on branches again, suddenly, Y/N jumps of the branch and starts falling. I run to the edge and see that the leaves below have helped him fall down slower, him landing gracefully. What I've learned in my time with him, it's learn fast or die, which is understandable, lots of things in this jungle could fucking gobble anyone up and you need to defend yourself if that ever comes. Anyway, I follow what Y/N did before, it was more or less the same. I don't really want to talk about it, all I can say, I made it.

I talked Mo'at into letting Grace back into the village. Ever since her school closed down she hasn't been to the tree because she knew she wouldn't be welcomed, now that she is though, she's happy. Also, I haven't been eating like I should, but Grace makes sure I eat better. I tried wheeling away from my food once but she grabbed hold of the handles on my wheel chair and dragged me back "No you don't. Come back here. Eat."

At night, Y/N and I went exploring. I found this weird cricket thing, once I touched it, it turned into a makeshift helicopter and glowed. Y/N has also taught me, or more like is teaching me, how to read trails, tracks, even point out the tiniest scents and sounds in the forest. "When you hear nothing, you hear everything. When you see nothing, you see everything." Sometimes I don't know what in the living fuck he is saying but I go with it. We go back to practicing my bow technique, I draw my bow and Y/N walks closer and gets really close to my face, pushing up against me. I look over at him and he looks at me, confused at first. Then he steps back, looking me up and down and tells me to fire. He takes me to some plants filled with water, he walks up to one and starts drinking from it. I'm really trying to understand the deep connection the Na'vi have to the forest, sometimes he tells me about a network of energy, that goes through all living things. He says that all energy is borrowed and one day.. you'll have to give it back.

Even after a month of training, I still can't make a kill, Y/N says it's because the forest hasn't given permission. But after a little more training he said that the forest has finally given the permission for me to do so.

Y/N takes me deep inside the forest, we crawl up a little hill. Then we see a 6 legged deer like creature, pretty sure it's called a Hexapede, but who knows. I draw my bow and aim, and I shoot. It hits it right in the shoulder and it falls down, Y/N smiles and we run to the creature I say "Ohe see ngenga nekx, ulte tsni. Your tireaioang goes with tsleng, your tshaylu stays behind to teylu Pam of the people." (Translate: I see you brother, and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the people) Y/N smiles at both me and my kill "A clean kill, you are ready." I smile.

Grace is still talking about me losing weight, Norm and Grace help me onto my Wheelchair "You're still losing weight, here eat this" she then gives me a microwaved burrito, at this point this shit is just alien food to me. I bite into it anyway, feeling no enthusiasm. "I made a kill today. We ate it. At least I knew where that came from." Grace raises her eyebrow at me "In the other body. But you still need to take care of this one mister." She tries to tell me to make care of my body, so you know what I do? Take out her cigarette and I put it out, "If you quit this shit, then you can tell me how to take care of my body." She lectures me a little more, honestly boring.

Grace then starts talking about a certain Na'vi family, "Neytiri and Y/N's sister, Sylwanin, stopped coming to school. She was angry about the clear-cutting," she sips some of her coffee while I listen to her continue, "One day, she and a couple of other young hunters came running in, all painted up, because they set a bulldozer on fire, I guess they though I could protect them." Her voice calm, getting into the fridge to get milk. "The people on the bulldozer followed them to the school. They killed Sylwanin right in the doorway, in front of both Neytiri and Y/N, they also killed the others. I got most of the kids out before they could shot me.."

Oh my fucking god- "My god.." I look down, "Yeah."

Back to the native mountains of Pandora, Tsu'Tey leading us on direhorses up to the part where we need to get off them to climb up. Everyone gets off there horses and we start climbing vines up higher off the ground. He higher we get the prettier it gets.

We get to the platform and we hear shrieks and wings flapping, Y/N and Neytiri come in on there Ikran. They both dismount and they cover the creatures eyes and they join the party. We then walk through a cave and we get to the other side, seeing more Ikran, holy shit that's a lot..

There's a pause, the first one to speak is Tsu'tey "JakeSully will go first." He then smirks at me, honestly, I'm scared but I try not to show it. I smirk back, he stops smirking when Y/N takes my arm and leads me to the edge of the cliff. He then whispers to me "Now you choose Ikran. This you must feel," he puts his hand on his heart/chest "inside. If he also chooses you, move quick, like I showed. You have one chance." I look over at him, "How will I know if he chooses me?" There's a pause and he replies "He'll try and kill you." I laugh nervously, "Greaaat"

He takes my hand and squeezes it for comfort,I blush for a second. Y/N backs away and now I'm alone. I look around, also walking, every one of the Banshees look at me while I look around, some growl at me and fly off. Some flap their wings and yawn, showing their teeth in a warning manner. One certain one though, spreads is large wings and glares at me. I unroll a weighted leather strap, like a one sided bolo, and stare into its eyes, walking towards it. "Let's dance."

The creature hisses at me and jumps to attack, jaws wide open. I lunge and snap my Bolo then slip aside right as the animals jaws snap shut. I then snap the bolo around it's snot, the creature makes a series of muffled screams and it slashes its claws at my stomach. I jumped onto the back of the winged creature .. or more like it'd neck and take its antenna and try to attach my hair to it, but at the last second it slams sideways and it hits me hard in the face, then slams me on the ground, I slide and almost fall off the edge. I hear Y/N gasp, while everyone else laughs. The bolo is coming loose as it shakes its head. It's pissed off big time now.

I get back up and jump on its neck again, I hit it multiple times and slams it head on the ground, and take the antenna and attach my hair, making the shahaylu. It stops struggling, and it lies on the ground panting. I look at it, eye to eye and I say "That's right. You're mine now."


Words: 2319

A longer chapter! Hope you enjoyed it.

Also, thank you all for all the reads and voted! It motivates me to write more! I'm surprised on how good this story is doin.

I'll see you guess next chapter!

Have a good night/afternoon/morning!
